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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 465

465. Blessing, [and] glory, and wisdom.- That this signifies that these are from the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord in the three heavens, is evident from the signification of blessing, as denoting the reception of Divine Truth and fructification thence, from which are happiness and eternal life, that these are meant by blessing in the Word, may be seen above (n. 460); wherefore it was a religious custom with the ancients to say, "Blessed be God," and "Blessing be to God," also, "glory and wisdom be to God," by which they did not mean that blessing, glory, and wisdom are to Him, since all blessing, glory, and wisdom come from Him; but they meant that these are with every one from Him. They spoke thus in order to ascribe everything that they received to God alone, and nothing to themselves, and in order that might they thus speak from the Divine, and not from themselves.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 465

465. The blessing, and the glory, and the wisdom, signifies that these are from Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord in the three heavens. This is evident from the signification of "blessing," as meaning the reception of Divine truth and the fructification from it, whence are felicity and eternal life. (That this is the meaning of "blessing" in the Word, see above, n. 460. Wherefore it was a custom with the ancients to say, "Blessed be God," and "Blessing be to God," likewise, "Glory and wisdom be to God," by which they did not mean that to Him be blessing, glory, and wisdom, since it is from Him that all blessing, glory, and wisdom come; but they meant that these are from Him with all men. They spoke in this way that the things they had received they might ascribe to God only, and nothing to themselves, and because, speaking thus, they spoke from the Divine, and not from themselves.

Apocalypsis Explicata 465 (original Latin 1759)

465. "Benedictio, gloria et sapientia." - Quod significet haec a Divino Vero quod procedit a Domino, in tribus caelis, constat ex significatione "benedictionis", quod sit receptio Divini Veri et inde fructificatio, unde felicitas et vita aeterna; (quod haec per "benedictionem" in Verbo intelligantur, videatur supra, n. 340); ex significatione "gloriae", quod sit receptio Divini Veri in interioribus (de qua supra, n. 34, 288, 345); et ex significatione "sapientiae", quod sit receptio Divini Veri in intimis, nam inde sapientia: quod haec tria, "benedictio", "gloria" et "Sapientia" dicantur, est quia haec ab angelis trium caelorum dicta sunt (videatur supra, n. 462); ac receptio Divini Veri in ultimo seu primo caelo vocatur benedictio, receptio Divini Veri in medio seu secundo caelo vocatur gloria, ac receptio Divini Veri in intimo seu tertio caelo vocatur Sapientia. Quod autem dicatur, ut "benedictio, gloria et sapientia sit Deo in saecula saeculorum", significat ut sint in caelis ab Ipso, quoniam tunc benedictio, gloria et sapientia dicuntur esse Deo quando illa sunt apud illos qui in caelis sunt; illi enim sunt apud quos Divina benedictio, Divina gloria et Divina sapientia sunt; quod etiam Dominus docet apud Johannem,

"In hoc glorificatus est Pater meus, ut fructum multum feratis, et reddamini discipuli mei" (15:8);

et alibi,

Pater, "Omnia tua mea sunt, et omnia mea tua, sed glorificatus sum in illis" (17:10):

hoc simile est cum eo quod supra dictum est, "Ut salus sit Deo" (videatur supra, n. 460): quare apud antiquos solenne fuit dicere "Benedictus Deus", ac "Benedictio sit Deo", tum "Gloria et sapientia sit Deo"; per quod non intelligebant quod Ipsi sit benedictio, gloria et sapientia, quoniam Ipse est a quo omnis benedictio, gloria et sapientia; sed intelligebant ut illa sint ab Ipso apud omnes: ita loquebantur, ut illa soli Deo accepta ferrent, et nihil sibi, ac ut sic loquerentur a Divino et non a semet.

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