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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 497

497. And cast it upon the earth.- That this signifies influx into the lower parts where those were who had to be separated and removed, is evident from the signification of casting down the censer filled with the fire of the altar, as denoting the influx of Divine Love out of the heavens, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the earth, as denoting the lower parts, where those were who had to be separated and removed from each other. For in the spiritual world there are lands (terroe), hills, and mountains; and the lands, hills, and mountains there are inhabited. On the hills and mountains the angels dwell, and are the heavens, and upon the lands (terroe), which are below the hills and mountains, dwelt those who were to be separated from each other; wherefore the earths here signify the lower parts. That the external appearance of such things in the spiritual world is similar to what it is on our earth, is shewn in many places in the work concerning Heaven and Hell, and also in the small work concerning the Last Judgment, and, occasionally, in the explanations above. From what has been said, it is clear that the angel casting the censer filled with fire of the altar upon the earth, signifies the influx of the Divine Love out of the heavens into the lower parts, where they were who were to be separated and removed. For below upon the lands (terroe) there, societies existed in which the good and the evil were, and these were to be separated one from another before the Last Judgment could take place. For from the time of the Lord, up till the period of the Last Judgment, all those who could live all external moral life, and by means of it imitate spiritual life in appearance, were tolerated. That these were tolerated until the Last Judgment, and the reason why, may be seen in the Last Judgment 59, 69, 70); and that the former heaven, which was destroyed, was formed of them (n. 65-72). In the same societies, or in the former heaven, the simple good also were present, some with those who were there, and some elsewhere, but conjoined with them by a pious and holy external, and yet the good had to be separated from the evil before the judgment, in order that the former might be taken into heaven and the evil cast in hell; and as this separation was effected by the influx of Divine Good and Truth out of the heavens into the lower parts where all those were, therefore it is plain that the censer filled with fire from the altar and cast [upon the earth], signifies that influx into the lower parts. Concerning the operation of that influx with the good, and also with the evil, see above (n. 413, 418, 419, 426, 489, 493).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 497

497. And cast it unto the earth, signifies influx into the lower parts where those were who were to be separated and removed. This is evident from the signification of "casting down the censer filled with the fire of the altar," as being the influx of Divine love out of the heavens (of which presently); also from the signification of "the earth," as being the lower parts, where those were who were to be separated and removed from each other. For in the spiritual world there are lands, hills, and mountains, and these lands, hills, and mountains are inhabited: on the hills and mountains the angels dwell, and these are the heavens; and upon the lands which are below the hills and mountains those who were to be separated from each other dwell; so "lands" (earths) here signify the lower parts. (That the face of things in the spiritual world is similar in this respect as upon our globe is shown in many passages in the work on Heaven and Hell; also in the small work on The Last Judgment; as well as frequently in the above explanations.) From this it can be seen that "he cast the censer filled with the fire of the altar unto the earth" signifies the influx of the Divine love out of the heavens into the lower parts, where those were who were to be separated and removed. For there were societies below upon the lands there, in which the good and the evil were together, and these had to be separated from each other before the Last Judgment could take place; for from the time of the Lord until the time of the Last Judgment, all who could live an external moral life, and thus imitate a spiritual life in appearance were tolerated. (That these were tolerated even until the judgment, and why, see in the small work on The Last Judgment 59, 69, 70; and that "the former heaven" which was destroyed was formed out of these, n. 65-72.) And in the same societies, or "in the former heaven," there were also the simple good, some associated with the others there, and some elsewhere, but conjoined with the others by a holy and pious external; and yet it was necessary that the good should be separated from the evil before the judgment, in order that the good might be elevated into heaven and the evil be cast into hell; and as this separation was effected by the influx of Divine good and truth out of the heavens into those lower parts where they all were, thence it can be seen that "He cast down the censer filled with the fire of the altar" signifies this influx into the lower parts. (Respecting the operation of this influx with the good and its operation with the evil see above, n. 413, 418-419, 426, 489, 493.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 497 (original Latin 1759)

497. "Et projecit in terram." - Quod significet influxum in inferiora ubi illi qui separandi et removendi, constat ex significatione "projicere thuribulum impletum igne altaris", quod sit influxus Divini Amoris e caelis (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "terrae", quod sint inferiora, ubi illi qui separandi et removendi ab invicem. In mundo spirituali enim sunt terrae, sunt colles, et sunt montes; ac ibi et terrae et colles et montes habitantur; super collibus et montibus habitant angeli et sunt caeli, et super terris, quae infra colles et montes habitabant qui separandi ab invicem erant; quare "terrae" hic significant inferiora. (Quod similis sit facies in mundo spirituali quoad talia, sicut est super nostra tellure, multis ostensum est in opere De Caelo et Inferno tum in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio, et quoque supra in explicationibus aliquoties.) Exinde constare potest quod per "Projecit thuribulum impletum igne altaris in terram" significetur influxus Divini Amoris e caelis in inferiora, ubi illi qui separandi et removendi: infra enim super terris ibi erant societates ubi boni simul et mali erant, qui ab invicem separandi erant antequam ultimum judicium existeret: nam a tempore Domini usque ad tempus ultimi judicii tolerati sunt omnes qui externam moralem vitam potuerunt vivere, et sic aemulari vitam spiritualem ad apparentiam: (quod tolerati sint usque ad judicium, et cur tolerati sunt, videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 59, 69, 70; et quod ex illis formatum fuerit prius caelum", quod destructum est, in eodem opusculo, n. 65-72): et quia in iisdem societatibus, seu in priori caelo, etiam fuerunt simplices boni, quidam una cum illis ibi, quidam alibi sed cum illis conjuncti per externum sanctum et pium, et tamen boni separandi erant a malis ante judicium, ut illi elevarentur in caelum ac mali conjicerentur in infernum, ac separatio facta est per influxum Divini Boni et Veri e caelis in inferiora ubi omnes illi erant, inde constare potest quod per "Projecit thuribulum impletum igne altaris" significetur ille influxus in inferiora. (De operatione illius influxus apud bonos, et de operatione ejus apud malos, videatur supra, n. 413, 418 [a] , 419, 426, 489, 493,)

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