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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 467

467. And power and might.- This signifies Omnipotence from Divine Good by means of Divine Truth, as is evident from the signification of power and might, when said of the Lord, as denoting Omnipotence; but power is said of the Divine Truth, and might, of the Divine Good. Therefore both power and might signify Omnipotence by means of Divine Truth from Divine Good. That power, when said of the Lord, denotes Omnipotence, may be seen above (n. 338); and that all power belongs to truths from good, or to good by means of truths, and Omnipotence to the Lord from Divine Good by means of Divine Truth, may also be seen above (n. 209, 333); and in Heaven and Hell 228-233). Both power and might are named, because there is a marriage of good and truth in every detail of the Word; were it not so, the mention of one would have been sufficient; the same is the case also in many other passages.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 467

467. And the power, and the strength, signifies omnipotence from Divine good through Divine truth. This is evident from the signification of "power and strength," when predicated of the Lord, as being omnipotence; but "power" is predicated of Divine truth, and "strength" of Divine good; thus both "power and strength" signify omnipotence through Divine truth from Divine good. (That "power" [potestas] when predicated of the Lord, means omnipotence, see above, n. 338; and that truths have all power [potentia] from good, or good has all power by means of truths, and that the Lord has omnipotence from Divine good by means of Divine truth, see also above, n. 209, 333; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 228-233.) For the sake of the marriage of good and truth in every particular of the Word, mention is made of both "power" and "strength," otherwise to mention one of them would have been sufficient; this is true also of many other passages.

Apocalypsis Explicata 467 (original Latin 1759)

467. "Et potentia et robur." - Quod significet omnipotentiam ex Divino Bono per Divinum Verum, constat ex significatione "potentiae et roboris", cum de Domino, quod sit omnipotentia; sed "potentia" dicitur de Divino Vero, ac "robur" de Divino Bono; inde per utrumque, "potentiam et robur", significatur omnipotentia per Divinum Verum ex Divino Bono.

(Quod "potestas", cum de Domino, sit omnipotentia, videatur supra, n. 338; et quod omnis potentia sit veris ex bono seu bono per vers, et quod omnipotentia Domino sit ex Divino Bono per Divinum Verum, videatur etiam supra, n. 209. 1

333228-233.) Propter conjugium veri et boni in singulis Verbi, dicitur et "potentia" et "robur"; alioqui suffecisset dicere unum: ita quoque in pluribus aliis locis.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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