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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 539

539. And there arose smoke out of the well, as the smoke of a great furnace.- That this signifies dense falsities thence from the evils of earthly and corporeal loves, is evident from the signification of smoke, which denotes the falsity of evil, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the well of the abyss, which denotes the hell where those are who have falsified the Word (see above, n. 537); and from the signification of a great furnace, which denotes the evils of earthly and corporeal loves, from which such falsities break forth, of which we shall speak in the following article. Smoke signifies the falsity of evil, because it proceeds from fire, and fire signifies the loves of self and of the world, and all evils thence; therefore also the hells which are in falsities from the evils of those loves, and more so where those are who have falsified the Word by applying it to favour those loves, appear in a fire as of a great furnace, from which ascends a dense smoke mixed with fire. I have also seen them, and it was evident that the loves of those who were there caused the appearance of such fire, and that the falsities issuing therefrom presented the appearance of a fiery smoke. But such things do not appear to those who are there; for they are in those loves and in the falsities thence; in them is their life; they are tormented by these in various ways, and not by material fire and smoke, such as are in our natural world as may be better seen from the article in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 566-575), where what is meant by infernal fire and by gnashing of teeth is explained.

[2] That smoke signifies the dense falsity which goes forth from evil, is evident from the following passages.

Thus in Moses:

Abraham "looked toward the faces of Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the faces of the land of the plain, and he saw, and lo, the smoke of the land went up as the smoke of a furnace" (Genesis 19:28).

Sodom and Gomorrah, in the spiritual sense, mean those who are altogether in the loves of self, therefore the smoke seen by Abraham to rise out of the earth after the burning [of those cities], signifies the dense falsity pertaining to those who are entirely in that love. For those who love themselves above all things, are in the utmost darkness as to things spiritual and celestial, being merely natural and sensual, and altogether separated from heaven; and then they not only deny Divine things, but also contrive falsities, by which they destroy them. These falsities are signified by the smoke seen to arise from Sodom and Gomorrah.

[3] In the same:

"And the sun went down, and there was thick darkness, and behold a smoking furnace, and a torch of fire that passed between those pieces" (Arcana Coelestia 1858-1862).

[4] Again, in Moses:

"Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether parts of the mount. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly" (Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248); and that the Lord appears to every one according to his quality, as a vivifying and recreating fire to those who are in good, and as a consuming fire to those who are in evil, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 934, 1861, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551). The signification of the remaining details in the passages above adduced, is also given in the Arcana Coelestia, where the book of Exodus is explained.

[5] The signification of smoke and fire in the following passages in David is similar:

"Because he was wroth, there went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and a fire out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by him. He bowed the heaven also, and came down; and thick darkness was under his feet" (Psalm 18:7-9; 2 Sam. 22:8, 9).

This does not mean that smoke and devouring fire ascended from Him, for there is no wrath in Him; but it is so said, because the Lord thus appears to those who are in falsities and evils, for they view Him from their own falsities and evils.

[6] Similar things are signified by the following in the same:

"He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth; he toucheth the mountains, and they smoke" (Psalm 104:32).

And again:

"Bow thy heavens, O Jehovah, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke" (Psalm 144:5).

And in Isaiah:

"Howl, O gate, cry, O city; thou whole Philistia, art dissolved; for there cometh a smoke from the north" (14:31).

By the gate is signified truth which introduces into the church; by city is signified doctrine. By Philistia is signified faith; hence by howl, O gate, cry, O city, thou whole Philistia, art dissolved, is signified the vastation of the church as to the truth of doctrine, and thence as to faith. The north signifies the hell where and whence are the falsities of doctrine and the falsities of faith, and the smoke those falsities themselves. Therefore by smoke coming from the north is signified falsity vastating from the hells.

[7] So in Nahum:

"Behold, I will burn her chariot in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions" (2:13).

The subject here treated of is the vastation of the church. By burning the chariot in the smoke is signified the perversion of all the truths of doctrine into falsities, smoke signifying falsity, and chariot denoting doctrine. By the sword shall devour the young lions, is signified that falsities will destroy the principal truths of the church, young lions denoting the principal and defensive truths of the church, and sword denoting falsity destroying truth.

[8] So in Joel:

"I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke" (2:30).

These things are said concerning the Last Judgment, and by blood, fire, and pillars of smoke, are signified the truth of the Word falsified, the good thereof adulterated, and absolute falsities therefrom. Blood denotes the truth of the Word falsified, fire, its good adulterated, and pillars of smoke denote the absolute and dense falsities thence.

[9] Again, in David:

"The wicked shall perish, and the enemies of Jehovah as the glory of lambs shall be consumed; in smoke shall they be consumed" (Psalm 37:20).

By the wicked perishing, and the enemies of Jehovah being consumed in smoke, is signified that they shall perish by means of the falsities of evil. Those who are in falsities are called wicked, and enemies those who are in evils, while smoke denotes the falsity of evil.

[10] Again:

"As smoke is driven away, so shalt thou drive them away; as wax melteth before the fire, so the wicked shall perish before God" (Psalm 68:2).

The destruction of the wicked is here compared to smoke driven away by the wind, and to wax which melts before the fire, because smoke signifies falsities, and fire, evils.

[11] So in Isaiah:

"The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment" (51:6).

Here also smoke signifies falsity, in which they should perish who were in the former heaven; and by the garment waxing old is signified truth destroyed by the falsities of evil. Comparison is made with smoke vanishing away, and with a garment waxing old, because comparisons in the Word are also correspondences, and are equally significative.

[12] So in Hosea:

"They sin more and more, and make them a molten image of their silver, and idols in their intelligence, all of it the work of the craftsmen; therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the early falling dew that passeth away, as the [chaff] that is driven with the whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke out of the chimney" (13:2, 3).

By these words are described doctrinals which are from [man's] own intelligence in which are evils of falsity, and falsities of evil. Such doctrinals are signified by the molten images of silver, and by idols. Their silver signifies that which is from [man's] own intelligence, and the work of the craftsmen signifies that intelligence; therefore it is also said, that they have made them idols in their own intelligence, all of it the work of the craftsmen. That those doctrinals because they are falsities, would pass away, is signified by their passing away as smoke out of the chimney. The reason why they are said to be as the morning cloud, and as the early falling dew that passeth away, and as [the chaff] out of the floor, is, because the church in its beginning is as the morning cloud, as the early falling dew, and as corn on the threshing floor, by which are signified truths of good, and goods of truth, which yet successively pass away, and are changed into falsities of evil, and into evils of falsity.

[13] By smoke is also signified falsity in other passages in the Apocalypse; as in the following:

"Out of the horses' mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone" (9:17, 18).


"The smoke of their torment ascendeth up unto ages of ages" (14:11).

And again:

"The smoke of Babylon rose up unto ages of ages" (19:3).

[14] Because fire signifies love in both senses, both heavenly love and infernal love, and smoke signifies that which flows from love, both the falsity from infernal love, and the truth from heavenly love, therefore smoke also, in a good sense, signifies holy truth; this is what smoke from the fire of the incense offerings signifies, as may be seen above (n. Isaiah 4:5).

This passage may be seen explained above (n. 6:4).

And in the Apocalypse it is written:

"The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power" (15:8).

And again:

"The smoke of the offerings of incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand" (8:4).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 539

539. And there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, signifies dense falsities therefrom out of the evils of earthly and corporeal loves. This is evident from the signification of "smoke," as being the falsity of evil (of which presently); from the signification of "the pit of the abyss," as being the hell where those are who have falsified the Word (respecting which see above, n. 537; and from the signification of "a great furnace," as being the evils of earthly and corporeal loves out of which such falsities break forth (of which in the following article). "Smoke" signifies the falsity of evil, because it proceeds from fire, and "fire" signifies the loves of self and the world and thence all evils; consequently the hells that are in falsities from the evils of those loves, and still more the hells where those are who have falsified the Word by adapting it to favor those loves, appear in a fire like that of a great furnace, from which a dense smoke mingled with fire goes up. I have also seen those hells, and it was evident that it was the loves with those who were in them that presented the appearance of such a fire, and the falsities flowing forth from those loves that presented the appearance of the fiery smoke. But there is no such appearance to those who are therein, for they are in these loves and in the falsities therefrom, their life is in them, and it is by these that they are tormented in many ways, and not by such fire and smoke as are in our natural world. (This can be seen better in the chapter in the work on Heaven and Hell 566-575, which treats of Infernal Fire and the Gnashing of Teeth.)

[2] That "smoke" signifies the dense falsity that flows forth from evil can be seen from the following passages. In Moses:

Abraham looked upon the faces of Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon all the faces of the land of the plain, and he saw, and lo, the smoke of the land went up as the smoke of a furnace (Genesis 19:28).

"Sodom and Gomorrah" in the spiritual sense mean those who are altogether in the loves of self; therefore the smoke that Abraham saw rising from their land after the burning, signifies the dense falsity pertaining to those who are altogether in the love of self; for those who love themselves supremely are in the thickest darkness in respect to things spiritual and celestial, for they are merely natural and sensual, and are wholly separated from heaven; and then they not only deny Divine things, but they think out falsities by which to destroy them. These falsities are what are signified by the "smoke" seen rising from Sodom and Gomorrah.

[3] In the same:

And the sun went down, and there was dense darkness, and behold a furnace of smoke, and a torch of fire that passed through between those pieces (Arcana Coelestia 1858-1862.)

[4] In the same:

Moses made the people to go forth from the camp to meet God; and they stood in the lower parts of the mount. And Mount Sinai smoked, the whole of it, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked exceedingly (The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248; and that the Lord appears to everyone according to his quality, as a vivifying and recreating fire to those who are in good, and as a consuming fire to those who are in evil, see Arcana Coelestia 934, 1861, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551; what the other particulars in the passages cited signify may be seen in the same work where the book of Exodus is explained.)

[5] "Smoke and fire" have a like signification in David:

Because He was wroth there went up a smoke out of His nostrils, and fire out of His mouth devoured, coals burned from Him; He bowed heaven also and came down; and gross darkness was under His feet (Psalms 18:7-9; 2 Samuel 22:8, 9).

This does not mean that smoke and a devouring fire went up from Jehovah, for there is no anger in Him; but it is so said because the Lord so appears to those who are in falsities and evils, for they regard Him from their falsities and evils.

[6] The like is signified by the following in the same:

He looketh on the earth and it trembleth; He toucheth the mountains and they smoke (Psalms 104:32).

In the same:

Bow Thy heavens, O Jehovah, and come down; touch the mountains, that they may smoke (Psalms 144:5).

In Isaiah:

Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou whole Philistia art dissolved; for from the north cometh a smoke (14 Isaiah 14:31).

"Gate" signifies truth introducing into the church, "city" doctrine, "Philistia" faith; therefore "Howl, O gate, cry, O city, thou whole Philistia art dissolved," signifies the vastation of the church in respect to the truth of doctrine, and thence in respect to faith. The "north" signifies the hell where and from which are the falsities of doctrine and the falsities of faith, and "smoke" such falsities; therefore "from the north cometh smoke" signifies devastating falsity out of the hells.

[7] In Nahum:

Behold, I will burn her chariot with smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions (Nahum 2:13).

This, too, treats of the devastation of the church; and "to burn a chariot with smoke" signifies to pervert all truths of doctrine into falsities, "smoke" meaning falsities, and "chariot" doctrine; and "the sword shall devour thy young lions" signifies that falsities will destroy the chief truths of the church, "young lions" meaning the chief and protecting truths of the church, and "sword" meaning falsity destroying truth.

[8] In Joel:

I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth; blood and fire and columns of smoke (Joel 2:30).

This is said of the Last Judgment; and "blood, fire, and columns of smoke," signify the truth of the Word falsified, its good adulterated, and mere falsities resulting therefrom, "blood" meaning the truth of the Word falsified, "fire" its good adulterated, and "columns of smoke" mere and dense falsities therefrom.

[9] In David:

The wicked shall perish, and the enemies of Jehovah as the glory of lambs shall be consumed, in smoke shall they be consumed (Psalms 37:20).

"The wicked and the enemies of Jehovah shall be consumed in smoke" signifies that they shall be destroyed by the falsities of evil; those are called "wicked" who are in falsities, and "enemies" who are in evils, and "smoke" means the falsity of evil.

[10] In the same:

As smoke is driven away Thou wilt drive away; as wax melteth before the fire the wicked shall perish before God (Psalms 68:2).

The destruction of the wicked is compared to smoke driven away by the wind, and to wax that melts before the fire, because "smoke" signifies falsities, and "fire" evils.

[11] In Isaiah:

The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment (Isaiah 51:6).

"Smoke" here signifies falsity, by which those who were in the former heaven would be destroyed; and "the garment waxing old" signifies truth destroyed by the falsities of evil. Comparison is made with smoke vanishing away, and with a garment waxing old, because comparisons in the Word are also correspondences, and in like manner significative.

[12] In Hosea:

They sin more and more, and make them a molten image of their silver, idols in their understanding, all of it the work of the artificers; therefore they shall be as a morning cloud, and as the dew falling early and going away, it is driven by a whirlwind out of the threshing-floor, and like smoke out of a chimney (Hosea 13:2, 3).

This describes the doctrinals that are from self-intelligence, in which are the evils of falsity and the falsities of evil. Such doctrinals are signified by "molten images of silver," and by "idols;" their "silver" signifies what is from self-intelligence, and the "work of the artificers" that intelligence; it is therefore added "in their understanding they have made them idols, all of it the work of the artificers." That such doctrinals, being falsities, would pass away, is signified by "they shall pass away like smoke out of a chimney." It is also said "as a morning cloud, and as the dew falling early, and as [chaff] out of the threshing-floor," because the church in its beginning is like a morning cloud, like dew falling early, and like corn in the threshing-floor, by which are signified the truths of good and the goods of truths, which nevertheless successively pass away and are changed into the falsities of evil and into the evils of falsity.

[13] "Smoke" also signifies falsity in other passages in Revelation, as in the following:

Out of the mouth of the horses went forth fire and smoke and brimstone; and by these was the third part of men slain, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone (Revelation 9:17, 18).

The smoke of their torment goeth up unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 14:11).

And again:

The smoke of Babylon goeth up unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 19:3).

[14] Because "fire" signifies love in both senses, both celestial love and infernal love, and therefore "smoke" signifies that which flows forth from love-falsity, which is from infernal love, and truth, which is from heavenly love-therefore "smoke" signifies in a good sense holy truth. This is what "smoke from the fire of the incense-offerings" signifies, as may be seen above (n. Isaiah 4:5).

(This may be seen explained above, n. Isaiah 6:4).

In Revelation:

The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power (1 Revelation 15:8).

And again:

The smoke of the incense-offerings with the prayers of the saints ascended out of the angel's hand before God (Revelation 8:4).

Apocalypsis Explicata 539 (original Latin 1759)

539. "Et ascendit fumus e puteo sicut fumus fornacis magnae." - Quod significet inde densa falsa ex malis amorum terrestrium et corporeorum, constat ex significatione "fumi", quod sit falsum mali (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "putei abyssi", quod sit infernum ubi sunt qui falsificaverunt Verbum (de qua supra, n. 537), et ex significatione "fornacis magnae", quod sint mala amorum terrestrium et corporeorum, ex quibus talia falsa erumpunt (de qua in sequente articulo).

Quod "fumus" significet falsum mali, est quia procedit ex igne, et ignis significat amores sui et mundi, et inde omnia mala; quare etiam inferna quae in falsis sunt ex malis illorum amorum, et magis ubi sunt qui falsificaverunt Verbum applicando ad favorem illorum amorum, apparent in igne sicut fornacis magnae, e qua densus fumus commixtus igni ascendit. Visa etiam mihi sunt, et patuit quod amores illi apud illos sistant apparentiam talis ignis, et quod falsa inde effluentia apparentiam fumi igniti: sed talia non apparent illis qui inibi sunt; sunt enim in amoribus illis et in falsis inde; est vita illorum in illis: ex his usque cruciantur multis modis, et non ex ignibus et fumis, quales sunt in mundo nostro naturali (ut melius constare potest ex articulo in opere De Caelo et Inferno 566-575, ubi agitur de Igne Infernali et de Stridore Dentium.)

[2] Quod "fumus" significet densum falsum quod profluit ex malo, constare potest ex sequentibus locis:

- Apud Mosen,

Abraham "prospexit contra facies Sodomae, et Amorae, et contra omnes facies terrae planitiei, et vidit et ecce ascendit fumus terrae sicut fumus fornacis" (Genesis 19:28);

per "Sodomam et Amoram" in sensu spirituali intelliguntur illi qui prorsus in amoribus sui sunt; quare per "fumum", qui e terra eorum post combustionem visus Abrahamo est, significatur densum falsum quod est illis qui prorsus in eo amore sunt; qui enim se super omnia amant, illi in maxima caligine sunt quoad spiritualia et caelestia, sunt enim mere naturales et sensuales, et separati prorsus e caelo; et tunc non solum negant Divina, sed etiam excogitant falsa quibus destruant illa: haec falsa sunt quae significantur per "fumum" visum ex Sodoma et Amora.

[3] Apud eundem,

"Et sol occidit, et caligo facta est, et ecce furnus fumi et fax ignis, quae transivit inter segmenta illa" (Genesis 15:17):

haec dicta sunt de posteritate Abrahami ex Jacobo, ut constare potest ex praecedentibus in illo capite; quod "sol occidit" significat extremum tempus cum consummatio; "et caligo facta" significat cum loco boni malum, et loco veri falsum; "ecce furnus fumi" significat densissimum falsum a malis; "fax ignis" significat aestum cupiditatum; "transivit inter segmenta" significat quae separaverunt illos a Domino. (Sed haec amplius explicata videantur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 1858-2862.)

[4] Apud eundem,

"Exire fecit Moses populum obviam Deo e castris, et constiterunt in inferioribus montis; et Mons Sinai fumabat totus ille, propter quod descendit super illum Jehovah in igne, et ascendit fumus sicut fumus fornacis; et tremiscebat totus mons valde" (Exodus 19:17, 18);

et dein,

"Et omnis populus videntes voces et faces, et vocem buccinae, et montem fumantem; et Vidit populus, et commoti sunt, et steterunt e longinquo, et dixerunt ad Mosen, Loquere tu cum nobis et audiemus, et ne loquatur cum nobis Deus, ne forte moriamur" (Exodus 20:15, 1618, [19]):

per haec repraesentabatur qualis ille populus fuit; nam Jehovah, hoc est, Dominus, apparet unicuivis secundum quale ejus; illis qui in veris ex bono sunt ut lux serena, at illis qui in falsis ex malo sunt ut fumus ex igne: et quia populus ille in amoribus terrestribus et corporeis fuit et inde in falsis mali, ideo Dominus e Monte Sinai illi apparuit sicut ignis comedens, et sicut fumus fornacis. (Quod tales fuerint filii Jacobi, multis ostensum est in Arcanis Caelestibus, ex quibus Collecta videantur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 248; et quod Dominus appareat unicuivis secundum quale ejus, ut ignis vivificans et recreans illis qui in bono sunt, ac ut ignis consumens illis qui in malo, in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 934, 1861, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551; quid reliqua in allatis locis significant, videatur explicatum in Arcanis Caelestibus, quae super Exodum.)

[5] Simile significatur per "fumum" et per "ignem apud Davidem,

"Quando exarsit Illi, .... ascendit fumus ex naso Ipsius, et ignis ex ore Ipsius comedit, prunae arserunt ex Ipso, et inclinavit caelum et descendit, et caligo sub pedibus Ipsius" (7-[9] ; 2 Samuelis 22:8, 9):

non intelligitur quod ascenderit fumus et ignis comedens ex Ipso, quia non Ipsi ira; sed ita dicitur quia talis apparet Dominus illis qui in falsis et malis sunt, nam spectant Ipsum ex suis falsis et malis.

[6] Similia significantur per haec apud eundem,

"Qui spectat terram, et contremiscit, tangit montes et fumigant" (Psalms 104:32);

apud eundem,

"Jehovah, inclina caelos tuos et descende, tange montes ut fumigent" (Psalms 144:5).

Apud Esaiam,

"Ejula porta, clama urbs, liquefacta est Philisthaea tu tota; quia a septentrione fumus venit" (14:31):

per "portam" significatur verum introducens in ecclesiam; per "urbem" doctrina; per "Philisthaeam" fides; inde per "Ejula porta, clama urbs, liquefacta Philisthaea tu tota", significatur vastatio ecclesiae quoad verum doctrinae, et inde quoad fidem: per "septentrionem" significatur infernum ubi et unde falsa doctrinae et falsa fidei, ac per "fumum" illa falsa; inde per "a septentrione venit fumus" significatur falsum vastans ex infernis.

[7]) agitur ibi etiam de vastatione ecclesiae; et per "accendere fumo currum" significatur pervertere omnia vera doctrinae in falsa; "fumus" est falsum, et "currus" est doctrina: et per quod "leones juvenes comedet gladius" significatur quod falsa destruent vera principalia ecclesiae; "leones juvenes" sunt ecclesiae vera principalia et tutantia, et "gladius" est falsum destruens verum.

[8] Apud Joelem,

"Dabo prodigia in caelis et in terra, sanguinem et ignem et columnas fumi" (3:3 [B.A. 2:30]):

haec de ultimo judicio; et per "sanguinem, ignem et columnas fumi", significatur verum Verbi falsificatum, bonum ejus adulteratum, et inde mera falsa; "sanguis" est verum Verbi falsificatum, "ignis" est bonum ejus adulteratum, et "columnae fumi" sunt inde mera ac densa falsa.

[9] Apud Davidem,

"Impii peribunt, et hostes Jehovae sicut gloria agnorum consumentur, in fumo consumentur" (Psalms 37:20)

quod impii et hostes Jehovae "consumentur fumo", significat quod perituri per falsa mali; "impii" dicuntur qui in falsis, "hostes" qui in malis, et "fumus" est falsum mali.

[10] Apud eundem,

"Secundum impellere fumum, impelles; sicut liquefieri ceram coram igne, peribunt impii coram Deo" (Psalms 68:3 [B.A. 2]):

interitus impiorum comparatur fumo qui ab aere impellitur, ac cerae quae coram igne liquescit, quia "fumus" significat falsa, et "ignis" mala.

[11] Apud Esaiam,

"Caeli sicut fumus evanescent, et terra sicut vestis veterascet" (51:6):

per "fumum" etiam hic significatur falsum, quo perituri sunt qui in priori caelo; et per "veterascentem vestem" significatur verum deperditum per falsa mali: comparatio fit cum fumo evanescente et cum veste veterascente, quia comparationes in Verbo etiam sunt correspondentiae, et aeque significant.

[12] Apud Hoscheam,

"Addunt peccare, et faciunt sibi fusile ex argento suo, in intelligentia sua idola, opus artificum totum;.... propterea erunt sicut nubes matutae, et sicut ros mane cadens, abiens a turbine abigitur ex area, et sicut fumus ex fumario" (13:2, 3):

ita describuntur doctrinalia quae ex propria intelligentia, in quibus mala falsi et falsa mali; talia doctrinalia significantur per "fusilia ex argento" et per "idola"; "argentum illorum" significat id quod ex propria intelligentia, ac "opus artificum" significat illam; quare etiam dicitur "In intelligentia sua fecerunt sibi idola, opus artificum totum": quod illa doctrinalia, quia falsa, transitura sint, significatur per quod "abibunt sicut fumus ex fumario"; quod etiam "sicut nubes matutae, sicut ros mane cadens, et sicut ex area", est quia ecclesia in suo principio est sicut nubes matutae, sicut ros mane cadens, et sicut frumentum in area, per quae significantur vera boni et bona veri; quae tamen successive transeunt et vertuntur in falsa mali et in mala falsi.

[13] Per "fumum" etiam significatur falsum alibi in Apocalypsi; ut,

"Ex ore" equorum "exivit ignis et fumus et sulphur, et ex his occisi sunt tertia pars hominum, ab igne et a fumo et a sulphure" (9:17, 18);


"Fumus cruciatus eorum ascendit in saecula saeculorum" (14:11);

et alibi,

"Fumus" ex Babylone "ascendit in saecula saeculorum" ( 1


[14] Quoniam "ignis" significat amorem in utroque sensu, tam amorem caelestem quam amorem infernalem, et inde "fumus" significat id quod profluit ex amore, falsum quod ex amore infernali, et verum quod ex amore caelesti, ideo "fumus" etiam in bono sensu significat sanctum verum; hoc significat "fumus" ex igne suffituum, de quo videatur supra (n. 494), et quoque in sequentibus locis:

- Apud Esaiam,

"Creabit Jehovah super omne habitaculum Montis Zionis, et super convocationes ejus, nubem interdiu, ac fumum et splendorem ignis flammae noctu; nam super omni gloria obtegumentum" (4:5);

(quae explicata videantur supra, n. 294 [b] , 2

504 [b]): apud eundem,

"Commoti sunt postes liminum voce" clamantium seraphorum, "et domus impleta est fumo" (6:4):

in Apocalypsi,

"Impletum est templum fumo ex gloria Dei et virtute Ejus" (15:8);

et alibi,

"Ascendit fumus suffituum precibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo" (8:4).


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2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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