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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 322

322. The four animals and the four-and-twenty elders fell down before the Lamb. That this signifies the acknowledgment and hence the glorification of the Lord by the angels of the higher heavens, is evident from the signification of the four animals and the four-and-twenty elders, as denoting, in general, the whole heaven, but specifically the inmost heavens, consequently, the angels of the higher heavens (concerning which see above, n. 313); here specifically the angels of those heavens, because in what follows glorification is made by the angels of the lower heavens; and from the signification of their falling down before the Lamb, as denoting acknowledgment from a humble heart. (That to fall down signifies humiliation, and then reception and acknowledgment of heart, may be seen above, n. 290.) That the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human is meant is evident, for this is signified by the Lamb (see above, n. 381). What the higher heavens are, and what the lower heavens are, shall here be explained in a few words. There are three heavens; the third or inmost heaven is where the angels are who are in celestial love; the second or middle heaven is where the angels are who are in spiritual love; the first or ultimate heaven is where the angels who are in spiritual-natural love. The third or inmost heaven is conjoined with the second or middle by intermediate angels, who are called celestial-spiritual and spiritual-celestial angels; these, together with the angels of the third or inmost heaven, constitute the higher heavens; but the rest in the second or middle heaven, together with those who are in the first or ultimate heaven, constitute the lower heavens. The four animals signify specifically the third or inmost heaven, and the four-and-twenty elders the second or middle heaven, which is conjoined to the third or inmost; thus together they signify the higher heavens. (Concerning the intermediate angels, who are called celestial-spiritual, and spiritual-celestial, and concerning the conjunction of the third heaven with the second by them, see the Arcana Coelestia 1577, 1824, 2184, 4047, 4286, 4585, 4592, 4594, 6435, 6526, 8787, 8801, 9671.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 322

322. The four animals and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, signifies the acknowledgment and consequent glorification of the Lord by the angels of the higher heavens. This is evident from the signification of "the four animals and the four and twenty elders," as being, in general, the whole heaven, but especially the inmost heaven, consequently the angels of the higher heavens (of which see above, n. 313; here especially the angels of those heavens, because in what follows there is glorification by the angels of the lower heavens. Also from the signification of "fell down before the Lamb," as being acknowledgment from a humble heart. That "to fall down" signifies humiliation, and in that state acknowledgment of heart, see above n. 290. Acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human is clearly meant, for that is signified by "the Lamb" (See above, n. 314). What the higher heavens are, and what the lower heavens are, shall be told in a few words. There are three heavens: the third or inmost heaven is where the angels are who are in celestial love; the second or middle heaven is where the angels are who are in spiritual love; the first or ultimate heaven is where the angels are who are in spiritual-natural love. The third or inmost heaven is conjoined with the second or middle by intermediate angels, who are called celestial-spiritual and spiritual-celestial angels; these intermediate angels, together with the angels of the third or inmost heaven, constitute the higher heavens; while the remainder of those in the second or middle heaven, together with those who are in the first or outmost heaven, constitute the lower heavens. The "four animals" signify specifically the third or inmost heaven, and the "four and twenty elders" the second or middle heaven that is in conjunction with the third or inmost; thus together they signify the higher heavens. Respecting the intermediate angels, called celestial-spiritual and spiritual-celestial, and the conjunction of the third heaven with the second by these, see Arcana Coelestia 1577, 1824, 2184, 4047, 4286, 4585, 4592, 4594, 6435, 6526, 8787, 8802, 9671).

Apocalypsis Explicata 322 (original Latin 1759)

322. "Quatuor Animalia et viginti quatuor seniores prociderunt coram Agno." - Quod significet agnitionem et inde glorificationem Domini ab angelis superiorum caelorum, constat ex significatione "quatuor Animalium et viginti quatuor seniorum", quod sint in genere totum caelum, in specie autem intimi caeli, proinde angeli superiorum caelorum (de qua supra, n. 313(a)); hic in specie illorum caelorum angeli, quia in sequentibus fit glorificatio ab angelis inferiorum caelorum: et ex significatione "prociderunt coram Agno", quod sit agnitio ex humili corde; quod "procidere" significet humiliationem, et tunc receptionem et agnitionem corde, videatur supra (n. 290); quod intelligatur agnitio Divini Humani Domini, patet, nam id per "Agnum" significatur (videatur supra, n. 314). Paucis etiam hic dicetur quinam sunt caeli superiores et quinam caeli inferiores. Sunt caeli tres; tertium seu intimum caelum est ubi angeli qui in caelesti amore sunt, secundum seu medium caelum est ubi angeli qui in spirituali amore, primum seu ultimum caelum est ubi angeli qui in spirituali naturali amore. Tertium seu intimum caelum conjungitur cum secundo seu medio per angelos intermedios, qui vocantur angeli caelestes spirituales et spirituales caelestes; hi una cum angelis tertii seu intimi caeli constituunt superiores caelos; at reliqui in secundo seu medio caelo una cum illis qui in primo seu ultimo caelo constituunt inferiores caelos. "Quatuor Animalia" significant in specie tertium seu intimum caelum, et "viginti quatuor seniores" secundum seu medium caelum quod conjunctum est tertio seu intimo; ita simul superiores caelos. De angelis intermediis, qui vocantur caelestes spirituales et spirituales caelestes, et de conjunctione tertii caeli cum secundo per illos, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus (n. 1577, 1824, 2184, 4047, 4286, 4585, 4592, 4594, 6435, 6526, 8787, 8802, 9671).

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