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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 479

479. And he who sitteth on the throne shall dwell over them.- This signifies the influx of Divine Good into the truths which they possess, as is evident from the signification of "he who sitteth on the throne," as denoting the Lord as to Divine Good see above (n. 297, 343, 460); and from the signification of dwelling over them, as denoting to flow in with good into their truths. For in the Word, to dwell is said of good, therefore dwellers signify those who are in good; when, therefore, to dwell is said of the Lord, as in the present instance to dwell over them, it signifies the influx of Divine Good. The influx is into truths, because the subject just treated of is concerning the truths which they possess, also because all who are in the heavens are held in truths by the influx of Divine Good from the Lord into truths. For the Divine Good can flow only into truths, since truths are from good, being the forms of good; therefore it is necessary for man to be in good, because the Lord by means of that flows into the truths which correspond to the good. He who imagines that the Lord flows immediately into the truths which a man possesses, is much deceived. This influx is treated of in the Arcana Coelestia, as follows; the influx of the Lord is into the good with man, and through the good into truths with him, but not vice versa (n. 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153). Influx is through good into truths of every kind, but especially into genuine truths (n. 2531, 2554). In good there is a power of receiving truths (n. 8321). The influx of the Lord is not into truths separated from good (n. 1831, 1832, 3514, 3564). From these statements it is now evident how the details contained in this and the preceding verse are connected, teaching that those in whom truths from the Lord have been implanted by temptations, are continually held in those truths by the influx of Divine Good into these. That to dwell, in the Word, is said of good, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2268, 2451, 2712, 3613, 8269, 8309, 10153). The dwelling-place of the Lord denotes heaven and the church as to good, consequently the good of those who are in heaven, and in regard to man, the good which is in him (n. 8269, 8309).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 479

479. And He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell over them, signifies the influx of Divine good into the truths with them. This is evident from the signification of "He that sitteth on the throne," as being the Lord in relation to Divine good (of which above, n. 297, 343, 460); also from the signification of "dwelling over them," as being to flow in with good into their truths; for "to dwell" is predicated in the Word of good, thus "dwellers" signify those who are in good; so when "to dwell" is predicated of the Lord, as here, "to dwell over them" signifies the influx of Divine good; this is into truths, because the truths in such are what have just been treated of, also because all who are in the heavens are held in truths by the influx into truths of Divine good from the Lord; for it is only into truths that Divine good can flow, because truths are from good, for they are forms of good; this is why it is necessary for man to be in good, since by it the Lord flows into the truths corresponding to the good.

He is much mistaken who supposes that the Lord flows immediately into truths with man. (This influx is treated of in the Arcana Coelestia, namely, the influx of the Lord is into the good with man, and through the good into the truths that are with him, but not the reverse, n. 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153; influx is through good into truths of every kind, but especially into genuine truths, n. 2531, 2554; in good there is a faculty of receiving truths, n. 8321; there is no influx of the Lord into truths separate from good, n. 1831, 1832, 3514, 3564.) From this it can now be seen how the things contained in this and the preceding verses cohere, namely, that those in whom truths from the Lord are implanted by means of temptations, are constantly held in truths by the influx into them of Divine good. (That "to dwell" is predicated in the Word of good, see Arcana Coelestia 2268, 2451, 2712, 3613, 8269, 8309, 10153; and that "the dwelling place of the Lord" means heaven and the church in respect to good, consequently the good of heaven and the church, and in reference to man the good with him, n. 8269, 8309)

Apocalypsis Explicata 479 (original Latin 1759)

479. "Et Sedens super throno habitabit super illis." - Quod significet influxum Divini Boni in vera apud illos, constat ex significatione "Sedentis super throno", quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Bonum (de qua supra, n. 297, 343, 460); et ex significatione "habitare super illis", quod sit influere cum bono in vera illorum; "habitare" enim in Verbo dicitur de bono, unde per "habitatores" significantur illi qui in bono sunt; cum itaque "habitare" dicitur de Domino, ut hic "habitare super illis", significatur influxus Divini Boni: quod sit in vera, est quia de veris apud illos mox actum est, tum quia omnes qui in caelis sunt tenentur in veris per influxum Divini Boni a Domino in illa; Divinum enim Bonum non potest influere nisi in vera, quia vera sunt ex bono, sunt enim formae boni; quapropter necessum est ut homo in bono sit, nam Dominus per id influit in vera bono correspondentia: qui credit quod Dominus immediate in vera apud hominem influat, multum fallitur. (Sed de hoc influxu actum est in Arcanis Caelestibus nempe, Quod influxus Domini sit in bonum apud hominem, et per bonum in vera quae apud illum, non autem vicissim, n. 5482, 1

5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153. Quod influxus sit per bonum in vera omnis generis, maxime in vera genuina, n. 2531, 2554. Quod in bono sit facultas recipiendi vera, n. 8321. Quod influxus Domini non sit in vera separata a bono, n. 1831, 1832, 3514, 3564.) Ex his nunc constare potest quomodo haec quae continentur in hoc et in mox antecedente versu cohaerent, quod nempe illi, quibus implantata sunt vera a Domino per tentationes, jugiter teneantur in illis per influxum Divini Boni in illa.

(Quod "habitare" in Verbo dicatur de bono, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 2268, 2451, 2712, 3613, 2

8269, 8309, 10153: et quod "habitaculum Domini" sit caelum et ecclesia quoad bonum, ita bonum illorum, et respective ad hominem, bonum apud illum, n. 8269, 8309.)


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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