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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 499

499. And earthquakes.- This signifies changes of the state of the church, as is evident from the signification of earthquakes, as denoting changes of the state of the church, concerning which see above (n. 400). That in the spiritual world lands are thrown into commotion, and hills and mountains shaken when the state of the church is changed for the worse, and evil and falsity begin to rule, may be seen in the place just cited. The reason why there are earthquakes in the spiritual world is, that, the lands there are all from a spiritual origin, and are changed when the church amongst the inhabitants changes; where the church flourishes they are beautiful, and full of paradises, flower gardens, and shrubberies, but where the church is corrupt they are void of all beauty, and full of deserts and rocks; and they are altogether changed as the church declines from good and truth into evil and falsity. This, however, takes place only in the lower parts. See also what is said upon this subject in Heaven and Hell 156), and elsewhere. Because the lands in the spiritual world have such an origin, it is evident that there are earthquakes when the state of the church is changed.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 499

499. And an earthquake, signifies changes of state of the church. This is evident from the signification of "earthquakes," as meaning changes of state of the church (of which above, n. 400. In the same place it is shown that in the spiritual world the lands quake, and the hills and mountains are shaken, when the state of the church there is changed for the worse and evil and falsity begin to rule. Earthquakes occur in the spiritual world for the reason that all the lands there are from a spiritual origin, and are changed with the changing of the church with those there. Where the church is flourishing the country is beautiful, and full of paradises, flower gardens, and lawns; but where the church is perverted, it is unbeautiful, and full of deserts and rocks; and the change is in exact accord with the decline of the church from good and truth into evil and falsity; but this takes place only in the lower parts (on this see in the work on Heaven and Hell 156, and elsewhere). Such being the origin of the lands there it can be seen that earthquakes occur there from changes in the state of the church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 499 (original Latin 1759)

499. "Et terrae motus." - Quod significet mutationes status ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "terrae motuum", quod sint mutationes status ecclesiae, de qua supra, n. 400. Quod in mundo spirituali terrae commoveantur, colles et montes concutiantur, quando status ecclesiae ibi mutatur in pejus, ac malum et falsum ibi dominari incipit, videatur in loco nunc citato. 1

Causa, quod terrae motus in mundo spirituali fiant, est quia omnes terrae ibi sunt ex origine spirituali, ac mutantur cum mutatione ecclesiae apud illos: sunt pulchrae ac plenae paradisis, floretis et viretis, ubi ecclesia floret; at sunt impulchrae, ac plenae desertis et petris, ubi ecclesia perversa est; ac mutatur prorsus sicut ecclesia deflectit a bono et vero in malum et falsum; sed hoc fit solum in inferioribus. (De qua re etiam videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno n. 156, et alibi.) Quia terrae ibi ex tali origine sunt, constare potest quod terrae motus existant ubi status ecclesiae mutatur.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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