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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 466

466. And thanksgiving and honour.- This signifies that this is from the Divine Good which proceeds from the Lord in the three heavens, as is plain from this, that as blessing, glory, and wisdom, are said of the reception of Divine Truth, so thanksgiving and honour are said of the reception of Divine Good. For there are two things that proceed from the Lord, from which are all things in the heavens and in the earths, namely, Divine Truth and Divine Good. Divine Truth is the source of all wisdom and intelligence with angels and men, and Divine Good is the source of all love and charity in them. These two proceed from the Lord in union, so that in their very origin they are one; but they are two with angels and men, who are the recipients of them, because there are two receptacles of life with angels and men, called the understanding and the will. The understanding is the receptacle of Divine Truth, and the will the receptacle of Divine Good, or what is the same, the understanding is the receptacle of wisdom from the Lord, and the will the receptacle of love from the Lord; but as far as these two, the Divine Truth and the Divine Good, and thence the understanding and the will, are one with angels and men, so far are they in conjunction with the Lord, but as far as these are not one, so far angels and men are not in conjunction.

[2] Since the Word was given to men in order that there may be conjunction of the Lord with angels and men by means of it, therefore, in every part of it, truth is united to good, and good to truth. For in the Word, especially in the prophets, two expressions are made use of, one of which has reference to Divine Truth, and the other, to Divine Good. But this conjunction in the Word appears only to the angels in heaven, and to those on earth to whom it is granted to see the spiritual sense; for there are words which have reference to truth, and others which have reference to good; where two expressions, therefore, occur, which are almost alike, one signifies those things that belong to truth, and the other, those things that belong to good. There is this union in the Word because the Word is Divine, and Divine Truth united to Divine Good proceeds from the Divine. Concerning this union or this marriage of good and truth in the Word, hitherto unknown on earth, see above (n. 238, 288); and in the Arcana Coelestia 683, 793, 801, 2516, 2712, 3004, 3005, 3009, 4158, 5138, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7022, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314). These things are said in order that it may be known that "blessing," "glory," and "wisdom," are used in reference to truths from the Divine, as shown above (n. 465), and that "thanksgiving" and "honour" are used in reference to goods from the Divine. That "glory" in the Word is a term used in reference to truth, and "honour" to good, may be seen above (n. 288, 345), where proof is given from various passages in the Word. Thanksgiving is here also used of good, because blessing is mentioned above, and blessing is from the mouth by means of truths, and thanksgiving is of the heart from good.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 466

466. And the thanksgiving, and the honor, signifies that this is from the Divine good that proceeds from the Lord in the three heavens. This is evident from this, that as "blessing, glory, and wisdom," are predicated of the reception of Divine truth, so "thanksgiving and honor" are predicated of the reception of Divine good; for there are two things that proceed from the Lord, from which are all things in the heavens and on earth, namely, Divine truth and Divine good. Divine truth is the source of all intelligence and wisdom with angels and men, and Divine good is the source of all charity and love with them. These two united proceed from the Lord, so as to be one in their very origin; but with angels and men who receive them they are two, for the reason that there are two receptacles of life with them, which are called the understanding and the will. The understanding is the receptacle of Divine truth, and the will the receptacle of Divine good, or what is the same, the understanding is the receptacle of wisdom from the Lord, and the will is the receptacle of love from the Lord. But so far as these two, Divine truth and Divine good, and thus the understanding and the will, are one with angels and men, so far are they in conjunction with the Lord; but so far as these are not one, angels and men are not in conjunction.

[2] As the Word was given to men in order that by it there may be conjunction of the Lord with angels and with men, therefore in every part of it truth is conjoined to good, and good to truth, since in the Word, especially in the prophecies, there are two expressions, one of them referring to Divine truth, and the other to Divine good; but this conjunction in the Word is seen only by the angels in heaven, and by those on earth to whom it is granted to see the spiritual sense. For there are expressions that have reference to truth, and expressions that have reference to good; so where there are two expressions that have nearly the same meaning, one is significative of such things as belong to truth, and the other of such things as belong to good. There is this union in the Word because the Word is Divine, and from the Divine Divine truth united to Divine good proceeds. (Respecting this union or this marriage of good and truth in the Word, which has been heretofore unknown on earth, see above, n. 238, 288; and in Arcana Coelestia 683, 793, 801, 2516, 2712, 3004, 3005, 3009, 4158, 5138, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7022, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314.) These things have been said to make known that "blessing, glory, and wisdom," are predicated of truths from the Divine (as was shown above, n. 465); and that "thanksgiving and honor" are predicated of goods from the Divine. That in the Word "glory" is predicated of truth, and "honor" of good, may be seen above, (n. 288, 345), where it is shown by various passages from the Word. "Thanksgiving" also is here predicated of good, for "blessing" is mentioned above, and blessing is expressed by the mouth by means of truths, while thanksgiving comes from the heart out of good.

Apocalypsis Explicata 466 (original Latin 1759)

466. "Et gratiarum actio et honor." - Quod significet hoc a Divino Bono quod procedit a Domino, in tribus caelis, constat ex eo, quod sicut "benedictio, gloria et sapientia" dicuntur de receptione Divini Veri, ita "gratiarum actio et honor" dicantur de receptione Divini Boni; sunt enim duo quae procedunt a Domino, ex quibus omnia in caelis et in terris, nempe Divinum Verum ac Divinum Bonum; Divinum Verum est ex quo omnis intelligentia et sapientia est apud angelos et homines, ac Divinum Bonum est ex quo omnis charitas et amor apud illos: illa duo unita procedunt a Domino, ita ut in ipsa origine sint unum; at apud angelos et homines, qui recipiunt, sunt duo, ex causa quia sunt duo receptacula vitae apud illos, quae vocantur intellectus et voluntas. Intellectus est receptaculum Divini Veri, ac voluntas receptaculum Divini Boni; seu quod idem, intellectus receptaculum sapientiae a Domino, et voluntas receptaculum amoris a Domino; at quantum illa duo, Divinum Verum ac Divinum Bonum, et inde intellectus et voluntas, unum sunt apud angelos et homines, tantum in conjunctione cum Domino sunt; et quantum non unum sunt, tantum illi non in conjunctione sunt. Quoniam Verbum datum est hominibus ut per id sit conjunctio Domini cum angelis et cum hominibus, ideo in illo ubivis conjunctum est verum bono et bonum vero; sunt enim, imprimis in propheticis, binae expressiones, quarum una se refert ad Divinum Verum, et altera ad Divinum Bonum: sed haec conjunctio in Verbo non apparet aliis quam angelis in caelo, ac illis in terra quibus datum est ibi videre sensum spiritualem; sunt enim voces quae dicuntur de vero et quae dicuntur de bono; quapropter ubi binae expressiones paene similis rei sunt, ibi una significat talia quae veri sunt et altera quae boni. Est unio in Verbo 1

quia Verbum est Divinum; et a Divino procedit Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono. (De hac unione seu de hoc conjugio boni et veri in Verbo, quod hactenus in terris ignotum fuit, videatur supra, n. 238, 288; et in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 683, 793, 801, 2516, 2712, 3004, 3005, 3009, 4158, 5138, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7022, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314. ) Haec allata sunt, ut sciatur quod "benedictio", "gloria" "sapientia" praedicentur de veris ex Divino (ut supra 465, ostensum est), et quod "gratiarum actio" et "honor" praedicentur de bonis ex Divino.

Quod "gloria" in Verbo dicatur de vero, et "honor" de bono, videatur supra (n. 288, 345), ubi id ex variis locis in Verbo ostensum est: quod "gratiarum actio" hic quoque dicatur de bono, est quia supra dicitur "benedictio", et benedictio fit ore per vera, et "gratiarum actio" fit corde ex bono.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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