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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 393

393. (Verse 10) And they cried with a great voice. That this signifies their grief of mind, is plain from the signification of crying, as denoting vehement grief of mind, because this manifests itself by the sound of a cry in speech; wherefore cry also in the Word signifies grief. Every affection also, whether it be of grief or joy, expresses itself by sounds, and the ideas of the thought by the expressions in the sound; hence it is that sound in speech manifests both the quality and quantity of the affection, and, this more clearly in the spiritual world than in the natural world, for this reason, that it is not permitted there to produce other affections than those which properly belong to the mind; therefore any one that is wise, can there hear and perceive the affection of another, solely from his speech. (That with spirits and angels sounds pertain to the affection, and words to the ideas of the thought, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell; n. 2240, 2821, 4779, 5016, 5018, 5027, 5323, 5365, 5870, 6801, 6802, 6862, 7119, 7142, 8179, 8353, 9202).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 393

393. Verse 10. And they cried out with a great voice, signifies their grief of mind. This is evident from the signification of "to cry out," as being vehement grief of mind, for this manifests itself by the sound of crying out in speech; consequently "crying out" in the Word signifies grief. Moreover, every affection, whether of grief or joy, expresses itself by sounds, and ideas of thought by the expressions in the sound. This is why sound in speech manifests both the quality and measure of the affection, and this more clearly in the spiritual world than in the natural world, for the reason that it is not permitted there to show forth any affections other than those that are the mind's own. In the spiritual world, therefore, anyone who is wise can hear and perceive the affection of another, solely from his speech. (That with spirits and angels sounds belong to affection, and words to the ideas of the thought, see in the work on Arcana Coelestia 2240, 2821, 2841, 4779, 5016, 5018, 5027, 5323, 5365, 5870, 6801, 6802, 6862, 7119, 7142, 7782, 8179, 8353, 9202).

Apocalypsis Explicata 393 (original Latin 1759)

393. (Vers. 10.) "Et clamabant voce magna." - Quod significet dolorem animi eorum, constat ex significatione "clamare", quod sit dolor animi vehemens, quia ille se manifestat per clamoris sonum in loquela; quare etiam "clamor" in Verbo significat dolorem. Omnis etiam affectio, sive sit doloris sive gaudii, se exserit per sonos, et ideae cogitationis per voces in sono. Inde est quod sonus in loquela manifestet affectionis tam quale quam quantum, et hoc in mundo spirituali clarius quam in mundo naturali, ex causa quia ibi producere alias affectiones quam quae sunt propriae mentis non licet; quapropter ibi quisque sapiens potest audire et percipere alterius affectionem solum ex loquela ejus. (Quod soni sint affectionis et voces sint idearum cogitationis apud spiritus et angelos, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 241: et supra, n. 323(a).) Quod "clamare" et "clamor" in Verbo significet dolorem, constat ex pluribus locis ibi, ex quibus solum volo, afferre hunc apud Esaiam,

"Clamavit Cheschbon et Elealeh, usque ad Jahazam audita est vox eorum, propterea armati Moabi vociferabuntur, anima ejus aegra erit sibi: cor meum super Moabo clamat nam circumdedit clamor terminum Moabi, usque ad Eglaim ejulatus ejus" (15:4, 5, 8).

Quia "clamor" significat dolorem, inde receptum est dicere

"clamare ad Deum", quando dolor animo est (Ut apud Esaiam 19:20; 30:19; 65:19: apud Jeremiam, cap. 14:2: et alibi).

Quod "clamor" in Verbo dicatur de variis affectionibus, ut de lamentatione interiore, de imploratione et supplicatione ex indolentia, de contestatione, et indignatione, de confessione, de supplicatione, et quoque de exultatione et de aliis, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus (n. 2240, 2821, (2841, 4779,) 1

7782, 5016, 5018, 5027, 5323, 5365, 5870, 6801, 6802, 6862, 7119, 7142, 8179, 8353, 9202).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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