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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 271

271. Clothed in white garments. That this signifies all truths from good in the lower heavens, is evident from the signification of white garments as being truths clothing, which specifically are scientific truths (vera scientifica) and knowledges (cognitiones) (concerning which see above, n. 195, 196, 198); and because the lower heavens are in these truths, therefore they are signified. That white garments signify the lower heavens may appear strange to those who know nothing concerning appearances and representatives in heaven; yet all in the heavens are clothed according to their truths, and lower truths correspond to garments, and because the lower heavens are in these truths, therefore also the garments of the angels in the higher heavens correspond to these. (This arcanum may be more clearly comprehended from what is said and shown concerning the garments in which the angels are clothed, in the work, Heaven and Hell 177-182; as also from what was represented and signified by the garments of Aaron and his sons, explained in Arcana Coelestia 9814, 10068, and by the garments of the Lord when He was transfigured, as explained, n. 9212, 9216.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 271

271. Arrayed in white garments, signifies all truths from good in the lower heavens. This is evident from the signification of "white garments," as being truths that invest, which specifically are true knowledges [scientifica] and cognitions (See above, n. 195, 196, 198); and because the lower heavens are in these truths, they are meant.

That "white garments" signify the lower heavens may seem strange to those who know nothing about appearances and representatives in heaven. All in the heavens are clothed according to truths, and lower truths correspond to garments, and because the lower heavens are in these truths, therefore the garments of the angels in the higher heavens also correspond to these. (But this arcanum may be more clearly understood from what is said and shown respecting the Garments in which the Angels are Clothed, in the work on Heaven and Hell 177-182; likewise from what was represented and signified by the garments of Aaron and his sons, explained in Arcana Coelestia 9814, 10068; as also by the garments of the Lord when He was transfigured, n. 9212, 9216)

Apocalypsis Explicata 271 (original Latin 1759)

271. "Circumamictos vestibus albis." - Quod significet omnia vera ex bono in caelis inferioribus, constat ex significatione "vestium albarum", quod sint vera induentia, quae in specie sunt vera scientifica et cognitiones (de qua supra, n. 195 (a, b), 196, 198); et quia in his veris sunt caeli inferiores, ideo illi significantur.

Quod "vestes albae" significent caelos inferiores, apparere potest sicut alienum illis qui non sciunt aliquid de apparentiis et repraesentativis in caelo. Omnes in caelis vestiuntur secundum vera, ac vera inferiora correspondent vestibus, et quia caeli inferiores in his veris sunt, ideo quoque vestes angelorum in superioribus caelis correspondent illis. (Sed hoc arcanum clarius comprehendi potest ex illis quae De Vestibus quibus induti sunt Angeli, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 177-182, dicta et ostensa sunt; tum ex illis quae repraesentata et significata sunt per vestes Aharonis et filiorum ejus, de quibus in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 9814, 10068; ut et quid per vestes Domini cum transformatus, n. 9212, 9216.)

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