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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 319

319. (314). That by the right hand of Him who sat upon the throne is meant the Lord as to omnipotence and omniscience, see also above, n. 297, 298. Hence it is that by, He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne, is signified that those things are from the Divine Human. That omnipotence and omniscience are denoted, is also because the subject treated of is concerning them, as is clear from the preceding words, where it is said that the Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes. By the seven horns are signified omnipotence, and by the seven eyes omniscience (as may be seen just above, n. 316, 317), and by the Lamb the Divine Human; n. 381. That omnipotence and omniscience belong to the Lord's Divine Human, is evident from what has been said and shown above (n. 10, 26, 32, 49, 52, 63, 77, 82, 97, 113, 114, 135, 137, 151, 178, 200, 205 end, 209, 254, 297, 309).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 319

319. Verse 7. And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne, signifies that these things are from His Divine Human. This is evident from the signification of the "the Lamb," who took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne, as being the Lord in respect to the Divine Human (See above, n. 314; "the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne" meaning the Lord in respect to omnipotence and omniscience (See also above, n. 297, 298). From this it is that "He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne" signifies that these are from the Divine Human. Omnipotence and omniscience are meant also because this is what is here treated of, as can be seen from the preceding words, that "the Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes;" "the seven horns" signifying omnipotence, and "the seven eyes" omniscience (See just above, n. 316, 317), and "the Lamb" the Divine Human n. 314. That omnipotence and omniscience belong to the Lord's Divine Human, can be seen from what has been said and shown above (n. 10, 26, 32, 49, 52, 63, 77, 82, 97[1-2], 113-114, 135, 137, 151, 178, 200, 205 end, 209, 254, 297, 309).

Apocalypsis Explicata 319 (original Latin 1759)

319. (Vers. 7.) "Et venit et accepit librum e dextra Sedentis super throno." - Quod significet quod ex Divino Humano Ipsius sint illa, constat ex significatione "Agni", qui accepit librum e dextra Sedentis super throno, quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum (de qua supra, n. 314); quod per "dextram Sedentis super throno" intelligatur Dominus quoad omnipotentiam et omniscientiam, videatur etiam supra (n. 297, 298 (a, b)); inde est quod per "venit et accepit librum e dextra Sedentis super throno" significetur quod ex Divino Humano sint illa: quod sit omnipotentia etomniscientia, est quoque quia de eo agitur, ut patet a praecedentibus, ubi dicitur quod "Agno fuerint septem cornua et septem oculi"; per "septem cornua" significatur omnipotentia, et per "septem oculos" omniscientia (videatur mox supra, n. 316 (a, b), 317), et per "Agnum" Divinum Humanum (n. 314). Quod omnipotentia et omniscientia sit Divino Humano Domini, constare potest ex illis quae supra (n. 10, 26, 32, 49, 52, 63, 77, 82, 97, 113, 114, 135, 137, 151, 178, 200, 205 fin. , 209, 254, 297, 309) dicta et ostensa sunt.

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