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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 498

498. And there followed voices, and thunderings, and lightnings.- That this signifies reasonings, from a disturbance of the affections and thence the thoughts, about good and evil, and about truth and falsity, is evident from the signification of voices, as denoting reasonings, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of thunderings and lightnings, as denoting conflicts and disturbances of the affections and thence of the thoughts about good and evil, and about truth and falsity. The cause of such conflicts and disturbances is this - that by influx out of the heavens, the externals of the evil are closed and their internals opened; and it was the externals that made a pretence of possessing goods and truths, whilst the internals thought evils and falsities. Their externals therefore being closed and their internals opened, there arise a conflict and disturbance of the affections and the thoughts about good and evil and about truth and falsity, and then reasonings follow. Such things, in the spiritual world, are heard like the voices of a multitude, murmuring, shouting, threatening, and fighting, and they appear at a distance thence, where they are not heard, like thunderings and lightnings; like thunderings, from the conflict of affections, and like lightnings, from the conflict of thoughts thence. Because these things arise from the flowing down of Divine Good and Truth out of the higher heavens into the lower parts, therefore voices, thunderings, and lightnings, when heard and seen by the good, signify Divine Truth in regard to perception and illustration, but it is otherwise when they are heard and seen by the evil. The signification of these things may be seen above (n. 273, 353).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 498

498. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings, signifies reasonings from the disturbance of the affections and of the thoughts therefrom respecting good and evil and respecting truth and falsity. This is evident from the signification of "voices," as being reasonings (of which presently); also from the signification of "thunders and lightnings," as being conflicts and disturbances of the affections and the thoughts therefrom respecting good and evil and truth and falsity. The cause of such conflicts and disturbances is the closing of the externals with the evil by influx out of the heavens, and the opening of the internals, the externals being that which simulated goods and truths, while the internals thought evil and falsity; when therefore their externals were closed and their internals were opened, there arose a conflict and disturbance of the affections and thoughts respecting good and evil and truth and falsity, and consequent reasonings. Such things are heard in the spiritual world as the voices of a multitude, murmuring, grating, menacing, and combating; and at a distance, where the voices are not heard, they are heard and seen as thunders and lightnings; as thunders from the conflict of the affections, and as lightnings from the conflict of the thoughts therefrom. As these things arise from the flowing down of Divine good and truth out of the higher heavens into the lower parts, therefore the voices, thunders, and lightnings, when heard and seen by the good, signify Divine truth in respect to perception and illustration (on the signification of these, see n. 273, 353); but it is otherwise when these are heard and seen by the evil.

Apocalypsis Explicata 498 (original Latin 1759)

498. "Et factae sunt voces et tonitrua et fulgura." - Quod significet ratiocinationes ex turba affectionem et inde cogitationum de bono et malo ac de vero et falso, constat ex significatione "vocum", quod sint ratiocinationes (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "tonitruum et fulgurum", quod sint conflictus et turbae affectionum et inde cogitationum de bono et malo ac de vero et falso. Causa talium conflictuum et turbarum, est quod per influxum e caelis claudantur externa apud malos et aperiuntur interna, et externa fuerunt quae simulaverunt bona et vera, at interna quae cogitaverunt mala et falsa; inde clausis externis et apertis internis illorum oritur conflictus et turba affectionum et cogitationum de bono et malo ac de vero et falso, et inde ratiocinationes: talia in mundo spirituali audiuntur ut voces multitudinis murmurantis, stridentis, minantis et pugnantis; et apparent ad distantiam inde, ubi illa non audiuntur, sicut tonitrua et fulgura, ut tonitrua ex conflictu affectionum, ac ut fulgura ex conflictu cogitationum inde. Quoniam haec oriuntur ex defluxu Divini Boni et Veri e caelis superioribus in inferiora, inde voces, tonitrua et fulgura, cum audiuntur et conspiciuntur a bonis, significant Divinum Verum quoad perceptionem et illustrationem (de qua illorum significatione, videatur supra, n. 273, 353): aliter vero cum illa audiuntur et conspiciuntur a malis.

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