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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 544

544. And unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.- That this signifies their persuasive [power], and its effect and potency is evident from the signification of a scorpion, which denotes the infatuating and suffocating persuasive [power] of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of power, which denotes potency and effect, in this case, the potency of the sensual man from the persuasive [power] and its effect, because it infatuates and suffocates. What this persuasive [power], signified by the scorpion, is, and its nature, scarcely any one in the world yet knows, because the persuasive [power] of the spirit of the sensual man is that in which he is when he becomes a spirit, but not while he lives as a man in the world. The reason is, that a man in the world rarely utters what his spirit thinks and intimately loves, for he has been taught from infancy to converse about such things as pertain to civil and moral life, and even such as pertain to spiritual life, although his spirit, which thinks and wills inwardly, is differently inclined. While man's spirit dwells in the body, it makes a show of such things before the world, because otherwise he cannot secure favour, so as to attain the ends which his spirit aims at, and which are principally honours and gains, and a name and reputation on account of them. This is the reason why the nature and quality of the infatuating and suffocating persuasive [power], signified by the scorpion, are not known in the world. Such, however, is its nature with the spirits in whom it is operative, that it infuses itself into the exterior mind (animus) and interior mind (mens) of another, and lulls asleep, and almost extinguishes his Rational and Intellectual, so that he cannot know otherwise than that which he speaks is true even if it be most false. Those who are under such persuasive influence do not speak from any kind of reason, but from a blind faith without reason, because from the ultimate Sensual, for in this no reason exists, but only a persuasive faith inflated by the fire of the love of self, and grounded in such things as proceed from the body, and flow in from the world. It is this fire which inflates, draws out and infuses itself into another; wherefore those are more especially in this persuasive [power], who have filled themselves with falsities from the love of self, and have believed themselves to be wiser than others. This persuasive [influence] is called infatuating, because it stupefies the understanding; and it is called suffocating, because it takes away from another the power of free respiration; for every one's respiration synchronizes with the thought of his mind. But because such a persuasive [influence] is most hurtful and pernicious, because it brings on swooning, as it were, in the mind of another, so that he can see nothing rationally, therefore spirits are severely prohibited from using it, and those who do use it are separated from others, and are either punished or sent down into hell. For in the spiritual world every one is allowed to confirm the opinions of his mind, whether true or false, by things rational and intellectual, but not by any persuasive fascination. But more concerning this persuasive [power], may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia; as, that those affected by it are inwardly bound (n. 5096); that those who make use of it shut up the Rational of others, and, as it were, suffocate them (n. 3895, 5128). That the Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim, mentioned in the Word, were, above all others, in direful persuasions of falsity (n. 581, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1673, 7686). That before the coming of the Lord, they infested all in the other life by their direful persuasions, and almost extinguished their spiritual life (n. 7686). That they were cast into hell by the Lord, when He was in the world, and that that hell still appears as under a misty rock, and those who approach near to it fall into a swoon (n. 311, 581, 1268, 1270, 7686). Concerning my own experience of some of the devils from that hell, who were permitted to assault me with their influence, seen, n. 1268, 1271. Concerning the mischief arising from the persuasion of falsity (n. 794, 806). That there are many kinds of persuasions of falsity (n. 1673, 1675). Such a deadly persuasive [power] is signified by the scorpion, because the scorpion, when it stings a man, induces a similar mental swooning, and thence death, if a remedy be not applied.

[2] Destructive persuasions are also signified by scorpions, in the following passages:

Thus in Luke:

Jesus said to the seventy whom He had sent out, "I beheld Satan as lightning falling from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, so that nothing shall by any means hurt you" (10:18, 19).

That serpents and scorpions do not here mean serpents and scorpions, is evident, for the Lord says, that He saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven, and that He gives them power (potestas) over all the potency (potentia) of the enemy. Serpents and scorpions therefore, in the internal sense, signify the crew of Satan, who had been in the subtle and direful persuasions of falsity, by which men would be spiritually destroyed after death, unless defended by the Lord. The antediluvians, who were called Nephilim, were in such persuasive [power] above others, and, unless the Lord, when in the world, had subdued them and cast them into hell, and closed it, no mortal could have been saved; for they infested, and almost destroyed, whomsoever they met in the spiritual world. That the Lord freed the spiritual world from these and similar spirits, is meant by His seeing Satan falling from heaven, and by His giving to those who are in truths from good derived from Him the power of treading upon serpents and scorpions.

[3] This direful persuasive [power] is also signified by scorpions, in

the following passage of Ezekiel:

"Son of man, be not afraid of them, and of their words, for they are refractory and thorny with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their faces." For they are "hard in their faces, and obdurate in heart" (2:6, 7).

By dwelling among scorpions is meant, among those who have persuaded themselves, and strongly persuade others, to admit falsities, and who do not admit any truth; therefore they are called refractory and thorny, likewise hard in faces, and obdurate in heart. In the case of those who are strongly persuaded of falsity, the interiors of the rational mind are closed, and therefore they think and speak only from the ultimate Sensual, which is hard and stubborn, and also hardens and renders stubborn the interiors of others to whom it addresses itself when it is enkindled by the fire of the love of self. For, in the spiritual world, there is a communication of minds, that is, of thoughts and affections, and from those who are in such persuasive [power], there is infusion; hence result the effects above mentioned.

[4] So in Moses:

Jehovah God, "who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness of the serpent, the fiery flying serpent and the scorpion" (Deuteronomy 8:15).

The journeyings and wanderings of the children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years, represented and signified the temptations of the faithful, and as these are caused by the injections and persuasions of falsities from evil spirits, it is said, that they were led through a terrible wilderness of the serpent, the fiery flying serpent and the scorpion. Moreover, serpents in general signify the ultimate Sensual of man, and the various species of serpents signify various states of that Sensual as to evils and falsities. For sensual men are, above all others, crafty and malicious, and themselves believe, and induce others to believe, that they excel in ability, understanding, and judgment; but I can affirm, that they have neither understanding nor judgment, but are as stupid, in regard to the essentials of faith and life, as they are ingenious in contriving evils and persuading falsities. And wickedness, as is well known, is not wisdom, for wisdom is of truth from good, but wickedness is of falsity from evil, and falsity from evil destroys truth from good, because they are opposites, and what is opposite destroys.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 544

544. And there was given unto them power as the scorpions of the earth have power, signifies their ability to persuade, and its effect and might. This is evident from the signification of a "scorpion," as being an infatuating and suffocating persuasiveness (of which presently); and from the signification of "power," as being might and effect, here the might of the sensual man from his persuasiveness, and the effect which is infatuating and suffocating. Just what and of what quality this persuasiveness is which is signified by a "scorpion" scarcely anyone in the world yet knows, because it is the persuasiveness of the spirit of the sensual man, which he has when he becomes a spirit, but does not have while he is living as a man in the world. The reason is that a man in the world rarely speaks out what his spirit thinks and inmostly loves, for he is taught from infancy to utter such things as pertain to civil and moral life, and even such as pertain to the spiritual life, although his spirit, which thinks and wills inwardly, is differently inclined. So long as man's spirit remains in the body it makes a show of such things before the world, because in no other way can it captivate minds so that his spirit may accomplish the ends it aims at, which are chiefly honors and gain, and name and reputation on account of them.

This is why it is unknown in the world just what and of what quality this infatuating and suffocating persuasiveness is that is signified by a "scorpion;" and yet with the spirits in whom it is, it is such as to infuse itself into the mind and disposition of another, and to benumb and almost extinguish his rational and intellectual faculties, making it impossible for him to know otherwise than that what is spoken is truth, although it be most false. Those who are in such persuasiveness do not speak from any reason, but from blind faith without reason, because they speak from the lowest sensual, and in this there is no reason, but only a persuasive faith from such things as ascend from the body and flow in from the world, inspired by the fire of self-love; it is this fire that breathes into, draws out, and pours into another. Consequently those are more especially in this persuasiveness who have imbued themselves with falsities from the love of self, and believe themselves to be wiser than others. This persuasiveness is said to be infatuating because it induces a stupor in the understanding, and is called suffocating because it takes away the free breathing of another; for everyone breathes in harmony with the thought of his mind. But inasmuch as this persuasiveness is most noxious and pernicious, including a kind of swoon on the mind of another, so that he can see nothing rationally, spirits are strictly forbidden to make use of it; and those who do make use of it are separated from the others, and are either punished or sent down into hell; for in the spiritual world everyone is allowed to confirm the opinions of his mind, whether they be true or false, by things rational and intellectual, but not by any persuasive fascination. (More respecting this persuasiveness may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia: as, That those who are constrained by it are inwardly bound, n. 5095. Those who make use of it shut up the rational of others, and as it were suffocate them, n. 3895, 5128. The Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim, mentioned in the Word, were, more than others, in direful persuasions of falsity, n. 581, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1673, 7686. These, before the Lord's coming, infested all in the other life through their direful persuasions, and almost extinguished their spiritual life, n. Arcana Coelestia 7686. They were cast into hell by the Lord when He was in the world, and that hell still appears under a kind of misty crag, and those who draw near it fall into a swoon, n. 311, 581, 1268, 1270, 7686; my own experience with some of the devils from that hell who were permitted to flow into me, n. 1268-1271. How hurtful the persuasion of falsity is, n. 794, 806. There are many kinds of the persuasions of falsity, n. 1673, 1675 the end.) This deadly persuasiveness is signified by a "scorpion," because a scorpion when it stings a man induces 1a like swooning of the mind and thence death, if there is no cure.

[2] Murderous persuasions are signified by "scorpions" also in the following passages. In Luke:

Jesus said to the seventy whom He sent out, I held Satan as lightning falling from heaven. Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; that nothing may by any means hurt you (Luke 10:18, 19).

Evidently "serpents and scorpions" do not mean here serpents and scorpions, for the Lord says that "He saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven," and that He "gives them authority over all the power of the enemy;" therefore "serpents and scorpions" signify in the internal sense the crew of Satan, who were in craftiness and direful persuasiveness of falsity, by which men after death are spiritually murdered, unless they are defended by the Lord. The antediluvians, who were called the "Nephilim," were in such persuasiveness more than others, and unless the Lord when He was in the world had subjugated them and cast them into hell and had closed it up, no mortal could have been saved; for they were infesting and almost murdering whomsoever they met in the spiritual world. That the Lord delivered the spiritual world from these and like spirits is meant by His "seeing Satan falling from heaven," and by His giving to those who are in truths from good from Him "authority to tread on serpents and scorpions."

[3] This direful persuasiveness is also signified by "scorpions" in Ezekiel:

Son of man, be not afraid of them nor of their words, though the stubborn and thorny be with thee, and thou dwellest among scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their faces. They are hard of face, and obdurate in heart (Ezekiel 2:6, 4).

"To dwell among scorpions" means among those who have persuaded themselves, and strongly persuade others, of falsities, and who do not admit any truth; therefore they are called "stubborn and thorny," also "hard of face and obdurate in heart." Moreover, in those who are in a strong persuasion of falsity the interiors which belong to the rational mind are closed up, consequently they think and speak from the lowest sensual only, and when this sensual is enkindled by the fire of self-love it is hard and obdurate, and also hardens and makes obdurate the interiors of others whom it addresses. For in the spiritual world there is a communication of minds, that is, of the thoughts and affections; and from those who are in such persuasiveness there is a pouring in, from which come the effects above mentioned.

[4] In Moses:

Jehovah God, who led thee through the great and fearful wilderness, of the serpent, the fiery serpent, and the scorpion (Deuteronomy 8:15).

The journeys and wanderings of the sons of Israel forty years in the wilderness represented and signified the temptations of the faithful, and as these come from the injections and persuasions of falsities by evil spirits, they were said to have been led "through a fearful wilderness, of the serpent, the fiery serpent, and the scorpion." Moreover, "serpents" in general signify the lowest sensual of man, and the various species of serpents the various states of that sensual in respect to evils and falsities; for sensual men are more crafty and malicious than others, and themselves believe, and induce others to believe, that they excel in genius, intellect, and judgment; but I can assert that they have nothing of understanding or judgment, but that they are as stupid in such things as are the essentials of faith and life as they are clever in scheming evils and persuading to falsities; and cunning, as is well known, is not wisdom, for wisdom is of truth from good, while cunning is of falsity from evil; and falsity from evil destroys truth from good, because they are opposites, and what is opposite destroys.


1. Latin is "may induce."

Apocalypsis Explicata 544 (original Latin 1759)

544. "Et data illis potestas sicut habent potestatem scorpii terrae." - Quod significet persuasivum illorum, ac ejus effectum et potentiam, constat ex significatione "scorpii", quod sit persuasivum infatuans et suffocans (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "potestatis", quod sit potentia et effectus, hic potentia sensualis hominis ex persuasivo, et effectus quod infatuet et suffocet. Quid et quale hoc persuasivum est, quod per "scorpium" significatur, vix aliquis in mundo adhuc novit, ex causa quia est persuasivum spiritus hominis sensualis, in quo est quando fit spiritus, non autem quando vivit homo in mundo. Causa est quod homo in mundo raro eloquatur quod ejus spiritus cogitat et intime amat; doctus enim est ab infantia ore producere talia quae vitae civilis et moralis, immo etiam spiritualis sunt, tametsi spiritus ejus, qui interius cogitat et vult, ad aliud inclinat: spiritus hominis, dum in corpore manet, profert talia coram mundo, quia aliter non potest captare animos, ut ejus spiritus obtineat fines quos intendit, qui sunt praecipue honores et lucra, ac nomen et famam propter illa. Haec causa est quod in mundo nesciatur quid et quale est persuasivum infatuans et suffocans, quod significatur per "scorpium": illud tamen usque est tale apud spiritus, quibus id persuasivum est, ut infundat se in alterius animum et mentem, ac sopiat et paene exstinguat ejus rationale et intellectuale; unde non scire aliter potest quam quod verum sit quod loquitur, tametsi foret falsissimum. Qui in tali persuasivo sunt, non loquuntur ex aliqua ratione, sed ex caeca fide absque ratione, quia ex ultimo sensuali; in hoc enim non datur ratio sed modo fides persuasiva ex talibus quae ex corpore ascendunt et ex mundo influunt, insufflata ab igne amoris sui; hic ignis est qui insufflat, educit, et in alterum infundit: quapropter illi imprimis in eo persuasivo sunt, qui imbuerunt falsa ex amore sui, et se crediderunt sapientes prae aliis. Hoc persuasivum dicitur infatuans, quia stuporem inducit intellectui; et dicitur suffocans, quia respirationem liberam alterius tollit; quisque enim respirat conformiter cogitationi suae mentis. Sed quia tale persuasivum maxime noxium et perniciosum est, quia inducit quasi deliquium menti alterius, usque ut non videre possit aliquid rationaliter, ideo spiritibus severe prohibitum est illo uti; et qui utuntur, separantur ab aliis, et vel castigantur vel demittuntur in infernum; nam in mundo spirituali licet cuivis confirmare sui animi sensa, sive vera sive falsa sint, per rationalia et intellectualia; non autem per aliquam fascinationem persuasivam. (sed plura de hoc persuasivo videantur in Arcanis Caelestibus: ut, Quod illi, qui ab eo perstriguntur, interius vincti sint, n. 5096. Quod qui illo persuasivo utuntur, occludant rationale aliorum, et quasi suffocent illos, n. 3895, 5128. Quod Nephilim, Enakim et Rephaim, qui in Verbo memorantur, in diris persuasionibus falsi prae aliis fuerint, n. 581, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1673, 7686:

quod illi ante adventum Domini per diras suas persuasiones infestaverint omnes in altera vita, et eorum vitam spiritualem paene exstinxerint, n. 7686:

quod a Domino, cum fuit in mundo, conjecti sint in infernum; et quod infernum illud adhuc appareat sicut sub petra nimbosa, et quod in deliquium cadant qui illuc accedunt, n. 311, 581, 1268, 1270, 7686: experientia propria ex aliquibus diabolis inde, quibus permissum fuit apud me influere, n. 1268-1271. Persuasio falsi, quam damnosa, n. 794, 806. Quod plura genera persuasionum falsi sint, n. 1673, 1675 fin. ) Quod letale persuasivum significetur per "scorpium", est quia scorpius, dum pungit hominem, 1

inducit simile deliquium menti ejus, ac inde mortem si non sanatur.

[2] Persuasiones necativae etiam per "scorpios" significantur in sequentibus locis:

- Apud Lucam,

Jesus dixit ad septuaginta quos emiserat, "Vidi satanam sicut fulmen e caelo cadentem; ecce do vobis potestatem calcandi super serpentes et scorpios, et super omnem potentiam inimici, ut nihil quicquam noceat" (10:18, 19):

quod hic per "serpentes" et "scorpios" non intelligantur serpentes et scorpii, patet; nam dicit Dominus, quod "viderit satanam sicut fulmen e caelo cadentem", et quod "det illis potestatem super omnem potentiam inimici"; quare per "serpentes" et "scorpios" in sensu interno significatur turba satanae, quae in astu et in diro persuasivo falsi fuerat, quo spiritualiter necantur homines post mortem, nisi tutentur a Domino. Antediluviani qui "Nephilim" vocati sunt, in tali persuasivo fuerunt prae aliis; quos nisi Dominus, cum fuit in mundo, subjugaverit et conjecerit in infernum, et id occluserit, nemo mortalium potuisset salvari; nam infestabant et paene necabant quemcunque obvium in mundo spirituali: quod Dominus mundum spiritualem ab illis et similibus liberaverit, intelligitur per quod "viderit satanam e caelo cadentem", et quod daret illis qui in veris ex bono sunt a Domino "potestatem calcandi super serpentes et scorpios."

[3] Per "scorpios" etiam significatur dirum persuasivum apud Ezechielem,

"Fili hominis, ne timeto tibi ab illis, et a verbis eorum, nam refractarii et spinosi tecum, et inter scorpios tu habitas; a verbis eorum ne timeto tibi, et a faciebus eorum ne consternator;".... sunt "duri faciebus et obfirmati corde" (2:6, 4):

per "habitare inter scorpios" intelligitur inter illos qui persuaserunt sibi et fortiter persuadent aliis falsa, et non admittunt aliquod verum; quare vocantur "refractarii et spinosi", tum "duri faciebus et obfirmati corde": sunt etiam interiora, quae mentis rationalis sunt, apud illos qui in forti persuasione falsi sunt, occlusa; et ideo solum ex sensuali ultimo cogitant et loquuntur: hoc sensuale, quando accensum est igne amoris sui, durum et obfirmatum est, et quoque indurat et obfirmat interiora aliorum quos alloquuntur; nam in mundo spirituali est animorum, hoc est, cogitationum et affectionum, communicatio, et ab illis qui in persuasivo illo sunt, infusio; inde sunt effectus supramemorati.

[4] Apud Mosen,

Jehovah Deus "te ducens per desertum magnum et formidabile, serpentis, presteris et scorpii" (Deuteronomius 8:15):

per itinera et errores filiorum Israelis quadraginta annis in deserto repraesentatae et significatae sunt tentationes fidelium; quae quia fiunt per injectiones et persuasiones falsorum a spiritibus malis, dicitur quod ducti "per desertum formidabile, serpentis, presteris et scorpii." Praeterea per "serpentes" in genere significatur ultimum sensuale hominis, et per varias species serpentum significantur varii status illius sensualis quoad mala et falsa; sunt enim sensuales homines prae reliquis malitiosi et astuti, ac credunt ipsi, et inducunt aliis credere, quod ingenio, intellectu et judicio polleant; sed asseverare possum quod nihil intellectus et judicii illis sit, sed quod tantum stupidi sint in talibus quae essentialia fidei et vitae sunt, quantum ingeniosi sunt ad machinandum mala et ad persuadendum falsa: et malitia, ut notum est, non est sapientia; sapientia enim est veri ex bono, at malitia est falsi ex malo; ac falsum ex malo destruit verum ex bono, quia sunt opposita, et oppositum destruit.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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