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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 264

264. And I will show thee things which must come to pass hereafter. That this signifies instruction concerning those things that will exist in the last time of the church is evident from the signification of showing, as denoting to instruct vividly, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of things which must come to pass hereafter, as being the things that are about to exist in the last time of the church. The reason why those things are signified is that, in what now follows, the subject treated of is the state of heaven and of the church just before the Last Judgment, and afterwards the Judgement itself; and, because this was to take place at the end of the church, therefore those things which exist in the last time of the church are hereby signified. (That the Last Judgment takes place at the end of the church, and that it has taken place, may be seen in the small work, The Last Judgment 33-39, and n. 45-52.) The reason why I will show thee, signifies instruction to the life concerning the above things is that all the things that were shown contain them; for they lie hid in the representatives described in the Apocalypse, but they appear before the angels and also before men who know the spiritual sense of the Word.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 264

264. And I will show thee things that must come to pass hereafter, signifies instruction about the things that will occur in the last time of the church. This is evident from the signification of "to show," as being to instruct vividly (of which presently); and from the signification of "things that must come to pass hereafter," as being things that are to take place in the last time of the church. This is the signification because in what now follows the state of heaven and the church just before the Last Judgment is treated of, and afterwards the judgment itself: and because the judgment was to take place at the end of the church, therefore these things signify what was to take place at the last time of the church. (That the Last Judgment takes place at the end of the church, and that it has taken place, see in The small work on The Last Judgment 33-39, 45-52.) "I will show thee" signifies vivid instruction about these things, because all the things shown contain these, for they lie hidden in the representatives described in Revelation; but they are manifest before the angels, and also before such men as know the spiritual sense of the Word.

Apocalypsis Explicata 264 (original Latin 1759)

264. "Et ostendam tibi quae oportet fieri posthac." - Quod significet instructionem de illis quae ultimo tempore ecclesiae existent, constat ex significatione "ostendere", quod sit instruere ad vivum (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "quae oportet fieri posthac", quod sit quae exstitura sunt ultimo tempore ecclesiae. Quod illa significentur, est quia in nunc sequentibus agitur de statu caeli et ecclesiae mox ante ultimum judicium, et postea de ipso judicio; et quia hoc exstiturum erat quando finis ecclesiae est, ideo per illa significantur quae exstitura ultimo tempore ecclesiae. (Quod ultimum judicium existat quando finis ecclesiae est, et quod exstiterit, videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 33-39, et 45-52.) Quod "ostendam tibi" significet instructionem ad vivum de illis, est quia omnia quae ostensa sunt continent illa; latent enim recondita in repraesentativis in Apocalypsi descriptis, at patent coram; angelis, et quoque coram hominibus qui sciunt sensum spiritualem Verbi.

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