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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 265

265. Verses 2-5, and part of the 6th. And immediately I was in the spirit; and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and upon the throne one sitting. And he that sat was in aspect like a Jasper and a sardius, and there was a rainbow round about the throne in aspect like unto an emerald. And roundabout the throne were four-and-twenty thrones; and upon the thrones I saw four-and-twenty elders sitting clothed in white garments; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And before the throne there was a glassy sea like unto crystal.

"And immediately I was in the spirit," signifies it spiritual state, during which there is revelation. "And, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and upon the throne one sitting," signifies the Lord as to the Last Judgment.

"And he that sat was in aspect like to a jasper and sardius," signifies the appearance of the Lord as to Divine truth translucent from the Divine good of the Divine love. "And there was a rainbow round about the throne, in aspect like unto an emerald," signifies the appearance of Divine truth in the heavens surrounding the Lord.

"And round about the throne were four-and-twenty thrones, and upon the thrones four-and-twenty elders," signifies all truths from good in the higher heavens arranged by the Lord before the Judgment: "clothed in white garments," signifies all truths from good in the lower heavens: "and they had on their heads crowns of gold," signifies all truths disposed in order from the Divine good, thus also all the former heavens.

"And out of the throne proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices," signifies enlightenment, understanding and perception of Divine truth in the heavens: "and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God," signifies the Divine truth itself united to the Divine good, proceeding from the Divine love of the Lord.

"And before the throne there was a glassy sea like unto crystal," signifies the appearance of Divine truth in ultimates, in which are the general things thereof, translucent from the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in primaries.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 265

265. Verses 266); "and behold, a throne was set in heaven," and upon the throne One sitting," signifies the Lord in respect to the Last Judgment (n. 267).

3. "And He that sat was in aspect like to a jasper stone and a sardius" signifies the Lord's appearance in respect to Divine truth pellucid by virtue of the Divine good of the Divine love n. 268; "and a rainbow was round about the throne in aspect like an emerald," signifies the appearance of Divine truth in the heavens about the Lord. n. 269).

4. "And around the throne were four and twenty thrones, and upon the thrones four and twenty elders sitting," signifies all truths from good in the higher heavens, arranged by the Lord before judgment n. 270; "arrayed in white garments," signifies all truths from good in the lower heavens (n. 271); "and they had on their heads golden crowns," signifies all truths arranged into order by Divine good, thus also all the former heavens n. 272.

5. "And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunders and voices," signifies illustration, understanding, and perception of Divine truth in the heavens n. 273; "and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God," signifies Divine truth itself united to Divine good, proceeding from the Lord's Divine love n. 274.

6. "And in sight of the throne a glassy sea like crystal," signifies the appearance of Divine truth in ultimates where its generals are, pellucid by virtue of the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in firsts n. 275.

Apocalypsis Explicata 265 (original Latin 1759)

265. VERSUS 2-6 (med.).

"Et statim factus sum in spiritu; et ecce thronus positus in caelo et super throno Sedens. Et Sedens erat similis aspectu lapidi jaspidi et sardio, et iris circuitus throni similis aspectu smaragdo. Et circum thronum throni viginti et quatuor; et super thronis vidi viginti et quatuor seniores sedentes, circumamictos vestibus albis, et habebant super capitibus suis coronas aureas. Et e throno prodibant fulgura et tonitrua et voces; et septem lampades ignis ardentes coram throno, quae sunt septem spiritus De. Et in conspectu throni mare vitreum simile crystallo."

2. "Et statim factus sum in spiritu", significat statum spiritualem cum revelatio (n. 266); "et ecce thronus positus in caelo, et super throno Sedens", significat Dominum quoad ultimum judicium (n. 267).

3. "Et Sedens erat similis aspectu lapidi jaspidi et sardio", significat apparentiam Domini quoad Divinum Verum pellucens ex Divino Bono Divini Amoris (n. 268); "et iris circuitus throni similis aspectu smaragdo", significat apparentiam Divini Veri in caelis circum Dominum (n. 269).

4. "Et circum thronum throni viginti et quatuor, et super thronis viginti et quatuor seniores", significat omnia vera ex bono in caelis superioribus a Domino ordinata ante judicium (n. 270); "circum amictos vestibus albis", significat omnia vera ex bono in caelis inferioribus (n. 271); "et habebant super capitibus suis coronas aureas", significat omnia vera in ordinem disposita ex Divino Bono, ita quoque omnes caelos priores (n. 272).

5. "Et e throno prodibant fulgura, tonitrua et voces", significat illustrationem, intellectum et perceptionem Divini Veri in caelis (n. 273); "et septem lampades ignis ardentes coram throno, quae sunt septem spiritus De", significat Ipsum Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono procedens ex Divino Amore Domini (n. 274).

6. "Et in conspectu throni mare vitreum simile crystallo", significat apparentiam Divini Veri in ultimis, ubi communia ejus, pellucentis ab influxu Divini Veri uniti Divino Bono in primis (n. 275).

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