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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 321

321. (316-319); and in what now follows it is acknowledged, and on this account the Lord is celebrated and glorified. And because this celebration and glorification is a living acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine, and that it has omnipotence and omniscience, and that acknowledgment now follows, it is therefore signified by "when he had taken the book." The glorification of the Lord, in what now follows, is effected in this order: first, by the angels of the higher heavens; afterwards, by the angels of the lower heavens; and, lastly, by those who are under the heavens. The glorification of the Lord by the angels of the higher heavens, is contained in verses 8, 9, 10; that by the angels of the lower heavens, in verses 11, 12; and that by whose who are under the heavens, in verse 13; but these will be specifically treated of in what follows.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 321

321. Verse 8. And when He had taken the book, signifies after the acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine, and has omnipotence and omniscience. This is evident from the series in the internal sense, since this is the subject treated of just before (See n. 316, 319); and in what now follows this is acknowledged, and on this account the Lord is celebrated and glorified; and as this celebration and glorification is a living acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine, and has omnipotence and omniscience, and this acknowledgment now follows, this is signified by "when He had taken the book." The glorification of the Lord (in what now follows) takes place in this order: first, by the angels of the higher heavens; then by the angels of the lower heavens; and afterwards by those who are beneath the heavens. The glorification of the Lord by the angels of the higher heavens is contained in verses 8-10; the glorification of the Lord by angels of the lower heavens in verses 11, 12; and the glorification by those who are beneath the heavens in verse 13; but of this more specifically in what follows.

Apocalypsis Explicata 321 (original Latin 1759)

321. (Vers. 8.) "Et cum accepisset librum." - Quod significet post agnitionem quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, et Illi omnipotentia et omniscientia, constat ex serie in sensu interno, in mox praecedentibus enim de eo actum est (videatur n. 316 (a, b)-319), et in nunc sequentibus agnoscitur id, et propterea celebratur et glorificatur Dominus: et quia celebratio et glorificatio haec est agnitio viva quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum et Illi omnipotentia et omniscientia, et illa agnitio nunc sequitur, ideo per "cum accepisset librum" id significatur. Glorificatio Domini in nunc sequentibus hoc ordine fit: primum ab angelis superiorum caelorum; dein ab angelis inferiorum caelorum; et postea ab illis qui sub caelis sunt. (Glorificatio Domini ab angelis superiorum caelorum continetur in versibus 8-10; glorificatio Domini ab angelis inferiorum caelorum in versibus 11, 12; et glorificatio ab illis qui sub caelis sunt in versu 13: sed de his in specie in sequentibus.)

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