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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 198

198. Shall be clothed in white garments. That this signifies intelligence and wisdom according to truths and their reception is evident from what was said above (n. 195, 196), where it was shown that white garments are Divine truths. The reason why to be clothed with them signifies intelligence and wisdom according to truths and their reception is, that all intelligence and wisdom are from Divine truths according to their perception and their reception in life. To see truths and distinguish their quality is from perception, and to live according to them is from reception; and according to such perception and reception man has intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence and wisdom that are not derived from Divine truths, but from worldly things alone, are not intelligence and wisdom, but merely knowledge (scientia), and thence a faculty of reason. For intelligence is to perceive inwardly in one's mind whether a thing is true or not; but those who are wise from worldly things alone do not perceive truths inwardly in themselves, but from others, and to perceive from others is merely to know; nor do truths in this case enter into the mind's intuition deeper than is necessary for confirmation. In this state are the majority of people at this day within the church, who make faith alone saving apart from life; this is why truths do not enter into their spirit, but merely into the memory of the natural man; and yet the light of heaven, which is Divine truth, can enter by no other way into man than by the way of his spirit, which is also the way of his soul. Man's spirit is exactly according to the quality of his life, but not according to that of his memory apart from life; and the light of heaven enters into man's spirit when he is in the good of love and charity from the Lord, and when in that good he is then also in faith. (That man has no faith where there is no love or charity, may be seen in the little work, The Last Judgement, n. 33-40. Moreover, what true intelligence is, and what spurious and what false intelligence are, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 346-356.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 198

198. Shall be clothed in white garments, signifies intelligence and wisdom according to truths and their reception. This is evident from what was said above (n. 195-196), where it was shown that "white garments" are Divine truths. "To be clothed with them" signifies intelligence and wisdom according to truths and their reception, because all intelligence and wisdom are from Divine truths according to the perception of them and their reception in the life. To see truths, and to see what they are, is of perception; and to live according to them is of reception; and according to perception and reception there is intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence and wisdom which are not from Divine truths, but from worldly things only, are not intelligence and wisdom but merely knowledge [scientia] and thence a faculty to reason; for intelligence is seeing inwardly in oneself whether a thing be true or not; but they who are wise from worldly things only do not see truths inwardly in themselves, but from others; and to see from others is merely to know [scire]; and such things come no farther under the mind's vision than that they may be confirmed. In such a state are most persons at this day within the church who make faith alone, separate from life, to be saving; consequently truths do not enter into their spirit, but merely into the memory of the natural man; and yet the light of heaven, which is Divine truth, can enter by no other way with man than by the way of his spirit which is also the way of his soul; and man's spirit is such as his life is, but not such as his memory apart from his life is; and the light of heaven enters into man's spirit when he is in the good of love and of charity from the Lord, and when he is in that good he is also in faith. (That man has no faith where there is no love or charity, see in the small work on The Last Judgment 33-40. Moreover, what true intelligence is, what spurious, and what false, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 346-356.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 198 (original Latin 1759)

198. "Is vestietur in vestimentis albis." - Quod significet intelligentiam et sapientiam secundum vera et eorum receptionem, constat ex illis quae nunc supra (n. 195 et 196) dicta sunt, ubi ostensum est quod "vestimenta alba" sint vera Divina: quod "vestiri illis" significet intelligentiam et sapientiam secundum vera et eorum receptionem, est quia omnis intelligentia et sapientia est ex Divinis veris, secundum perceptionem eorum et receptionem in vita; videre vera et qualia sunt est perceptionis, et vivere secundum illa est receptionis; secundum illam et hanc est intelligentia et sapientia. Intelligentia et sapientia quae non est ex Divinis veris, sed solum ex mundanis, non est intelligentia et sapientia, sed est modo scientia et inde facultas ratiocinandi; nam intelligentia est videre intus in se num verum sit vel non verum: at qui solum ex mundanis sapiunt, illi non intus in se vident vera, sed ex aliis, et videre ex aliis est modo scire, nec intrant in mentis intuitionem altius quam ut confirmentur. In tali statu sunt plerique hodie intra ecclesiam, qui solam fidem separatam a vita salvificam faciunt; inde est quod non vera intrent in spiritum eorum, sed modo in memoriam naturalis hominis; et tamen lux caeli, quae est Divinum Verum, non per aliam viam intrat apud hominem quam per viam spiritus ejus quae etiam est via animae ejus; et spiritus hominis talis est qualis ejus vita, non autem qualis ejus memoria absque vita; et tunc lux caeli intrat in spiritum hominis, quando homo est in bono amoris et charitatis a Domino, et quando in illo bono est tunc etiam in fide est. (Quod nulla fides homini sit ubi non amor aut charitas, videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 33-40. Praeterea, quid Intelligentia vera, quid spuria, et quid falsa, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 346-356.)

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