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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 259

259. Verse 1. After these things I saw, and, behold, a door opened in heaven; and the first voice which I heard, as it were of a trumpet speaking with me, saying, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must come to pass hereafter.

"After these things I saw," signifies the understanding enlightened; "and, behold, a door opened in heaven," signifies the arcana of heaven revealed; "and the first voice which I heard" signifies revelation now of things to come; "as it were of a trumpet speaking with me," signifies what is clear and manifest; "saying, Come up hither," signifies elevation of mind, and attention: "and I will show thee things which must come to pass hereafter," signifies instruction concerning those things that will exist in the last time of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 259

259. Verse 1. After these things I saw, and behold a door opened in heaven; and the first voice that I heard, as of a trumpet speaking with me, said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things that must come to pass hereafter.

1. "After these things I saw," signifies the understanding illustrated n. 260; "and behold a door opened in heaven," signifies the arcana of heaven revealed n. 260; "and the first voice that I heard," signifies revelation now of things to come n. 261; "as of a trumpet speaking with me," signifies clear and manifest (n. 262); "said, Come up hither" signifies elevation of mind and attention (n. 263); "and I will show thee things that must come to pass hereafter," signifies instruction about the things that will occur in the last time of the church (n. 264).

Apocalypsis Explicata 259 (original Latin 1759)

259. VERSUS 1.

"Post haec vidi, et ecce ostium apertum in caelo; et vox prima quam audivi, tanquam tubae loquentis mecum, dicebat, Ascende huc, et ostendam tibi quae oportet fieri posthac."

1. "Post haec vidi", significat intellectum illustratum (n. 260); "et ecce ostium apertum in caelo", significat arcana caeli revelata (n. 260); "et vox prima quam audivi", significat revelationem nunc de futuris (n. 261) "tanquam tubae loquentis mecum", significat claram et manifestam (n. 262); "dicebat, Ascende huc", significat elevationem mentis et affectionem (n. 263); "et ostendam tibi quae oportet fieri posthac", significat instructionem de illis quae ultimo tempore ecclesiae existent (n. 264).

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