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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 289

289. To him that sitteth on the throne, who liveth unto the ages of the ages. That this signifies from whom are all things of heaven and of the church, and life eternal, is evident from the signification of throne when said of the Lord, as being in general the whole heaven, specifically the spiritual heaven, and, in the abstract, proceeding Divine truth. And because it is by means of Divine truth that the heavens exist, therefore by the throne here mentioned are signified all things of heaven and of the church (concerning which signification see what has been said above, n. 253); that He who sat upon the throne is the Lord, may be seen also above (n. 267, 268). The same is also, evident from the signification of living unto the ages of the ages, as denoting that eternal life is from Him (concerning which see above, n. 84); for by Him who liveth is signified that He alone is life, and consequently that the all of life with angels and men is from Him; and unto the ages of the ages signifies what is eternal. The reason of this signification is that the ages of the ages in the world signify times as to all the duration thereof, but in heaven, where times are not such as in the world, they signify what is eternal. For the sense of the letter of the Word consists of such things as are in the world, whereas the spiritual sense consists of such things as are in heaven, and this because the Divine terminates in the natural things of the world as in its ultimates, and rests in them and subsists upon them; hence it is that it is said, unto the ages of the ages, and not to eternity.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 289

289. To Him that sitteth upon the throne, that liveth unto ages of ages, signifies from whom are all things of heaven and of the church and eternal life. This is evident from the signification of "throne," as being, in reference to the Lord, in general the whole heaven, in particular the spiritual heaven, and abstractly Divine truth proceeding; and as through this the heavens have existence, therefore "throne" here signifies all things of heaven and of the church (See above n. 253; that "He that sitteth upon the throne" is the Lord, see also above (n. 267, 268). This is also evident from the signification of "living unto ages of ages," as being that eternal life is from Him (See above, n. 84); for "He that liveth" signifies that He alone is life, and therefore that everything of life with angels and men is from Him; and "unto ages of ages" signifies eternity. "Unto ages of ages" signifies eternity because in the world it signifies time throughout its whole extent; but in heaven, where there is not time like that in the world, it signifies eternity; for the sense of the letter of the Word is made up of such things as are in the world, but its spiritual sense is made up of such things as are in heaven; and this in order that the Divine may close into the natural things of the world as into its ultimates, and may rest in them, and subsist upon them; therefore it is said, "ages of ages," and not eternity.

Apocalypsis Explicata 289 (original Latin 1759)

289. "Sedenti super throno, at Viventi in saecula saeculorum." Quod significet a quo omnia caeli et ecclesiae, et vita aeterna, constat ex significatione "throni", cum de Domino, quod in genere sit totum caelum, in specie caelum spirituale, et abstracte Divinum Verum procedens; et quia per hoc caeli existunt, ideo per "thronum" hic significantur omnia caeli et ecclesiae (de qua supra, n. 253 [a]); quod "Sedens super throno" sit Dominus, videatur etiam supra (n. 267, 268); et ex significatione "Viventis in saecula saeculorum", quod sit quod vita aeterna sit ab Ipso (de qua supra, n. 84); per "Viventem" enim significatur quod solus Vita, et inde quod omne vitae quod apud angelos et apud homines sit ab Ipso, et per "saecula saeculorum" significatur aeternum.

Quod "saecula saeculorum" significent aeternum, est quia illa in mundo significant tempora quoad omnem eorum durationem; in caelo autem, ubi tempora qualia in mundo non dantur, significant aeternum: sensus enim litterae Verbi est ex talibus quae in mundo sunt, sensus autem spiritualis ejus ex talibus quae in caelo sunt, et hoc ob causam ut Divinum desinat in naturalia quae mundi sunt ut in sua ultima, ac in illis quiescat et super illis subsistat: inde est quod "saecula saeculorum" dicantur, et non dicatur aeternum.

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