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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 468

468. Be unto our God unto the ages of the ages.- Signifies to the Lord to eternity; for by our God is meant "He who sitteth on the throne and the Lamb," and the Lord alone is meant by both; by him who sitteth on the throne, the Lord as to Divine Good, and by the Lamb, the Lord as to Divine Truth, as shown above (n. 7:14).

And in Isaiah:

"Trust ye in Jah Jehovah, a rock of ages" (26:4).

Again, in the same:

"Israel is saved by Jehovah with the salvation of ages; they shall not be ashamed unto everlasting ages" (45:17).

And again:

"My salvation shall be unto an age, and my justice shall not be abolished. My justice shall be unto an age, and my salvation unto generation and generation" (51:6, 8).

So in David:

"Before the mountains were brought forth, and the earth and the world were formed, from age even to age thou art God" (Psalm 90:2).


"The mercy of Jehovah is from age to age upon them that fear him" (Psalm 103:17).

And in the Apocalypse:

"To him be might unto the ages of the ages. Behold I am alive unto the ages of the ages" (1:6, 18).

And again:

"Unto him that sitteth on the throne and unto the Lamb be blessing, and honour, and glory, and dominion unto the ages of the ages, and they worshipped him that liveth unto the ages of the ages" (5:13, 14).


"He swore by him who liveth unto the ages of the ages, who created the heaven" (10:6).


"The kingdoms of the world have become of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign unto the ages of the ages" (11:15),

and in many other places besides. Moreover also, in the Word, "an age," signifies time from of old; also, time even to the end; and also the same as "the world"; but concerning these significations of an age we shall speak elsewhere.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 468

468. Be unto our God unto the ages of ages, signifies unto the Lord to eternity; for "our God" means "He who sitteth upon the throne, and the Lamb," and these two mean the Lord alone; "who sitteth upon the throne" meaning the Lord in relation to Divine good, and "the Lamb," the Lord in relation to Divine truth (as was said and shown above, n. Daniel 7:14).

In Isaiah:

Trust ye in Jehovah, for in Jah Jehovah is the rock of ages (Isaiah 26:4).

In the same:

Israel hath been saved by Jehovah with a salvation of ages; ye shall not be ashamed to the everlasting ages (Isaiah 45:17).

My salvation shall be for an age, and My righteousness shall not be broken. My righteousness shall be for an age, and My salvation for generation and generations (Isaiah 51:6, 8).

In David:

Before the mountains were brought forth, and before the earth and the world were formed, even from age to age, thou art God (Psalms 90:2).

The mercy of Jehovah is from age to age upon them that fear Him (Psalms 103:17).

In Revelation:

To Him be the might unto the ages of the ages. Behold I am alive unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 1:6, 18).


Unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb be the blessing, and the honor, and the glory, and the strength, unto the ages of the ages; and they worshiped Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 5:13, 14).


And sware by Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages, who created heaven (Revelation 10:6).

And again:

The kingdoms of the world are become our Lord's and His Christ's; and He shall reign unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 11:15).

And many other passages. Moreover, "age" in the Word signifies the time from antiquity, as well as time even to the end; it also has a similar signification as world; but these significations of "age" will be treated of elsewhere.

Apocalypsis Explicata 468 (original Latin 1759)

468. "Deo nostro in saecula saeculorum", significat Domino in aeternum, nam per "Deum nostrum" intelligitur Sedens super throno et Agnus, et per utrumque intelligitur solus Dominus; per "Sedentem super throno" Ipse quoad Divinum Bonum, et per "Agnum" Ipse quoad Divinum Verum (ut supra, n. 460. dictum et ostensum est): et per "saecula saeculorum", cum de Domino, significatur aeternum: quod non dicatur in aeternum, sed "in saecula saeculorum", est quia naturale est dicere "saecula saeculorum", ast spirituale est dicere aeternum; ac sensus litterae Verbi naturalis est, et sensus internus est spiritualis, et hic continetur in illo; ut quoque alibi in Verbo:

- Ut apud Danielem,

Filio hominis "datum est dominium, et gloria et regnum; .... dominium Ipsius dominium saeculi quod non transibit" (7:14);

apud Esaiam,

"Confidite [in Jehovam.... quia] in Jah Jehovah petra saeculorum" (26:4);

apud eundem,

"Israel salvatus est per Jehovam salute saeculorum nec pudore afficientur in saecula sempiterna" (45:17);

apud eundem,

"Salus mea in saeculum erit, et justitia mea non infringetur:.... justitia mea in saeculum erit, et salus mea in generationem et generationem" (51:6, 8);

apud Davidem,

"Antequam montes nati sunt, et formata est terra et orbis, a saeculo usque in saeculum Tu Deus" (Psalms 90:2);

apud eundem,

"Misericordia Jehovae a saeculo in saeculum super timentes Ipsum" (Psalms 103:17);

in Apocalypsi,

"Ipsi sit robur in saecula saeculorum:.... ecce Vivo Ego in saecula saeculorum" (1:6, 18);


"Sedenti super throno et Agno benedictio, honor et gloria et robur in saecula saeculorum.... et adoraverunt Viventem in saecula saeculorum" (5:13, 14);


"Juravit per Viventem in saecula saeculorum, qui creavit caelum" (10:6);

et alibi,

"Facta sunt regna mundi Domini nostri et Christi Ejus, et regnabit in saecula saeculorum" (11:15):

praeter multis aliis in locis. Praeterea etiam "saeculum" in Verbo significat tempus ab antiquo; ut et tempus usque ad finem; et quoque simile quod "mundus"; sed de his saeculi significationibus alibi.

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