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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 290

290. (Verse 10) The four-and-twenty elders fell down before him who sitteth upon the throne. That this signifies humiliation, and acknowledgment at the time, by those who are in truth from good, that all things of heaven and of the church are from the Lord is evident from the signification of falling down, as being humiliation, and acknowledgment in heart at the time, and from the signification of four-and-twenty elders, as being those who are in truths from good (concerning which see above, n. 270); and from the signification of him that sitteth on the throne, as being the Lord, from whom are all things of heaven and of the church (concerning which see just above, n. 289). In this verse and in the following verses of this chapter, the subject treated of is the reception of Divine truth and Divine good by the angels of heaven and by the members of the church; whereas, in the verse immediately preceding, the subject treated of is, that from the Lord proceed Divine good and Divine truth; this is signified by the animals giving glory and honour and thanks to Him that sitteth on the throne, and that liveth unto the ages of the ages (as may be seen above, n. 288). And reception and acknowledgment are signified by the elders falling down before Him that sat on the throne, and worshipping Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages; for by falling down are signified humiliation, reception and acknowledgment, and by the four-and-twenty elders are signified all those who are in truth from good, both in the heavens and on earth.

[2] It is to be noted that the reception of Divine truth and Divine good, and acknowledgment in heart that all things of heaven and of the church, and also life eternal, are from the Lord, are only granted to those who are in truth from good; the reason of this is that they alone are in love and faith; and those who are in love and faith are conjoined as to soul and heart to the Lord. The Lord flows into the soul and heart, and not into those things that are only from the memory and thence from the speech. For the memory is only the entrance to the man, and as a court by which he is entered; it is as the ruminatory stomach of birds and beasts, to which also the memory of man corresponds. Those things alone are in man that are in his will and thence in his understanding, or, what is the same, which are in his love and thence in his faith. Whether it be said of man that he is in good and truth, or in love and faith, it amounts to the same, because all good relates to love and all truth to faith.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 290

290. Verse 10. The four and twenty elders fell down before Him that sitteth upon the throne, signifies humiliation, and then acknowledgment by those who are in truth from good, that all things of heaven and the church are from the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "falling down," as being humiliation, and then acknowledgment in heart; also from the signification of "four and twenty elders" as being those who are in truths from good (See above, n. 270); also from the signification of "He that sat upon the throne," as being the Lord from whom are all things of heaven and of the church (See just above, n. 289). This and the following verses of this chapter treat of the reception of Divine truth and Divine good by the angels of heaven, and by the men of the church; while the verse immediately preceding treats of the Lord, that from Him Divine good and Divine truth proceed; this is signified by "the animals gave glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him that sitteth upon the throne and liveth unto ages of ages" (See above, n. 288, 289); but "the elders fell down before Him that sitteth upon the throne, and worshiped Him that liveth unto ages of ages," signifies reception and acknowledgment; for "to fall down" signifies humiliation, reception, and acknowledgment, and "the four and twenty elders" signify all who are in truth from good, both in the heavens and on earth.

[2] It is to be known that the reception of Divine truth and Divine good, and the acknowledgment in heart that all things of heaven and the church and eternal life are from the Lord, are only with those who are in truth from good; and for the reason that such only are in love and faith; and it is those who are in love and faith that are conjoined to the Lord in soul and heart; into the soul and heart the Lord flows, and not into those things that are merely of the memory and of the speech therefrom; for the memory is merely the entrance to man, and like a court by which entrance is made; it is like the ruminating stomach with birds and beasts, and to that the memory with man also corresponds. Those things are in the man that are in his will and in his understanding therefrom, or what is the same, that are in his faith therefrom. Whether it is said that man is in good and truth: or that he is in love and faith, it is the same, since all good is of love, and all truth is of faith.

Apocalypsis Explicata 290 (original Latin 1759)

290. [Vers. 10.] "Procidebant viginti et quatuor seniores coram Sedente super throno." Quod significet humiliationem et tunc agnitionem ab illis qui in vero ex bono sunt, quod a Domino omnia caeli et ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "procidere", quod sit humiliatio et tunc agnitio corde; ex significatione "viginti et quatuor seniorum", quod sint qui in vero ex bono sunt (de qua supra, n. 270 1

); et ex significatione "Sedentis super throno", quod sit Dominus a quo omnia caeli et ecclesiae (de qua mox supra, n. 289). In hoc versu et in sequentibus hujus capitis agitur de receptione Divini Veri et Divini Boni ab angelis caeli et ab hominibus ecclesiae; in mox praecedente autem versu, agitur de Domino quod ab Ipso Divinum Verum et Divinum Bonum procedat; hoc significatur per quod "Animalia dederint gloriam et honorem et gratiarum actionem Sedenti super throno, et Viventi in saecula saeculorum" (videatur supra, n. 288 [, [289]); ac illud, nempe receptio et agnitio, significatur per quod "seniores prociderint coram Sedente super throno, et adoraverint Viventem in saecula saeculorum"; per "procidere" enim significatur humiliatio, receptio et agnitio, et per "viginti et quatuor seniores" significantur omnes qui in vero ex bono sunt tam in caelis quam in terris.

[2] Sciendum est quod receptio Divini Veri ac Divini Boni, et agnitio corde quod a Domino omnia caeli et ecclesiae sint ac vita aeterna, solum detur apud illos qui in vero ex bono sunt; causa est, quia illi soli in amore et fide sunt, et qui in his sunt illi conjuncti sunt Domino quoad animam et quoad cor: in haec influit Dominus, et non in illa quae modo sunt ex memoria et inde loquela; memoria enim est modo introitus ad hominem, et sicut atrium per quod intratur; est sicut ventriculus ruminatorius apud aves et bestias, cui etiam memoria apud hominem correspondet: in homine sunt quae in ejus voluntate et inde intellectu, seu quod idem, quod in ejus amore et inde fide. Sive dicatur de homine quod sit in bono et vero, sive in amore et fide, idem est; quoniam omne bonum est amoris, et omne verum est fidei.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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