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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 450

450. Amongst these twelve tribes, from each of which twelve thousand are said to be sealed, the tribe of Dan is not mentioned, but in its stead the tribe of Manasseh. The reason of this is, that the tribe of Dan represented and signified such as are now treated of in this chapter of whom John thus speaks:

"After this I saw, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, out of every nation, and [of all] tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands" (verse 9).

For these are they who were not in the very (ipsis) truths of heaven and of the church, but in the good of life according to the doctrinals of their religion, which, for the most part, were not genuine truths, but falsities, and yet were accepted by the Lord as truths, because they were in the good of life, in consequence of which the falsities of their religion were not tinctured with evil, but inclined to good. The reason why they were taken instead of the tribe of Dan, is, that the tribe of Dan was the last of the tribes, and therefore in the kingdom of the Lord, signifies the ultimates, in which those are who are in the good of life and of faith according to their religion, in which there are no genuine truths. Concerning the tribe of Dan, see the Arcana Coelestia 1710, 3920, 3923, 6396, 10335).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 450

450. Among these twelve tribes, out of each of which twelve thousand are said to have been sealed, the tribe of Dan is not mentioned, but in its stead the tribe of Manasseh. The tribe of Dan is not mentioned because that tribe represented and signified such as are treated of in what now follows in this chapter, whom John thus describes, "After these things I saw, and behold a great multitude which no one could number, out of every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands" (verse 9). For these are such as were not in the very truths of heaven and the church, but in the good of life according to the doctrinals of their religion, and these were for the most part not genuine truths but falsities, and yet these falsities were accepted by the Lord as truths, because such were in the good of life, and on account of this the falsities of their religion were not tainted with evil, but inclined to good. The others were taken in place of the tribe of Dan because the tribe of Dan was the last of the tribes, and therefore signified, in the Lord's kingdom, the ultimates in which those are who are in the good of life and of faith according to their religion in which there are no genuine truths. (Respecting the tribe of Dan see Arcana Coelestia 1710, 3920, 3923, 6396, 10335)

Apocalypsis Explicata 450 (original Latin 1759)

450. Inter duodecim has tribus, ex quarum unaquavis "duodecim millia signati" dicuntur, non memoratur tribus Danis, sed loco ejus tribus Menassis. Quod tribus Danis non memorata sit, est causa quia per illum tribum repraesentati et significati sunt tales de quibus nunc sequitur in hoc capite, de quibus ita Johannes, "Post haec vidi, et ecce turba multa, quam numerare nemo poterat, ex omni gente et tribubus et populis et linguis, stantes coram throno, et coram Agno, induti stolis albis, et palmae in manibus eorum" (vers. 9, seq.): sunt enim illi qui non in ipsis veris caeli et ecclesiae fuerunt, sed in bono vitae secundum doctrinalia suae religionis, quae quoad plurimam partem non genuina vera fuerunt, sed falsa; at usque acceptata a Domino sicut vera, quia in bono vitae fuerunt, ex quo falsa religionis eorum non tincta fuerunt malo, sed flexa ad bonum: quod illi loco tribus Danis assumpti sint, est quia tribus Danis erat ultima tribuum, ac ideo in regno Domini significat ultima, in quibus sunt qui in bono vitae et fidei sunt secundum religiosum suum in quo non genuina vera. (De tribu Danis videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 1710, 1

3920, 3923, 6396, 10335.)


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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