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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 384

384. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill. That this signifies deprivation of all good and thence of all truth from the Word, and thence also in the doctrine of their church from the Word, is plain from the signification of power as denoting effect, because to be able denotes to effect; from the signification of killing or slaying, as denoting to deprive of good and truth (concerning which see above, n. 366); from the signification of the fourth part, as denoting all the good and truth thence, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the earth, as denoting the church, and everything thereof (concerning which see above, n. 29, 304). And because a church is a church from the doctrine there, and from a life according to it; and because every doctrine of the church should be from the Word, hence the doctrine of the church from the Word is also at the same time signified. From these considerations it is evident, that by power being given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill, is signified, the deprivation of all good and the truth thence from the Word, and, consequently, in the doctrine of the church from the Word. By its being said that "power was given unto them," is meant, that [it is] in the evils and the falsities thence, which also are signified by death and hell. That those who are in evils and falsities deprive themselves of all perception of good and understanding of truth from the Word, and thence in the doctrine of their church from the Word, is quite clear from those who are in falsities of doctrine from evils of life. Such, although they read the Word, either do not see the truths therein, or falsify them by applying them to the falsities of their own principle, and to the evils of their own love. For the sense of the letter of the Word is of such a nature, that those who are in good see truths therein, and those who are in evil see falsities; for the sense of the letter is adapted to the apprehension of children, boys, and simple people, and therefore is written according to the appearance; but still in that sense truths lie hidden which none see but those who are in good, while those who are in evil do not desire to see them, but by perverse interpretations apply all things to the evils of their own loves and to the falsities of their own principles. This is quite evident from so many heresies within the church, especially from the wicked Babylonian heresy, and also from the Jewish heresy.

[2] The reason why the fourth part signifies all good and the truth thence, is, because the number four signifies the conjunction of good and truth, and hence the fourth part or a fourth signifies the all of conjunction. Mention is frequently made in the Word of a third part, and also of a fourth part, and those who do not know that all numbers signify things, may suppose that a third part signifies a third part, and a fourth part a fourth part, or that they signify something; whereas by a third part is signified all truth, and by a fourth part all good; and because all truth is from good, hence by a fourth part are signified all good and the truth thence, here the deprivation of these, because it is said that power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth to kill. That three, and hence a third part, is said of truths, will be seen in the following pages where that number is mentioned. But that four, and hence a fourth part, are said of goods and the truths thence, is, because they signify their conjunction. That this is the case has been made evident to me by much experience from the spiritual world. For when the discourse with the angels there has been concerning the conjunction of good and truth, or of love and faith, and that discourse has been directed to numbers, the number four has been shown, and sometimes also the number two, or the number eight, or the number sixteen, because these numbers signify similar things; for numbers multiplied and divided into themselves, signify the same as the numbers by which they are multiplied or divided (see n. 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). That angelic speech also falls into numbers, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 263). That four signifies the conjunction of good and truth, derives its origin from the four quarters in heaven, in two of which, namely, in the east and west, dwell those who are in the good of love, and in the other two, namely, in the south and the north, those who are in truths thence (as may also be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 141-153). Hence by the four quarters, or by the four winds, are signified all good and the truth thence, and by four the conjunction thereof. The reason why the fourth part signifies the all of the conjunction of good and truth, is, because the fourth there makes the all, and the fourth is significative of conjunction; hence by killing the fourth part is signified the all of conjunction, consequently, all good and truth; for where there is no conjunction things are not, for good is not given without truth, nor truth without good; they are in their essence one, because truth is of good, and good is of truth (as is evident from what is said, and the passages adduced concerning good and truth in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 11-27).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 384

384. And there was given unto them power over the fourth part of the earth, to kill, signifies the deprivation of every good and thence of every truth from the Word, and in consequence in the doctrine of their church from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "power," as being effect, since to be able means to effect; from the signification of "to kill" or "to slay," as being to deprive of good and truth (of which above, n. 366; from the signification of "fourth part," as being every good and thence every truth (of which presently); and from the signification of "earth," as being the church and everything thereof (of which above, n. 29, 304). And as a church is a church from doctrine there, and from life according to it, and as every doctrine of the church must be from the Word, so the doctrine of the church from the Word is at the same time signified. From this it can be seen that "there was given unto them power over the fourth part of the earth to kill" signifies the deprivation of every good and thus of every truth from the Word, and in consequence in the doctrine of the church from the Word. It is said that "power was given unto them," meaning to evils and to falsities therefrom, and these are signified also by "death and hell." That those who are in evils and falsities deprive themselves of all the perception of good and the understanding of truth from the Word, and in consequence in the doctrine of their church from the Word, is clearly evident in the case of those who are in falsities of doctrine from evils of life. Such, although they read the Word, either do not see the truths that are in it or they falsify them by applying them to the falsities of their own opinions and to the evils of their own loves; for the sense of the letter of the Word is such that those who are in good see truths in it, and those who are in evil see falsities, for the sense of the letter is according to the apprehension of little children, boys, and the simple, and is therefore according to appearance; but still in that sense truths lie hidden that are not seen by any except those who are in good, those who are in evil not wishing to see them, but they draw all things by perverse interpretations to the evils of their loves and to the falsities of their opinions, as is plainly evident from so many heresies existing within the church, especially the heinous Babylonian heresy, and also from the Jewish heresy.

[2] "A fourth part" signifies every good and thence every truth, because the number "four" signifies the conjunction of good and truth, and therefore "a fourth part" or "a fourth" signifies everything of conjunction. In the Word "a third part" and also "a fourth part" are often mentioned, and those who do not know that all numbers signify things may believe that "a third part" means a third part, and "a fourth part" a fourth part, or that they signify some portion; but "a third part" signifies all truth, and "a fourth part" all good; and as all truth is from good, "a fourth part" signifies all good and the truth therefrom, here the deprivation of these, because it is said "there was given to them power over the fourth part of the earth to kill." That "three" and thence "a third part" are predicated of truths, will be seen hereafter, where that number is mentioned. But "four" and thence "a fourth part" are predicated of goods and the truths therefrom, because they signify the conjunction of good and truth. This has been made evident to me by much experience from the spiritual world; for when angels spoke there of the conjunction of good and truth, or of love and faith, and their speech was determined into numbers, the number four was exhibited, and sometimes also the number two, or the number eight, or the number sixteen, because these numbers have a like signification, for numbers multiplied or divided by themselves have a like signification as the numbers with which they are multiplied or divided (See Arcana Coelestia 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). That angelic speech falls also into numbers, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 263). That "four" signifies the conjunction of good and truth has its origin from the four quarters in heaven, in two of which, namely, in the east and the west, those dwell who are in the good of love, and in the other two, namely, in the south and the north, those who are in truths therefrom (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 141-153). Consequently "the four quarters," or "the four winds," signify all good and the truth therefrom, and "four" their conjunction. "A fourth part" signifies everything of conjunction of good and truth, because here "a fourth" constitutes all, and "a fourth" is significative of conjunction; therefore "killing a fourth part" signifies all of conjunction, consequently every good and truth; for where no conjunction of good and truth exists, there they are not; for there can be no good without truth, nor truth without good; they are in their essence one, since truth is of good, and good is of truth (as can be seen from what is said, and the passages cited respecting good and truth in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 11-27).

Apocalypsis Explicata 384 (original Latin 1759)

384. "Et data illis potestas interficiendi super quartam partem terrae." - Quod significet deprivationem omnis boni et inde omnis veri ex Verbo, et inde in doctrina ecclesiae eorum ex Verbo, constat ex significatione "potestatis", quod sit effectus, quoniam posse est efficere; ex significatione "interficere" seu "occidere", quod sit deprivare bono et vero (de qua supra, n. 366); ex significatione "quartae partis", quod sit omne bonum et inde verum (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "terrae", quod sit ecclesia et omne ejus (de qua supra, n. 29, 304); et quia ecclesia est ecclesia ex doctrina ibi et ex vita secundum illam, et quia omnis doctrina ecclesiae erit ex Verbo, inde etiam simul significatur doctrina ecclesiae ex Verbo: ex his constare potest quod per "data illi.~ potestas interficiendi super quartam partem terrae", significetur deprivatio omnis boni et inde veri ex Verbo, et inde in doctrina ecclesiae ex Verbo: quod dicatur quod "potestas data illis", intelligitur quod malis et inde falsis", quae etiam significantur per mortem et infernum. Quod illi qui in malis et falsis sunt se deprivent omni perceptione boni ac intellectu veri ex Verbo, et inde in doctrina ecclesiae eorum ex Verbo, patet manifeste ex illis qui in falsis doctrinae sunt ex malis vitae; illi tametsi legunt Verbum usque vera quae ibi sunt vel non vident vel falsificant, applicando illa ad falsa principii sui et ad mala amoris sui: sensus litterae enim Verbi talis est ut qui in bono sunt videant vera ibi, et qui in malo videant falsa ibi; nam sensus litterae est secundum captum infantum, puerorum, et simplicium, et propterea secundum apparentiam; sed usque in eo sensu latent vera quae non alii vident quam qui in bono sunt, at qui in malo sunt non volunt videre illa, sed trahunt ea per sinistras interpretationes ad mala amorum suorum et ad falsa principiorum suorum; ut manifeste constare potest ex tot haeresibus intra ecclesiam, imprimis ex nefanda haeresi Babylonica, et quoque ex haeresi Judaica.

[2] Quod "quarta pars" significet omne bonum et inde verum, est quia numerus "quatuor" significat conjunctionem boni et veri, et inde "quarta pars" seu "quartum" significat omne conjunctionis. In Verbo saepius dicitur "tertia pars" et quoque "quarta pars"; et qui non scit quod omnes numeri significent res, credere potest quod "tertia pars" significet tertiam partem, et "quarta pars" quartam partem, seu quod significent aliquid; at per "tertiam partem" significatur omne verum, et per "quartam partem" omne bonum; et quia omne verum est ex bono, inde per "quartam partem" significatur omne bonum et inde verum, hic deprivatio eorum, quia dicitur, "Data est illis potestas interficiendi super quartam partem terrae." Quod "tria" et inde "tertia pars" 1

dicantur de veris, videbitur in sequentibus ubi is numerus nominatur: quod autem "quatuor" et inde "quarta pars" dicantur de bonis et inde veris, est causa quia significant conjunctionem eorum. Quod ita sit, patuit mihi ex multa experientia e mundo spirituali; quando enim ibi sermo angelis fuit de conjunctione boni et veri, seu amoris et fidei, et is sermo determinatus est in numeros, tunc exiit numerus quatuor, quandoque etiam numerus duo, aut numerus octo, aut numerus sedecim, quia hi numeri similia significant; nam numeri in se multiplicati, ac divisi, similia significant cum numeris per quos multiplicati aut divisi sunt (videatur n. 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). Quod sermo angelicus etiam cadat in numeros, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 263).

Quod "quatuor" significent conjunctionem boni et veri, ducit originem ex quatuor plagis in caelo; in binis earum, nempe in oriente et occidente, habitant qui in bono amoris sunt; inque binis, nempe meridie et septentrione, qui in veris inde sunt (videatur etiam in opere De Caelo et Inferno 141-153). Inde per "quatuor plagas" seu per "quatuor ventos" significatur omne bonum et inde verum, et per "quatuor" conjunctio eorum.

Quod "quarta pars" significet omne conjunctionis boni et veri, est quia quartum ibi facit omne, et "quartum" est significativum conjunctionis; inde per "interficere quartam partern" significatur omlle conjunctionis, proinde omne bonum et verum; nam ubi non conjunctio eorum datur, ibi non sunt; bonum enim absque vero non datur, nec verum absque bono; sunt in sua essentia unum, quia verum est boni ac bonum est veri (ut constare potest ex illis quae in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae De Bono et Vero, n. 11-27, did et allata sunt, quae videantur).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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