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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 323

323. Having every one of them harps. That this signifies confession from spiritual truths, is evident from the signification of the harp, as denoting confession from spiritual truths. Harps, signify this because the harp was a stringed instrument, and such instruments signify spiritual things, or those of truth; whereas wind instruments signify celestial things, or those of good. Such things are signified by musical instruments, from the sounds, for sound corresponds to the affections, and from sounds also affections are perceived in heaven. And because there are various affections, and various sounds are uttered by musical instruments, therefore the latter, from correspondence, and thence agreement, signify the former. In general, stringed instruments signify such things as belong to the affections of truth, and wind instruments such as belong to the affections of good; or, what is the same thing, some instruments belong to the spiritual class, and some to the celestial class. That sounds correspond to affections, has been made clear to me from much experience, and also musical sounds, and that the angels are affected according to the sounds and their varieties; but to adduce all such experience would be tedious in this place. That only which has been generally observed, I desire to record, namely, that discrete sounds arouse the affections of truth, or that those who are in the affections of truth are affected by them; and that continuous sounds arouse the affections of good, or that those who are in affections of good are affected by them. Whether you say the affections of truth or spiritual things, it amounts to the same, or whether you say the affections of good or celestial things, it is also the same. But these things can be better comprehended from what has been

said from experience concerning sounds and their correspondence with the affections, in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 241. From these considerations it is now evident, why, in the Word, and chiefly in David, so many kinds of musical instruments are mentioned, as psalteries, harps, flutes, cymbals, timbrels, horns, organs, and others, namely, that it is on account of correspondence with the affections, and at the same time with the articulations, which are expressions that contain things, and flow therefrom.

[2] That especially harps signify the affections of truth, because they arouse them, consequently also the confession which is made from spiritual truths with a merry heart, is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

"The new wine shall mourn, the vine shall languish, all the merry-hearted shall sigh. The joy of timbrels shall cease, the noise of the merry shall cease; the joy of the harp shall cease. They shall not drink wine with a song" (24:7, 8, 9).

The subject here treated of is the vastation of the spiritual church, or the good and truth thereof. Spiritual good that would cease, is signified by, the new wine shall mourn and the joy of timbrels shall cease; and that its truth would cease, is signified by, the vine shall languish, and the joy of the harp shall cease; for by new wine is signified spiritual good, and its joy by the timbrel; and by the vine is signified spiritual truth, and its joy by the harp. Because it is the affection of those things which would cease, it is therefore said, "All the merry-hearted shall sigh, the noise of the merry shall cease." By gladness and mirth in the Word are signified spiritual gladness and mirth, all of which are from the affections of truth and good. It is added, they shall not drink wine with a song, because by a song is signified testification of gladness from the affection of truth, and by wine is signified truth.

[3] In David:

"Confess unto Jehovah upon the harp; sing unto him upon a psaltery of ten strings. Sing unto him a new song; play excellently with a loud noise. For the Word of Jehovah is right; and all his work [is done] in truth" (Psalms 33:2, 3, 4).

Because the harp signifies confession from spiritual truths, it is therefore said, Confess unto Jehovah upon the harp. A psaltery of ten strings signifies corresponding spiritual good; therefore it is said, Sing unto him upon a psaltery of ten strings; and on this account also it is said, For the Word of Jehovah is right, and all his work [is done] in truth, the truth of good being signified by, the Word of Jehovah is right, and the good of truth by, all His work is done in truth; the truth of good is the truth which proceeds from good, and the good of truth is the good which is produced by truth.

[4] In the same:

"Send thy light and thy truth; let them lead me; let them bring me unto the mountain of thy holiness, and to thy habitations, that I may confess unto thee upon the harp, O God, my God" (Psalms 43:3, 4).

That the harp signifies confession from spiritual truths is evident, for it is said, "I will confess unto thee upon the harp, O God, my God; and it is also premised, send "Thy light and thy truth; let them lead me."

[5] In the same:

"I will confess unto thee upon the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God; unto thee will I sing with the harp, O Holy One of Israel" (Psalms 71:22).

Because by the psaltery is signified spiritual good or the good of truth, and by the harp spiritual truth or the truth of good, and confession is made from each, therefore it is said, "I will confess unto thee upon the psaltery; unto thee will I sing with the harp."

[6] In the same:

"I will sing and play. Awake me my glory, awake me, psaltery and harp. I will confess unto thee, O Lord, among the nations, I will praise thee among the peoples" (238, at end, 288).

[7] In the same:

"Answer unto Jehovah with confession; sing praise upon the harp unto our God" (709, 732, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4287, 4402, 7010, 9167.)

[8] In Ezekiel:

"And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard. And I will give thee to the dryness of the rock" (26:13, 14).

This is said respecting Tyre, by which is signified the church as to the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth. Its vastation is described by these words; vastation as to knowledges of good by, I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and vastation as to knowledges of truth by, "The sound of harps shall be no more heard"; the desolation of all truth by, "I will give thee to the dryness of the rock"; a rock signifying truth, and its dryness desolation.

[9] In David:

"Make a loud noise unto Jehovah, all the earth; resound, rejoice, and sing. Sing unto Jehovah with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a song. With trumpets and the sound of a horn, make a loud noise before Jehovah, the King" (Psalms 98:4-6).

The various kinds of affections from which confession and glorification of the Lord are made, are here expressed by the various kinds of sounds and instruments; by the various kinds of sounds, by making a loud noise, resounding, rejoicing, and singing; and by the various kinds of instruments, by harps, trumpets, and horns; but to expound the signification of each does not belong to this place, only what relates to the harp. To "Sing unto Jehovah with the harp, with the harp and the voice of a song," signifies confession from the affection of spiritual good and truth; for every affection, because it belongs to love, when it falls into sound, sounds agreeably to itself; whence also from the sound that is in speech, and in which the expressions of speech flow, as it were, the affection of another is heard, which also is thence known to an associate, and manifestly in the spiritual world, where all sounds of the speech indicate the affections.

[10] Also elsewhere in David, as the following passages:

"Rejoice in God our strength; cry aloud unto the God of Jacob. Lift up the song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp, with the psaltery. Blow the horn at the new moon, at the time appointed, on the day of our solemn festival" (Psalms 81:1, 2, 3).

"[It is] good to confess unto Jehovah, and to sing unto thy name, O Most High upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery upon the harp with a solemn sound" (Psalms 92:1, 3).

"Let the sons of Zion exult in their King; let them praise his name in the dance; let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp" (Psalms 149:2, 3).

"Praise God with the sound of the horn; praise him with the psaltery and harp; praise him with the timbrel and dance; praise him with the stringed instruments and the organ. Praise him with cymbals of soft sound; praise him with cymbals of loud sound" (Psalms 150:3-5).

[11] Because musical instruments and also dances signify joys and gladnesses, which spring from the affections, and also the affections of the mind themselves, which their sounds produce both in what is simple and in what is compound, therefore

"David and the whole house of Israel played before Jehovah upon wooden instruments of every kind, and upon harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals" (2 Sam. 6:5).

[12] Because the harp signifies confession from spiritual truths; and spiritual truths are those by which the angels who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom are affected, and which dissipate the falsities of evil, and with them the spirits themselves who are in them, therefore,

When the evil spirit was upon Saul, "David took a harp, and played with his hand; and thus rest was given to Saul, and the evil spirit departed from him" (1 Sam. 16:23).

This was done because kings represented the Lord as to the spiritual kingdom, and thence signified spiritual truths (as may been seen, n. 31); but Saul then represented the falsities opposed to those truths, - falsities that were dissipated by the sound of the harp, because the harp signified the spiritual affection of truth. This circumstance took place at that time, because with the sons of Israel all things were representative, and thence significative; it is otherwise at this day. From the passages which have now been adduced, it is clear what the harp signifies, besides also in other places (as Isaiah 30:31, 32; Psalms 49:3, 4; Psalms 137:1, 2; 1 Sam. 10:5; Rev. 14:2; 18:22; Job 30:31).

[13] Because most things in the Word also signify the opposite, so also do musical instruments, in which sense they signify gladnesses and joys springing from the affections of falsity and evil; thus the harp also [signifies] the confession of falsity, and thence exultation over the destruction of truth. As in Isaiah:

"At the end of seventy years the song of Tyre shall be even as the song of a harlot; take the harp, walk in the city, thou harlot delivered to forgetfulness; play elegantly, increase the singing" (141); and by taking a harp, walking about the city, playing elegantly, and increasing the singing, is signified the exultation and boasting of falsity over the destruction of truth.

[14] And in the same:

"Woe to them that rise in the morning at dawn that they may follow strong drink; to them that tarry until twilight, till wine inflame him. And the harp, and the psaltery, and the timbrel, and pipe, and wine are at their feasts; but the), do not examine the work of Jehovah, and see not the operation of his hands" (5:11, 12).

Here the harp, the psaltery, the timbrel, the pipe, and also wine, are meant in the opposite sense, in which they signify exultations and boastings from the falsities of evil. That such things are signified, is evident, for it is said, Woe to them; they do not examine the work of Jehovah, and they see not the operation of his hands.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 323

323. Having every one harps, signifies confession from spiritual truths. This is evident from the signification of a "harp," as being confession from spiritual truths. This is signified by "harps," because the harp was a stringed instrument, and by such instruments spiritual things, or those that are of truth, are signified, while wind instruments signify celestial things, or those that are of good. Such things are signified by musical instruments because of their sounds, for sound corresponds to the affections; moreover in heaven affections are perceived by sounds; and because there are various affections, and various sounds are produced by musical instruments, therefore these instruments, by correspondence and consequent agreement, signify affections. In general, stringed instruments signify such things as belong to the affections of truth, and wind instruments such as belong to the affections of good; or, what is the same, some instruments belong to the spiritual class, and some to the celestial class. That sounds correspond to the affections has been made evident to me by much experience, so also musical tones; also that angels are affected in accordance with sounds and their variations; but to recite all such experience would occupy too much space. I will mention only, what is a matter of general observation, that discrete sounds excite the affections of truth, that is, those are affected by them who are in the affections of truth; while continuous sounds excite the affections of good, that is, those are affected by them who are in the affections of good. Whether you say the affections of truth or things spiritual, it is the same, or whether you say the affections of good or things celestial, it is the same. (But these things can be better comprehended from what has been related from experience respecting sounds and their correspondence with affections, in the work on Heaven and Hell 241.)

From this it can now be seen why in the Word, and especially in David, so many kinds of musical instruments are mentioned, as psalteries, harps, flutes, cymbals, timbrels, horns, organs, and others, namely, that it is because of their correspondence with the affections, and at the same time with articulations that are expressions containing things, and flowing from them.

[2] That harps especially signify the affections of truth because they excite such affections, consequently that they also signify confession made from spiritual truths with a cheerful heart, can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

The new wine shall mourn, the vine shall languish, all the glad of heart shall sigh. The joy of timbrels shall cease, the noise of the merry shall leave off; the joy of the harp shall cease. They shall not drink wine with a song (Isaiah 24:7-9).

This treats of the vastation of the spiritual church, that is, of the good and truth thereof. Spiritual good, which is about to cease, is signified by "the new wine shall mourn," and "the joy of timbrels shall cease;" and that its truth is about to cease is signified by "the vine shall languish," and "the joy of the harp shall cease;" for "new wine" signifies spiritual good, and its joy is signified by the "timbrel;" and the "vine" signifies spiritual truth, and its joy is signified by the "harp." Since it is the affection of these that is about to cease, it is said, "all the glad of heart shall sigh," and "the noise of the merry shall leave off;" "gladness" and "mirth" in the Word signifying spiritual gladness and mirth, all of which are from the affections of truth and good. It is added, "they shall not drink wine with a song," because "song" signifies the testification of gladness from the affection of truth, and "wine" signifies truth.

[3] In David:

Confess unto Jehovah with the harp; sing psalms unto Him with the psaltery of ten strings. Sing unto Him a new song; play well with a loud noise. For the word of Jehovah is right; and His work is done in truth (Psalms 33:2-4).

As a "harp" signifies confession from spiritual truths, it is said, "confess unto Jehovah with the harp;" "a psaltery of ten strings" signifies the corresponding spiritual good; therefore it is said, "sing psalms unto Him upon a psaltery of ten strings;" and for the same reason also it is said, "for the word of Jehovah is right, and all His work is done in truth;" "the word of Jehovah is right" signifying the truth of good; "His work is done in truth" signifying the good of truth; the truth of good is the truth that proceeds from good, and the good of truth is the good which is produced by truth.

[4] In the same:

Send Thy light and Thy truth, let them lead me; let them bring me unto the mountain of holiness, and to Thy tabernacles, that I may confess unto Thee upon the harp, O God, my God (Psalms 43:3-4);

the "harp" evidently signifying confession from spiritual truths, for it is said "I will confess unto Thee with the harp, O God, my God;" and it is also said before, "send Thy light and Thy truth; let them lead me."

[5] In the same:

I will confess unto Thee with the instrument of psaltery, even Thy truth, O my God; unto Thee will I sing with the harp, O Holy One of Israel (Psalms 71:22).

As the "psaltery" signifies spiritual good, that is, the good of truth, and the "harp" spiritual truth, that is, the truth of good, and confession is made from each, it is said, "I will confess unto Thee with the instrument of psaltery; unto Thee will I sing with the harp."

[6] In the same:

I will sing, and I will sing psalms. Arouse me, 1my glory, arouse me, psaltery and harp. I will confess unto Thee, O Lord, among the nations, I will sing psalms unto Thee among the peoples (238 end, 288).

[7] In the same:

Answer unto Jehovah by confession; sing psalms with the harp unto our God (Arcana Coelestia 709), n. 709, 732, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4287, 4402, 7010, 9167).

[8] In Ezekiel:

I will cause the noise of the songs to cease; and the voice of thy harps shall be no more heard; I will give thee to the parchedness of the cliff (Ezekiel 26:13-14).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of good and truth. Its vastation is described by these words; the vastation in respect to the knowledges of good by "I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease;" and the vastation in respect to the knowledges of truth by "the voice of harps shall be no more heard;" desolation of all truth by "I will give thee to the parchedness of the cliff;" "cliff" signifying truth, and its "parchedness" desolation.

[9] In David:

Make a loud noise unto Jehovah, all the earth; break forth, shout for joy, and sing psalms. Sing psalms unto Jehovah with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and the sound of a cornet, make a loud noise before the King, Jehovah (Psalms 98:4-6).

The various kinds of affections from which the Lord is confessed and glorified are here expressed by various kinds of sounds and instruments; the various kinds of sounds in "making a loud noise," "breaking forth," "shouting for joy," and "singing psalms," and the various kinds of instruments, by "harps," "trumpets," and "cornets;" but to explain the signification of the particulars is not in place here, but only what relates to the harp. "To sing unto Jehovah with the harp, with the harp and the voice of a psalm," signifies confession from the affection of spiritual good and truth; for every affection, since it is from love, when it falls into sound, produces a sound in accord with itself; consequently from the sound that is in the speech, and in which, as it were, the expressions of speech flow, the affection of the other is heard, and thus becomes known to his companion; this is manifestly so in the spiritual world, where all sounds of speech make manifest the affections.

[10] So elsewhere in David, as the following:

Shout for joy unto God our strength; make a joyful noise to the God of Jacob. Lift up the psalm and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp, with the psaltery. Blow the cornet at the new moon (Psalms 81:1-3).

It is good to confess unto Jehovah, and to sing psalms unto Thy name, O Most High; with an instrument of ten strings, and with the psaltery; and with resounding music on the harp (Psalms 92:1-3).

Let the sons of Zion exult in their King; let them praise His name in the dance; let them sing psalms unto Him with the timbrel and harp (Psalms 149:2-3).

Praise God with the sound of the cornet; praise Him with the psaltery and harp; praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and organ. Praise Him with cymbals of soft sound; praise Him with cymbals of loud sound (Psalms 150:3-5).

[11] Because musical instruments and also dances signify varieties of joy and gladness that spring from the affections, as well as the affections themselves of the mind which their sounds excite, both singly and in combination, therefore:

David and the whole house of Israel played before Jehovah upon wooden instruments of every kind, and upon harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels; and on sistra, and on cymbals (2 Samuel 6:5).

[12] Because the "harp" signifies confession from spiritual truths, and spiritual truths are those by which angels who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom are affected, and which disperse the falsities of evil, and with these the spirits themselves who are in them, so:

When the evil spirit was upon Saul, David took a harp and played with his hand; and so rest was given to Saul, and the evil spirit departed from him (1 Samuel 16:23).

This was done because kings represented the Lord in respect to the spiritual kingdom, and therefore signified spiritual truths (See above, n. Isaiah 30:31, 32; Psalms 49:3, 4; 137:1, 2; 1 Samuel 10:5; Revelation 14:2; 18:22; Job 30:31).

[13] As most things in the Word have also a contrary meaning, so do musical instruments, in which sense they signify varieties of gladness and joy that spring from the affections of falsity and evil; thus the "harp" signifies the confession of falsity and the consequent exultation over the destruction of truth. As in Isaiah:

At the end of seventy years the song of Tyre shall be even as the song of a harlot; take a harp, walk in the city, thou harlot delivered over to forgetfulness; play elegantly, multiply the song (141); and "to take a harp, walk in the city," "play elegantly, and multiply the song," signifies the exultation and boasting of falsity over the destruction of truth.

[14] In the same:

Woe to them that rise early in the morning that they may follow strong drink; to them that tarry until twilight till the wine inflame them. And the harp and the psaltery and the timbrel and the pipe and wine are at their feasts; but they do not look upon the work of Jehovah, and they see not the working of His hands (Isaiah 5:11-12).

Here "harp," "psaltery," "timbrel," "pipe," and also "wine," have the contrary meaning, in which they signify exultation and boastings from the falsities of evil. Such is evidently the meaning, for it is said, "Woe to them; they do not look upon the work of Jehovah, and they see not the working of His hands."


1. Photoliograph has "me," so also AR 276, but AE 326 has "te," "thee."

Apocalypsis Explicata 323 (original Latin 1759)

323. "Habentes unusquisque citharas." - Quod significet confessionem ex veris spiritualibus, constat ex significatione "citharae", quod sit confessio ex veris spiritualibus. Quod per "citharas" id significetur, est quia cithara erat instrumentum chordaceum, et per illa instrumenta significantur spiritualia, seu quae veri sunt; at per instrumenta inflatoria significantur caelestia, seu illa quae boni sunt. Quod talia per instrumenta musica significentur, est ex sonis; nam sonus correspondet affectionibus; etiam in caelo percipiuntur affectiones ex sonis: et quia variae affectiones sunt, et varii soni eduntur per instrumenta musica, ideo haec ex correspondentia et inde concordantia significant illas. In genere, significant instrumenta chordacea talia quae sunt affectionum veri, et instrumenta inflatoria talia quae sunt affectionum boni; seu quod idem, quaedam instrumentapertinent ad classem spiritualem, quaedam autem ad classem caelestem. Quod soni correspondeant affectionibus, ex multa experientia mihi patuit, et quoque quod soni musici, et quod secundum sonos et eorum varietates afficiantur angeli; sed omnem illam experientiam in medium afferre, prolixum foret: id modo, quod in genere observatum est, memorare velim; quod nempe soni discreti excitent affectiones veri, seu quod illis afficiantur qui in affectionibus veri sunt, et quod soni continui excitent affectiones boni, seu quod illis afficiantur qui in affectionibus boni sunt: sive dicas affectiones veri sive spiritualia, idem est; ut et sive dicas affectiones boni sive caelestia, etiam idem est. (Sed haec melius comprehendi possunt ex illis quae de sonis et de correspondentia eorum cum affectionibus ab experientia tradita sunt in opere De Caelo et Inferno 241.)

Ex his nunc constare potest, cur in Verbo, et praecipue apud Davidem, tot genera instrumentorum musicorum nominantur, ut nablia, citharae, fistulae, cymbala, tympana, buccinae, organa, et alia; quod nempepropter correspondentiam cum affectionibus, et simul cum articulationibus, quae sunt voces quae continent res et inde fluunt.

[2] Quod "citharae" imprimis significent affectiones veri, quia excitant illas, proinde etiam confessionem, quae fit ex veris spiritualibus hilari corde, constare potest ex sequentibus his locis:

Apud Esaiam,

"Lugebit mustum, languescet vitis, gement omnes laeti corde, cessabit gaudium tympanorum, cessabit tumultus hilarium, cessabit gaudium citharae; cum cantu non bibent vinum" (24:7-9);

agitur ibi de vastatione ecclesiae spiritualis, seu ejus boni et veri; bonum spirituale quod cessaturum significatur per quod "lugebit mustum", et "cessabit gaudium tympanorum"; et quod verum ejus cessaturum significatur per "languescet vitis" et "cessabit gaudium citharae"; per "mustum" enim significatur bonum spirituale, ejus gaudium per "tympanum"; et per "vitem" significatur verum spirituale, et ejus gaudium per "citharam: quia affectio illorum est quae cessatura, ideo dicitur, "Gement omnes laeti corde et cessabit tumultus hilarium"; per "laetitias" et "hilaritates" in Verbo significantur laetitiae et hilaritates spirituales, quae omnes sunt ex affectionibus veri et boni; adjicitur "cum cantu non bibent vinum", quia per "cantum" significatur testificatio laetitiae ex affectione veri, et per "vinum" significatur verum.

[3] Apud Davidem,

"Confitemini Jehovae in cithara, in nablio decachordii psallite Ipsi; cantate Ipsi canticum novum, reddite egregie pulsare cum clangore; quia rectum est Verbum Jehovae, et opus Ipsius in veritate" (Psalms 33:2-4):

quia "cithara" significat confessionem ex veris spiritualibus, ideo dicitur "Confitemini Jehovae in cithara"; "nablium decachordii" significat bonum spirituale correspondens, ideo dicitur "In nablio decachordii psallite Ipsi", ac ideo quoque dicitur "quia rectum est Verbum Jehovae, et omne opus Ipsius in veritate"; verum boni significatur per "rectum est Verbum Jehovae", et bonum veri per "opus Ipsius in veritate"; verum boni est verum quod procedit ex bono, et bonum veri est bonum quod producitur perverum.

[4] Apud eundem,

"Mitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam, hae ducant me, deducant ad montem sanctitatis et ad habitacula tua, .... ut confitear Tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus mi" (Psalms 43:3, 4);

quod "cithara" significet confessionem ex veris spiritualibus, patet, nam dicitur "ut confitear Tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus mi"; et quoque praemittitur, "Mitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam, hae ducant me."

[5] Apud eundem,

"Confitebor Tibi instrumento nablii, veritatem tuam Deus mi; canam Tibi in cithara, Sancte Israelis" (Psalms 71:22);

quia per "nablium" significatur bonum spirituale seu bonum veri, et per "citharam" verum spirituale seu verum boni, et ex utroque fit confessio, ideo dicitur, "Confitebor Tibi instrumento nablii, et canam Tibi [in] cithara."

[6] Apud eundem,

"Cantabo et psallam, excita me gloria mea, excita me nablium et cithara, .... confitebor Tibi inter gentes Domine, psallam Te inter populos" (Psalms 57:8-10 [B.A. 7-9); Psalms 108:2-4 [B.A. 1-3]):

confessio et glorificatio ex bono veri seu ex bono spirituali et ex vero boni seu ex vero spirituali exprimuntur in singulis ibi; bonum veri exprimitur per "cantare", "excitari nablio", et "confiteri inter gentes"; et verum boni per "psallere", "excitari cithara", et "psallere inter populos"; per "gentes" enim in Verbo intelliguntur qui in bono sunt, et per "populos" qui in vero sunt, hic in vero spirituali: quod ita dicatur, est quia in Verbo ubi dicitur de bono etiam dicitur de vero, et hoc propter conjugium illorum in singulis ibi (de quo videatur supra, n. 238 fin. , 288 (b)).

[7] Apud eundem,

"Respondete Jehovae per confessionem, psallite Deo nostro in cithara" (Psalms 147:7);

etiam hic confessio ex bono spirituali et ex vero spirituali exprimitur per "Respondete Jehovae per confessionem, et psallite Deo nostro in cithara"; ex bono spirituali per "respondere Jehovae", et ex vero spirituali per "psallere Deo in cithara"; "Jehovah" etiam dicitur ubi agitur de bono, ac "Deus" ubi agitur de vero (videatur n. 709, 732, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4287, 4402, 7010, 9167).

[8] Apud Ezechielem,

"Cessare faciam strepitum canticorum tuorum, et vox cithararum tuarum non audietur amplius, dabo te in ariditatem petrae" (26:13, 14);

haec de Tyro, per quam significatur ecclesia quoad cognitiones boni et veri; vastatio ejus describitur per illa verba, vastatio quoad cognitiones boni per "cessare faciam strepitum canticorum tuorum", et vastatio quoad cognitiones veri per quod "vox cithararum non audietur amplius"; desolatio omnis veri per "dabo te in ariditatem petrae" ("petra" significat verum, et "ariditas" ejus desolationem).

[9] Apud Davidem,

"Clangite Jehovae omnis terra, personate, jubilate et cantate, cantate Jehovae cithara, cithara et voce cantus, tubis et voce buccinae, clangite coram Rege Jehovah" (Psalms 98:4-6);

varia genera affectionum ex quibus confessio et glorificati Domini, hic exprimuntur per varia genera sonorum et instrumentorum; per varia genera sonorum per "clangere", "personare", "jubilare" et "cantare", et per varia genera instrumentorum per "citharas", "tubas" et "buccinas"; sed significationes singulorum exponere, non hujus loci est, solum quid "cithara." "Cantare Jehovae cithara, cithara et voce cantus", significat confessionem ex affectione boni et veri spiritualis; omnis enim affectio, quia est amoris, cum cadit in sonum, sonat sibi convenienter; unde etiam ex sono qui in loquela, et in quo voces loquelae quasi fluunt, auditur alterius affectio, quae etiam inde noscitur a socio; et manifeste in mundo spirituali, ubi omnes soni loquelae manifestant affectiones.

[10] Similiter alibi apud Davidem, ut in his sequentibus:

"Jubilate Deo robori nostro; acclamate Deo Jacobi; extollite cantum, et date tympanum, citharam jucundam cum nablio, clangite in mense buccina" (Psalms 81:2-4 [B.A. 1-3]);

"Bonum confiteri Jehovae, et canere nomini tuo, Altissime, .... super decachordio, et super nablio, et super higgaion in cithara" (Psalms 92:2-4 [B.A. 1-3]);

"Filii Zionis exultent in Rege suo, laudent nomen Ipsius in chorea, cum tympano et cithara psallant Ipsi" (Psalms 149:2, 3);

"Laudate" Deum "cum clangore buccinae; laudate Ipsum in nablio et cithara, laudate Ipsum cum tympano et chorea; laudate Ipsum cum fidibus et organo; laudate Ipsum cum cymbalis soni, laudate Ipsum cum cymbalis clangoris" (Psalms 150:3-5).

[11] Quia instrumenta musica et quoque choreae significabant gaudia et laetitias quae resultant ex affectionibus, et quoque ipsas affectiones mentis quas soni illorum in simplici et in composito producunt, ideo,

"David et universa Domus Israelis ludebant coram Jehovah super omnis generis lignis [abietum] , et super citharis et cum nabliis, et cum tympanis et cum dulciariis et cum cymbalis" (2 Samuelis 6:5).

[12] Quoniam "cithara" significat confessionem ex veris spiritualibus, ac vera spiritualia sunt quibus afficiuntur angeli qui in regno spirituali Domini Sunt, et quae falsa mali dissipant, et cum illis ipsos spiritus qui in iis sunt, ideo,

Cum malus spiritus erat super Saule, "David sumpsit citharam et pulsavit manu sua, et sic quies data Sauli, .... et recessit ab eo malus spiritus" (1 Samuelis 16:14-16, 23);

hoc factum est quia reges repraesentabant Dominum quoad regnum spirituale, et inde significabant vera spiritualia (videatur supra, n. 31(b)), at Saul tunc falsa veris illis opposita; quae per sonum citharae dissipabantur, quia "cithara" significabat affectionem veri spiritualem: sed tunc ita factum est, quia apud filios Israelis omnia erant repraesentativa et inde significativa; aliter hodie. Ex illis locis quae nunc adducta sunt, constare potest quid "cithara" significat, praeter etiam in aliis locis (Ut Esaias 30:31, 32; Psalms 49:4, 5 [B.A. 3, 4); Psalms 137:1, 2:1 Samuelis 10:5: Apocalypsis 14:2; 18:22; Hiob 30:31).

[13] Quoniam pleraque in Verbo etiam opposita significant, ita etiam instrumenta musica, in quo sensu significant laetitias et gaudia resultantia ex affectionibus falsi et mali, ita quoque "cithara" confessionem falsi, et inde exultationem super destructionem veri:

-Ut apud Esaiam,

"A fine septuaginta annorum erit canticum Tyri juxta canticum meretricis; accipe citharam, ambula in urbe, meretrix oblivioni tradita, eleganter pulsa, multiplica cantum" (23:15, 16);

per "Tyrum" significatur ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri et boni spiritualis, ut supra; hic ecclesia in qua illae falsificatae sunt; "meretrix" significat falsificationem veri (videatur supra, n. 141); et per "accipere citharam, ambulare in urbe, eleganter pulsare, et multiplicare cantum", significatur exultatio et gloriatio falsi super destructionem veri.

[14] Et apud eundem,

"Vae surgentibus mane sub auroram, siceram prosequuntur, commorantibus in crepusculum, vinum incendat eum, estque cithara et nablium et tympanum et fistula et vinum, convivia eorum; opus autem Jehovae non introspiciunt, et factum manuum Ipsius non vident" (5:11, 12);

"cithara", "nablium", "tympanum", "fistula" et quoque "vinum", in opposito sensu; in quo per illa significantur exultationes et gloriationes ex falsis mali: quod talia significentur, patet, nam dicitur, "Vae illis, .... opus Jehovae non introspiciunt, et factum manuum Ipsius non vident."

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