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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 452

452. After this I saw, and behold, a great multitude.- That this signifies all those who are in the good of life, according to their religion, in which there are no genuine truths, is clear from this, that the twelve thousand sealed out of every tribe mean those who are of the church, in which there are genuine truths. For the twelve tribes of Israel mean those who are in genuine goods and truths, and in an abstract sense, all the goods and truths of the church. Therefore those now treated of mean those who are in the good of life according to their religion, in which nevertheless there are no genuine truths. That these are meant by a great multitude, is also evident from what follows in this chapter, where it is said that these are they who come out of great tribulation (verse 14), that is, out of temptations. For those who are in the good of life according to their religion, in which there are no genuine truths, undergo temptations in the other life, by means of which the falsities of their religion are dissipated, and genuine truths implanted in their place; but more will be said of this in what follows. It is therefore evident who those are who are meant by the great multitude treated of in what follows to the end of the chapter. It must be remarked that no one, whether within the church where the Word is, or out of that church, who lives a good life according to his religion, is condemned, for it is not their fault that they do not know genuine truths; therefore, because the good of life contains within it the affection of knowing truths, when such come into the other life, they easily receive and drink in truths. It is altogether different with those who have lived an evil life, and made light of religion. But concerning those who are not in genuine truths, that is, those who are in falsities from ignorance, and yet in the good of life, have been treated of above (n. 107, 195, 356); and in the Heaven and Hell, where the peoples and nations outside the church in heaven are treated of; also in the Arcana Coelestia, as follows: There are falsities of religion which agree with good, and falsities which disagree (n. 9259). Falsities of religion, if they do not disagree with good, do not produce evil, except with those who are in evil (n. 8318). Falsities of religion are not imputed to those who are in good, but to those who are in evil (n. 8051, 8149). Truths not genuine, and also falsities, may be mingled with genuine truths in the case of those who are in good, but not with those who are in evil (n. 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298). Falsities and truths are consociated by appearances from the sense of the letter of the Word (n. 7344). Falsities become like truths (verificentur), and are toned down from good, because applied and made conducive to good, and to the removal of evil (n. 8149). The falsities of religion with those who are in good, are received by the Lord as truths (n. 4736, 8149). The good, which takes its quality from a false principle of religion, is accepted by the Lord, if there be ignorance, and if there be in it innocence and a good end (n. 7887). The truths which man possesses are appearances of truth and good, tinctured with fallacies, but the Lord nevertheless adapts them to genuine truths in the case of a man who lives in good (n. 2053). Falsities in which there is good, exist with those who are outside the church and thence in ignorance of the truth, also with those within the church where there are falsities of doctrine (n. 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 3778, 4189, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 452

452. Verse 9. After these things I saw, and behold a great multitude, signifies all those who are in the good of life according to their religion, in which there are no genuine truths, as is evident from this, that "the twelve thousand sealed" out of each tribe meant those who are of the church in which there are genuine truths; for "the twelve tribes of Israel" mean those who are in genuine goods and truths, and in an abstract sense all goods and truths of the church; therefore these now treated of mean those who are in the good of life according to their religion, in which nevertheless there are no genuine truths. That this is the meaning of "a great multitude" can be seen also from what follows in this chapter, where it is said, "These are they who come out of the great tribulation" (verse 14), which means out of temptations, for those who are in the good of life according to their religion, in which there are no genuine truths, in the other life undergo temptations, by which the falsities of their religion are scattered, and genuine truths implanted in their place (on this more will be said in what follows). From this it can be seen who are meant by "a great multitude" (which is treated of in what follows to the end of the chapter). It is to be known that no one, either within the church where the Word is or outside of that church, is damned who lives a good life according to his religion, for it is not the fault of such that they are ignorant of genuine truths. Moreover, as the good of life holds deep within it the affection of knowing truths, when such come into the other life they easily receive truths and drink them in. It is altogether different with those who have lived an evil life and have made light of religion. (Those who are not in genuine truths, and thus are in falsities from ignorance, and yet in the good of life, have been treated of above, n. 107, 195, 356; and in the work on Heaven and Hell, where the peoples and nations outside of the church who are in heaven are treated of. Also in the Arcana Coelestia, as follows: There may be falsities of religion that agree with good, and falsities that disagree, n. 9258, 9259; falsities of religion, if they do not disagree with good, produce evil only with those who are in evil, n. 8311, 8318; falsities of religion are not imputed to those who are in good, but only to those who are in evil, n. 8051, 8149; truths not genuine, and also falsities, may be consociated with genuine truths with those who are in good, but not with those who are in evil, n. 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298; falsities and truths are consociated by appearances from the sense of the letter of the Word, n. 7344; falsities are made truthlike by good and become soft when they are applied to good and lead to good, and evil is removed, n. 8149; falsities of religion with those who are in good are received by the Lord as truths, n. 4736, 8149; a good that derives its quality from a falsity of religion is accepted by the Lord if there be ignorance, and if there be in it innocence and a good end, n. 7887; the truths that are with man are appearances of truth and good, tinctured with fallacies, and yet the Lord adapts them to genuine truths in the man who lives in good, n. 2053; there are falsities in which there is good with those who are outside of the church and thence in ignorance of truth, also with those within the church where there are falsities of doctrine, n. 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 3778, 4189, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256)

Apocalypsis Explicata 452 (original Latin 1759)

452. [Vers. 9.] "Post haec vidi, et ecce turba multa." - Quod significet omnes illos qui in bono vitae secundum religionem suam, in qua non genuina vera, constat ex eo, quod per "duodecim millia signatos ex unaquavis tribu" intellecti sint illi qui ab ecclesia, in qua genuina vera; nam per "duodecim tribus Israelis" intelliguntur illi qui in bonis et veris genuinis sunt, et abstracte omnia vera et bona ecclesiae; quare per hos, de quibus nunc agitur, intelliguntur illi qui in bono vitae sunt secundum religionem suam, in qua tamen non genuina vera. Quod hi per "turbam multam" intelligantur, constare etiam potest ex sequentibus in hoc capite, ubi dicitur quod sint illi "qui veniunt ex tribulatione magna" (vers. 14), hoc est, ex tentationibus; nam illi qui in bono vitae secundum religionem suam sunt, in qua non genuina vera, illi in altera vita tentationes subeunt, per quas discutiuntur falsa religionis eorum, ac implantantur loco eorum genuina vera (de qua re plura in sequentibus dicetur): exinde constare potest quinam sunt qui per "turbam multam", (de qua in sequentibus ad finem capitis agitur, ) intelliguntur. Sciendum est quod nemo, sive intra ecclesiam ubi Verbum est sive extra illam ecclesiam sit, damnatur, qui bonam vitam agit secundum religionem suam; non enim eorum culpa est quod non sciant genuina vera: quare quia bonum vitae in se recondit affectionem sciendi vera, illi dum in alteram vitam veniunt facile recipiunt vera et imbuunt illa. Aliter prorsus illi qui malam vitam egerunt, et religionem nauci fecerunt. (Sed de illis qui in non genuinis veris sunt, ita qui in falsis ex ignorantia, et usque in bono vitae, actum est supra, n. 107, 195 [a] , 356; et in opere De Caelo et Inferno, ubi actum est de populis et gentibus extra ecclesiam in caelo: inque Arcanis Caelestibus, ubi sequentia; Quod falsa religionis dentur quae concordant cum bono, et quod dentur quae discordant, n. [9258,] 9259. Quod falsa religionis, si non discordant cum bono, non producant malum, solum apud illos qui in malo sunt, n. [8311,] 8318. Quod falsa religionis non imputentur illis qui in bono sunt, sed illis qui in malo, n. 8051, 8149. Quod vera non genuina, et quoque falsa, consociari possint cum veris genuinis apud illos qui in bono sunt, non autem apud illos qui in malo, n. 3470, 3471, 4551, 4552, 7344, 8149, 9298. Quod falsa et vera consocientur per apparentias ex sensu litterae verbi, n. 7344. Quod falsa verificentur a bono et mollescant, quia applicantur et deducuntur ad bonum, et removetur malum, n. 8149. Quod falsa religionis apud illos qui in bono sunt, recipiantur a Domino ut vera, n. 4736, 8149. Quod bonum, cujus quale est a falso religionis, acceptetur a Domino, si sit ignorantia, et in illa innocentia et finis bonus, n. 7887. Quod vera apud hominem sint apparentiae veri et boni imbutae fallaciis, sed quod usque Dominus adaptet illa genuinis veris apud hominem qui in bono vivit, n. 2053. Quod falsa in quibus bonum dentur apud illos qui extra ecclesiam sunt, et inde in ignorantia veri; etiam apud illos qui intra ecclesiam, ubi falsa doctrinae, n. 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 3778, 4189, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256.)

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