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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 302

302. (261, and in the Arcana Coelestia 3563, 6971, 8813, 9926; and that it signifies the interior affection of truth and good, and the thought thence, n. 10454. The reason why a strong, angel signifies heaven, is, because the whole angelic heaven before the Lord is as one man, or as one angel; in like manner each society of heaven; therefore by an angel in the Word is not meant an angel, but an entire angelic society, as by Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Here, therefore, by a strong angel proclaiming with a great voice, is signified the influx of the Lord into the whole heaven; that it is into the whole heaven, is also evident from what follows, for it is said, "And no one in heaven neither upon the earth, nor under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look thereon." (That by the angels in the Word are meant entire societies of heaven, and, in the highest sense, the Lord as to the proceeding Divine truth, may be seen above, n. 90, 130, 200; and that all heaven before the Lord is as one man, or as one angel, and also every society of heaven, in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 59-87.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 302

302. Verse 2. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a great voice, signifies exploration by the influx of the Lord into heaven. This is evident from the signification of a "strong angel," as being heaven (of which presently); also from the signification of "proclaiming with a great voice," as being exploration by the influx of the Lord, namely, exploration whether anyone is able to know the states of life of all in heaven and on the earth in general and in particular, for this is what is here treated of. This is signified by "proclaiming," and the influx of the Lord is signified by "a great voice;" for "voice," in reference to the Lord, signifies every truth of the Word, of doctrine, and of faith from Him; and in reference to heaven and the church, it signifies every thought and affection thence; and since everything true and good that angels in heaven and men in whom the church is, think and are affected by, is from the influx of the Lord, this is what is here signified by "a great voice." For it is well known, that no one from the love of good can be affected by good, and from the love of truth can think truth, of himself, but that this flows in from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord; and because this is so, "a great voice" signifies the influx of the Lord. (That "voice" in the Word signifies the truth of the Word, of doctrine, and of faith, also everything announced in the Word, see above, n. 261, and Arcana Coelestia 3563, 6971, 8813, 9926; and that it signifies the interior affection of truth and good, and thought therefrom, n. 10454) A "strong angel" signifies heaven because the whole angelic heaven before the Lord is as one man, or as one angel, likewise each society of heaven; therefore by "angel" in the Word an angel is not meant, but an entire angelic society, as by "Michael," "Gabriel," "Raphael." Here, therefore, "a strong angel proclaiming with a great voice" signifies the influx of the Lord into the whole heaven. That it is into the whole heaven is clear from what follows, for it is said, "And no one was able, in heaven nor upon the earth, neither under the earth, to open the book and to look thereon." (That "angels" in the Word mean entire societies of heaven, and in the highest sense the Lord in respect to Divine truth proceeding, see above, n. 90, 130, 200; and that The Whole Heaven before the Lord is as One Man, or as One Angel, and also every Society of Heaven, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 59-87.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 302 (original Latin 1759)

302. [Vers. 2.] "Et vidi angelum fortem praedicantem voce magna." - Quod significet explorationem ex influxu Domini in caelum, constat ex significatione "angeli fortis", quod sit caelum (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "praedicare voce magna", quod sit exploratio ex influxu Domini, -exploratio nempe num aliquis scire possit status vitae omnium in caelo et in terra in communi et in particulari, nam de ea re hic agitur: hoc significatur per "praedicare" ac influxus Domini per "vocem magnam"; per "vocem" enim, cum de Domino, significatur omne verum Verbi, doctrinae et fidei ab Ipso; et cum de caelo et ecclesia, omnis cogitatio et affectio inde; et quia omne quod angeli in caelo et homines in quibus est ecclesia, quod verum et bonum est, cogitant et quo afficiuntur, est ex influxu Domini, ideo is per "vocem magnam" hic significatur: notum enim est quod nemo possit ex amore boni affici bono et ex amore veri cogitare verum ex se, sed quod id influat e caelo, hoc est, per caelum a Domino; et quia ita est, per "vocem magnam" significatur influxus Domini.

(Quod "vox" in Verbo significet verum Verbi, doctrinae et fidei, tum omne annuntiatum ex Verbo, videatur supra, n. 261; et in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 3563, 697I, 8813, 9926; et quod significet affectionem veri et boni interiorem, et inde cogitationem, n. 10454.) Quod "angelus fortis" significet caelum, est quia universum caelum angelicum coram Domino est sicut unus homo aut sicut unus angelus; similiter unaquaevis societas caeli: quapropter per "angelum" in Verbo non intelligitur unus angelus, sed integra societas angelica; ut per "Michaelem", "Gabrielem", "Raphaelem." Hic itaque per "angelum fortem praedicantem voce magna" significatur influxus Domini in totum caelum: quod in totum caelum, etiam patet a sequentibus, nam dicitur, "Et nemo potuit in caelo, nec super terra, neque sub terra, aperire librum et inspicere eum." (Quod per "angelos" in Verbo intelligantur integrae societates caeli, ac in supremo sensu Dominus quoad Divinum Verum procedens, videatur supra, n. 90, 130, 200: et Quod totum Caelum coram Domino sit sicut unus Homo seu sicut unus Angelus, et quoque unaquaevis Societas Caeli, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 59-87.)

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