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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 256

256. It was said above, that by the seven churches here written to, are not meant seven churches, but all those who belong to the church, and, in the abstract, all things of the church; that this is the case is evident from the consideration, that by seven are signified all, and all things, and that by the names are signified things. That all who belong to the church, or all things of the church, are meant by what is written to those seven churches is also evident from the explanation of those things. For all things of the church have reference to the following four general principles, doctrine, life according to it, faith according to life. These are treated of in what is written to six of the churches - doctrine, to the churches in Ephesus and Smyrna; life according to doctrine, to the churches in Thyatira and Sardis; and faith according to life, to the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea. And because doctrine cannot be implanted in man's life and become a matter of faith unless he fights against the evils and falsities which he possesses from heredity, therefore that combat is also treated of in what is written to the church in Pergamos; for the subject there treated of is temptations; and temptations are combats against evils and falsities.

(That temptations are treated of in what is written to the church in Pergamos may be seen above, n. 130; that doctrine is the subject treated of in what is written to the churches in Ephesus and Smyrna may be seen above also, n. 93, 95, 112; that a life according to doctrine is treated of in what is written to the churches in Thyatira and Sardis, (n. 150, 182, and that faith according to life is treated of in what is written to the churches of Philadelphia and Laodicea, n. 203 and 227.) Because in what is written to this last church, namely, that in Laodicea, those who are in the doctrine of faith alone are treated of, and also, at the end, the nature of faith originating in charity, to what has already been said, it is here to be added, that love constitutes heaven; and because it does so, it also forms the church. For all the societies of heaven, which are innumerable, are arranged according to the affections of love, and also all within each society; so that it is affection, or love, according to which all things are arranged in the heavens, and not in any case faith alone. Spiritual affection, or love, is charity. It is therefore clear that no one can ever enter heaven unless he is in charity.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 256

256. It has been said above, that "the seven churches," which are here written to, mean not seven churches, but all who are of the church, and in an abstract sense all things of the church. That this is so can be seen from this, that "seven" signifies all persons and all things, and that by names things are meant. That the things written to these seven churches mean all who are of the church, or all things of the church, can be seen also from the explanation of all the things written to them. For all things of the church have reference to these four 1generals, namely, Doctrine: A life according to doctrine: Faith according to life: these three are treated of in what is written to six of the churches; Doctrine, in what is written to the churches in Ephesus and Smyrna; a life according to doctrine, in what is written to the churches in Thyatira and Sardis; and Faith according to life, in what is written to the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea; and since doctrine cannot be implanted in the life and come to be of faith unless man combats against the evils and falsities, which he has by heredity, that combat also is treated of in what is written to the church in Pergamos; for there Temptations are treated of, and temptations are combats against evils and falsities. (That temptations are there treated of, see above, n. 130; that doctrine is treated of in what is written to the churches in Ephesus and Smyrna, see above, n. 93, 95, 112; that a life according to doctrine is treated of in what is written to the churches in Thyatira and Sardis, n. 150, 182; and that faith according to life is treated of in what is written to the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea, n. 203 and 227.) Since what is written to this last church, that in Laodicea, treats of those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and near the end treats also of the faith of charity, it should be added to what has been said, that love makes heaven, and because it makes heaven it also makes the church; for all the societies of heaven, and they are innumerable, as well as all within each society, are arranged according to the affections of love; so that it is affection or love according to which all things are arranged in the heavens, and not one person has his place according to faith. Spiritual affection or love is charity; it is evident, therefore, that no one can ever enter heaven if he is not in charity.


1. The Latin has "four" for "three."

Apocalypsis Explicata 256 (original Latin 1759)

256. Dictum supra est quod per "septem Ecclesias", ad quas scriptum est, non intelligantur septem ecclesiae, sed omnes qui ab ecclesia, et in sensu abstracto omnia ecclesiae. Quod ita sit, constare potest ex eo, quod per "septem" significentur omnes et omnia, et quod per nomina intelligantur res. Quod omnes qui ab ecclesia seu omnia ecclesiae, per illa quae scripta sunt ad septem illas, intelligantur, constare etiam potest ab explicatione omnium quae scripta sunt ad illas. Omnia enim quae ecclesiae sunt, se referunt ad haec 1

quatuor communia, nempe ad Doctrinam, ad Vitam secundum illam, et ad Fidem secundum vitam: de his actum est in scriptis ad sex Ecclesias; de Doctrina, ad Ecclesias in Epheso et Smyrna, de Vita secundum doctrinam ad Ecclesias in 2

Thyatiris et Sardibus, et de Fide secundum vitam ad Ecclesias in Philadelphia et Laodicea. Et quia doctrina non potest implantari vitae et fieri fidei nisi homo pugnet contra mala et falsa, quae apud illum ex hereditario, ideo etiam de Pugna illa actum est in scripto ad Ecclesiam in Pergamo, ibi enim agitur de tentationibus, et tentationes sunt pugnae contra mala et falsa. (Quod ibi de Tentationibus actum sit, videatur supra, n. 130; quod in scriptis ad Ecclesias in Epheso et Smyrna actum sit de Doctrina, videatur supra, n. 93, 95, 112; quod in scriptis ad Ecclesias in 3

Thyatiris et Sardibus sum sit de Vita secundum doctrinam, n. 150 et 182; et quod in scriptis ad Ecclesias in Philadelphia et Laodicea actum sit de Fide secundum vitam, n. 203 et 227.) Quoniam in scriptis ad hanc ultimam Ecclesiam, nempe Laodiceam, actum est de illis qui in Doctrina de Sola Fide sunt, et ibi ad finem quoque de Fide Charitatis, hic supradictis addendum est quod amor faciat caelum, et quia facit caelum etiam faciat ecclesiam: omnes enim societates caeli, quae innumerae sunt, ordinatae sunt secundum affectiones quae amoris, et omnes quoque intra unamquamvis societatem; sic ut sit affectio seu amor, secundum quem omnia ordinati sunt in caelis, et non ullus secundum fidem. Affectio seu amor spiritualis est charitas; inde patet quod nusquam aliquis intrare possit caelum si non in charitate sit.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.
3. The editors made a correction or note here.

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