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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 459

459. And they cry with a great voice.- That this signifies adoration from the good of truth, and thence from joy of heart, is plain from the signification of crying with a loud voice, as denoting adoration from the good of truth, and thence from joy of heart. For to cry signifies interior affection, because a cry is its effect; for when a man is in interior affection, and thence comes into confession, he cries out aloud; and for this reason to cry, in the Word, signifies every kind of spiritual affection, whether joy, grief, or any other affection, as may be seen above (n. 393, 424). That to cry, here, signifies adoration from the good of truth, is evident from what precedes, and what follows; from what precedes, because it is said that they had palms in their hands, which, as shewn above, signifies the good of truth with them; and from what follows, because they cried, "Salvation unto our God who sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb;" and the angels, the elders, and the four animals, fell down before the throne and worshipped God. And moreover all adoration, which is confession of the Lord, is from the good of truth, that is, from good by means of truths. A great voice also signifies truth from good, voice denoting truth, and great denoting good. That voice signifies truth, may be seen above (n. 261); and that great and greatness denote good may also be seen above (n. 336, 337, 424).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 459

459. Verse 10. And crying with a great voice, signifies adoration from the good of truth and from consequent joy of heart. This is evident from the signification of "crying with a great voice," as being adoration from the good of truth and from consequent joy of heart; for "to cry" signifies interior affection since crying is an effect of such affection; for when man is in interior affection, and from that comes into confession, he cries out; it is from this that "crying" signifies in the Word all spiritual affection, whether of joy or of grief, or some other affection (See above, n. 393, 424). Here adoration from the good of truth is signified, as is evident from what precedes and what follows; from what precedes because it is said "palms in their hands," which signifies the good of truth in such (as has been shown just above); and from what follows because they cried out, "Salvation unto our God who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb; and the angels, the elders, and the four animals, fell down before the throne and worshiped God." Furthermore, all adoration of the Lord, which is confession, is from the good of truth, that is, from good through truths. "A great voice" also signifies truth from good; "voice" signifies truth, and "great" is predicated of good. (That "voice" signifies truth may be seen above, n. 261 and that "great" and "greatness" are predicated of good see also above, n. 336, 337, 424).

Apocalypsis Explicata 459 (original Latin 1759)

459. [Vers. 10.] "Et clamantes voce magna." - Quod significet adorationem ex bono veri et inde gaudio cordis, constat ex significatione "clamare voce magna", quod sit adoratio ex bono veri et inde gaudio cordis; per "clamare" enim significatur affectio interior, quoniam clamor est effectus ejus; quando enim homo in affectione interiore est, ac venit inde in confessionem, tunc clamat; ex hoc est quod "clamor" in Verbo significet omnem affectionem spiritualem, haec sive sit gaudii, sive doloris, sive alius (videatur supra, n 393, 424): quod hic significet adorationem ex bono veri, constat ex antecedentibus et conSequentibus; ex antecedentibus, quia dicitur quod "palmae in manibus eorum", per quod significatur bonum veri apud illos (ut mox supra ostensum est); ex consequentibus, quia illi clamarunt, "Salus Deo nostro sedenti super throno et Agno; ac angeli, seniores et quatuor animalia ceciderunt coram throno, et adoraverunt Deum"; et praeterea omnis adoratio, quae est confessio, Domini, est ex bono veri, hoc est, ex bono per vera: "vox magna" etiam significat verum ex bono; "vox" significat verum, et "magnum" praedicatur de bono.

(Quod "vox" significet verum, videatur supra, n. 261; et quod "magnum" et "magnitudo" praedicetur de bono, etiam supra, n. 336 [a] , 337, 424.)

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