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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 576

576. Having breast-plates fiery, and purple (hyacinthinos) and sulphurous.- That this signifies reasonings combating from the disorderly desires of the love of self and of the love of the world, and from the falsities therefrom, is evident from the signification of breast-plates, as denoting armour for war, and specifically defences in combats, which are treated of above (n. 557); and from the signification of fire or fiery, as denoting the disorderly desire of the love of self, and thence of all evil (see above, n. 504); and from the signification of purple or purplish (hyacinthinum), as denoting the disorderly desire of the love of the world and thence of every falsity, of which in what follows; and from the signification of sulphur or sulphurous, as denoting the lust (concupiscentia) of destroying the goods and truths of the church by the falsities of evil (see below, n. 578), in this case falsity burning from those two loves. From these considerations it is evident, that breast-plates fiery, purple, and sulphurous, signify reasonings combating from the disorderly desires of the love of self and of the love of the world, and from the falsities thence.

[2] It must be observed in regard to purple (hyacinthinum) that, in the spiritual sense, it signifies the celestial love of truth, but in the opposite sense, the diabolical love of falsity, and also the love of the world. This is evident from the fact that it is of a celestial colour (coloris coelestis) and this colour signifies truth from a heavenly origin, and therefore, in the opposite sense, falsity from a diabolical origin. In the spiritual world there are seen the choicest colours, which derive their origin from good and truth; for colours there are modifications of heavenly light, thus of the intelligence and wisdom of the angels in heaven. For this reason, purple (hyacinthinum), crimson (purpura), and scarlet (coccineus) double dyed, were woven into the curtains of the tabernacle and the garments of Aaron. For the tabernacle represented the heaven of the Lord, the garments of Aaron, the Divine Truth of heaven and the church, while those things of which the tabernacle was constructed, and which formed the texture of the garments of Aaron, represented celestial and spiritual things, which are of the Divine Good and of the Divine Truth.

[3] That the veil before the ark was woven of purple, crimson, scarlet double dyed, and fine linen, may be seen in Exodus (26:31); and similarly the hanging for the door of the tent (verse 36); and also the hanging for the gate of the court (Exodus 27:16). The loops also on the edge of the curtain of the tent were made of purple (Exodus 26:4); the ephod was made of gold, purple, crimson, scarlet double dyed interwoven (Exodus 28:6); and also the breast-plate of judgment (verse 15); and when they went forward in the wilderness, Aaron and his sons spread a covering of purple upon the ark, upon the table of faces, upon the lampstand and its lamps, upon the golden altar, and upon all the vessels of ministry (Num. 4:6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12). The reason of these things was, that the Divine Truth proceeding from the Divine Love, and which was signified by the cloth of purple, embraces and defends all the holy things of heaven and the church, which are represented by these things.

[4] Since purple signified the celestial love of truth, therefore it was commanded that the sons of Israel should make a

"fringe upon the borders of their garments, and put upon the fringe a thread of purple (hyacinthinum), that they might look upon it, and remember all the commandments of Jehovah, and do them" (Num. 15:38, 39).

The thread of purple was clearly a means of calling to remembrance the commandments of Jehovah. The commandments of Jehovah are the essential truths of heaven and the church, and those who are in the celestial love of truth alone call them to remembrance.

[5] That purple signifies the love of truth, is plain also from the following passages in Ezekiel:

"Fine linen with broidered work from Egypt was thy spreading forth to be thy sign; purple (hyacinthinum) and crimson (purpura) from the isles of Elisha was thy covering; thy merchants with perfect things, with wrappings of purple, and broidered work and with treasures of rich apparel" (27:7, 24).

These things are said of Tyrus, which signifies the church as to the cognitions of truth thus also the cognitions of truth pertaining to the church, while the merchandize and tradings mentioned in that chapter describe the procuring of intelligence by means of those cognitions. Broidered work from Egypt signifies the knowledge (scientia) of such things as pertain to the church, and this being in a lower place, and thus round about or without, it is called spreading forth, and said to be for a sign. Purple and crimson from the isles of Elisha, signify the spiritual affection of truth and good; they are therefore said to be for a covering, a covering denoting truth. By wrappings of purple and broidered work, are signified all truths spiritual and natural, and these, together with cognitions from the Word, are meant by treasures of rich apparel.

[6] Since purple (hyacinthinum) signifies the celestial love of truth, therefore also, in the opposite sense, it signifies the diabolical love of falsity; in which sense also purple (hyacinthinum) is used in the Word. Thus in Ezekiel it is said:

"Two women, the daughters of one mother; In Egypt they committed whoredoms in their youth. Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem Oholibah. And Oholah played the harlot while subject to me; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours, which were clothed with purple (hyacinthinum), governors and leaders, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses" (23:2-6).

Here Samaria and Jerusalem signify the church, Samaria, the spiritual church, and Jerusalem, the celestial church, which are called Oholah and Oholibah, because those names signify a tent, and a tent signifies the church as to worship. A woman also, in the Word, signifies the church. By their committing whoredoms in Egypt, is signified that they falsified the truths of the church by the scientifics of the natural man. By doting on the Assyrians, is signified that they falsified by reasonings from those scientifics, Ashur and Assyria denoting reasonings. They are said to be clothed in purple, by reason of fallacies and falsities, which in the external form appear like truths, because drawn from the sense of the letter of the Word perversely applied. And from the same appearance they are also called governors and rulers, desirable young men, riding upon horses. For those who reason from their own intelligence appear to themselves, and to others who are in a similar state, to be intelligent and wise, and the things which they speak, to be truths of intelligence and goods of wisdom, when nevertheless they are falsities, and these they love because they are from the proprium. Governors and leaders signify chief truths, and riding upon horses, the intelligent.

[7] So in Jeremiah:

"Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the goldsmith; purple (hyacinthinum) and crimson (purpura) is their clothing; they are all the work of wise men" (Heaven and Hell 15).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 576

576. Having breastplates fiery, hyacinthine, and brimstone-like, signifies reasonings combating from the cupidities of the love of self and of the world, and from the falsities therefrom. This is evident from the signification of breastplates, as being armor for war, and in particular, defenses in combats (of which above, n. 557; also from the signification of "fire or fiery," as being the cupidity of the love of self, and thence of all evil (See above, n. 504; also from the signification of "hyacinth or hyacinthine," as being the cupidity of the love of the world and thus of all falsity (of which presently); and from the signification of "brimstone or brimstone-like," as being the lust of destroying the goods and truths of the church by falsities of evil see below, n. 578, here meaning falsity burning from these two loves. From this it can be seen that "breastplates fiery, hyacinthine, and brimstone-like," signify reasonings combating from the cupidities of the loves of self and of the world, and from the falsities from those loves.

[2] In regard to "hyacinthine," it signifies in the spiritual sense the heavenly love of truth, but in the contrary sense the diabolical love of falsity, and also love of the world; as can be seen from its being of the color of heaven, and that color signifies truth from a heavenly origin, so in the contrary sense, falsity from a diabolical origin. In the spiritual world the choicest colors appear; and these have their origin in good and truth; for colors there are modifications of heavenly light, thus of the intelligence and wisdom, that are with the angels in heaven. This is why hyacinthine, purple, and scarlet double-dyed were interwoven in the curtains of the tabernacle and in the garments of Aaron; for the tabernacle represented the heaven of the Lord, and the garments of Aaron the Divine truth of heaven and the church, and those things of which the tabernacle was constructed, and of which the garments of Aaron were woven, represented celestial and spiritual things, which are of Divine good and Divine truth.

[3] Thus:

The veil before the ark was of hyacinthine, purple, and scarlet double-dyed, and fine twined linen (See Exodus 26:31).

Likewise the screen for the door of the tent (verse 36).

And the screen for the entrance of the court (Exodus 27:16).

The loops on the edge of the curtain of the tent were hyacinthine (Exodus 26:4);

The ephod was of gold, hyacinthine, purple, and scarlet double-dyed interwoven (Exodus 28:6);

And also the breastplate of judgment (verse 15);

When the camp set forward in the wilderness, Aaron and his sons spread a cloth of hyacinthine over the ark, over the table of faces, over the lampstand and the lamps, over the golden altar, and over all the vessels of ministry (Numbers 4:6, 7, 9, 11, 12).

This is because Divine truth proceeding from Divine love, which is signified by "the cloth of hyacinthine," embraces and protects all the holy things of heaven and the church, which the things covered represent.

[4] Because "hyacinthine" signified the celestial love of truth, it was commanded:

That the sons of Israel should make for themselves a fringe in the borders of their garments, and should put on it a cord of hyacinthine, that in looking upon it they might remember all the commandments of Jehovah and do them (Numbers 15:38, 39).

Here "the cord of hyacinthine" stands evidently for the remembrance of the commandments of Jehovah; the commandments of Jehovah are the essential truths of heaven and the church, and these are remembered only by such as are in a celestial love of truth.

[5] That "hyacinthine" signifies the love of truth can be seen from the following in Ezekiel:

Fine linen in broidered work from Egypt was thy spreading forth, to be for thy ensign; hyacinthine and purple from the isles of Elishah was thy covering. These were thy traffickers with choice wares, with bales of hyacinthine and broidered work, and with treasures of precious garments (Ezekiel 27:7, 24).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of truth; so, too, it signifies the knowledges of truth belonging to the church, and her "merchandise and tradings" mentioned in this chapter describe the acquisition of intelligence by means of such knowledges; "broidered work from Egypt" signifies the knowledge [scientia] of such things as are of the church; and because this has a lower place, and is thus round about or without, it is called "a spreading forth," and is said to be "for an ensign." "Hyacinthine and purple from the isles of Elishah" signify the spiritual affection of truth and good; therefore these are said to be "for a covering," a "covering" signifying truth. "Bales of hyacinthine and broidered work" signify all truths, spiritual and natural, and these together with the knowledges from the Word are meant by "the treasures of precious garments."

[6] As "hyacinthine" signifies the heavenly love of truth, so in the contrary sense it signifies the diabolical love of falsity; and in that sense also "hyacinthine" is mentioned in the Word. Thus in Ezekiel:

Two women, the daughters of one mother, committed whoredom in Egypt in their youth. Oholah which is Samaria, and Oholibah which is Jerusalem. And Oholah committed whoredom while under me, and she doted on her lovers, the Assyrians her neighbors, which were clothed in hyacinthine, governors and rulers, all of them young men of desire, horsemen riding upon horses (Ezekiel 23:2-6).

Here "Samaria" and "Jerusalem" signify the church, "Samaria" the spiritual church, and "Jerusalem" the celestial church, which are called "Oholah" and "Oholibah" because these names mean a "tent," and a "tent" signifies the church in respect to worship; "woman" also in the Word signifies the church; "they committed whoredom in Egypt" signifies the falsification of the truths of the church by the knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man; "she doted on the Assyrians" signifies the falsification by reasonings from those knowledges [scientifica]; "Asshur and Assyria" signify reasonings; they are said to be "clothed in hyacinthine" by reason of fallacies and falsities, which in external form appear to be truths because they are from the sense of the letter of the Word wrongly applied. And because of this same appearance they are also called "governors and rulers, young men of desire, riding upon horses," for those who reason from self-intelligence appear to themselves and to others of like character to be intelligent and wise, and the things they speak to be truths of intelligence and goods of wisdom, when yet they are falsities which they love because they are from what is their own [proprium]; "governors and rulers" signify principal truths, and "those riding upon horses" signify the intelligent.

[7] In Jeremiah:

Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman and of the hands of the refiner; their garments 1are hyacinthine and purple; all are the work of the wise (Heaven and Hell 15).


1. Latin has "raiments," the Hebrew "raiment," as found in AE 585, 587, 1186.

Apocalypsis Explicata 576 (original Latin 1759)

576. "Habentes thoraces igneos et hyacinthinos et sulphureos." - Quod significet ratiocinationes pugnantes ex cupiditatibus amoris sui et amoris mundi, et ex falsitatibus inde, constat ex significatione "thoracum", quod sint armaturae in bello, in specie tutationes in pugnis (de qua supra, n. 557); ex significatione "ignis" seu "ignei", quod sit cupiditas amoris sui et inde omnis mali (de qua supra, n. 504 [c-e]); ex significatione "hyacinthi" seu "hyacinthini", quod sit cupiditas amoris mundi et inde omnis falsi (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "sulphuris" seu "sulphurei", quod sit concupiscentia destruendi ecclesiae bona et vera per falsa mali (de qua infra, n. 578), hic quod sit falsum ardens ex binis illis amoribus: ex his constare potest quod per "thoraces igneos, hyacinthinos et sulphureos" significentur ratiocinationes pugnantes ex cupiditatibus amoris sui et amoris mundi, et ex falsitatibus inde.

[2] Quod "hyacinthinum" attinet; hoc in spirituali sensu significat caelestem amorem veri, at in opposito sensu diabolicum amorem falsi, et quoque amorem mundi; quod constare potest ex eo, quod coloris caelestis sit, et per illum colorem significatur verum ex origine caelesti, inde in opposito sensu falsum ex origine diabolica. Colores in mundo spirituali apparent electissimi, et originem ex bono et vero ducunt; colores enim ibi sunt modificationes lucis caelestis, ita intelligentiae et sapientiae quae in caelo apud angelos. Inde erat quod aulaeis Tabernaculi et vestibus Aharonis intertexta fuerint hyacinthinum, purpura, et coccineum dibaphum; nam per Tabernaculum repraesentabatur caelum Domini, ac per vestes Aharonis Divinum Verum caeli et ecclesiae; et per illa ex quibus Tabernaculum constructum, et ex quibus vestes Aharonis contextae fuerunt, repraesentabantur caelestia et spiritualia, quae sunt Divini Boni ac Divini Veri.

[3] Quod velum ante arcam ex hyacinthino, purpura, coccineo dibapho et byssino textum fuerit, Videatur, Exodus 26:31;

Quod similiter tegumentum pro ostio Tentorii, vers. 36, ibi;

Tum quod tegumentum portae atrii, Exodus 27:16;

Quod loramenta super ora aulaei tentorii essent ex hyacinthino, Exod 26:4;

Quod ephod esset ex auro, hyacinthino, purpura, coccineo dibapho intertextis, Exodus 28:6;

Et quoque pectorale judicii, ibid. vers. 15.

Quod Aharon et filii ejus, cum proficiscerentur in deserto, darent pannum hyacinthini super arcam, super mensam facierum, super candelabrum et lucernas; super altare aureum, et super omnia vasa ministerii, Numeri 4:6, 7, 9, 11, 12;

ex causa, quia Divinum Verum procedens ex Divino Amore, quod significatur per "pannum hyacinthini", complectitur et tutatur omnia sancta caeli et ecclesiae, quae per illa repraesentabantur.

[4] Quoniam "hyacinthinum" significabat caelestem amorem veri, ideo mandatum erat

Ut filii Israelis facerent sibi peniculamentum super alas Vestium, .... et super illud darent filum hyacinthini, ut in videndo illud recordarentur omnium praeceptorum Jehovae et facerent ea (Numeri 15:38, 39);

hic "filum hyacinthini" manifeste pro recordatione praeceptorum Jehovae; praecepta Jehovae sunt ipsa vera caeli et ecclesiae, et recordantur illi soli qui in caelesti amore veri sunt.

[5] Quod "hyacinthinum" significet amorem veri, etiam constare potest ex his apud Ezechielem,

"Byssus in acupictura ex Aegypto fuit expansio tua, ut esset tibi in signum; hyacinthinum et purpura ex insulis Elischae fuit tegumentum tuum;.... negotiatores tui cum perfectionibus, cum glomeribus hyacinthini et acupicto, et cum thesauris Vestium pretiosarum" (27:7, 24):

haec de Tyro, per quam significatur ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri; ita quoque per illam significantur cognitiones veri quae ecclesiae: ac per "mercaturas" et "negotiationes" ejus in eo capite describitur comparatio intelligentiae per illas cognitiones: per "acupicturam ex Aegypto" significatur scientia talium quae ecclesiae sunt; quae quia est in inferiore loco et sic circumcirca vel extra, dicitur quod illa esset "expansio" et "in signum": per "hyacinthinum et purpuram ex insulis EliSchae" significatur spiritualis affectio veri et boni; quare illa dicuntur esse "ad tegumentum"; per "tegumentum" significatur verum: per "glomera hyacinthini et acupictum" significantur omnia vera spiritualia et naturalia; quae etiam una cum cognitionibus ex Verbo intelliguntur per "thesauros vestium pretiosarum."

[6] Quoniam "hyacinthinum" significat caelestem amorem veri, ideo quoque in opposito sensu significat diabolicum amorem falsi, in quo sensu etiam dicitur "hyacinthinum" in Verbo:

- Ut apud Ezechielem,

"Duae mulieres filiae unius matris.... in adolescentia scortatae sunt in Aegypto, .... Ohola quae Samaria, et Oholiba quae Hierosolyma: et scortata est Ohola sub Me, et dilexit amasios suos, Assyrios propinquos, Vestitos hyacinthino, praefectos et duces, juvenes desiderii omnes, equites equitantes equis" (23:26 1


per "Samariam" et "Hierosolymam" significatur ecclesia, per "Samariam" ecclesia spiritualis, per "Hierosolymam" ecclesia caelestis, quae "Ohola" et "Oholiba" vocantur, quia per illa nomina significatur tentorium; et per "tentorium" significatur ecclesia quoad cultum; per "mulierem" in Verbo etiam significatur ecclesia: quod "scortatae sint in Aegypto" 2

significat quod falsificaverint vera ecclesiae per scientifica naturalis hominis: quod "dilexerit Assyrios" significat quod falsificaverint per ratiocinia ex scientificis illis; "Aschur" et "Assyria" significant ratiocinationes; qui "vestiti hyacinthino" dicuntur e fallaciis et falsis, quae in externa forma apparent sicut vera quia ex sensu litterae Verbi perverse applicato; qui etiam "praefecti, duces, juvenes desiderii, equitantes equis" dicuntur ex eadem apparentia; nam qui ratiocinantur ex propria intelligentia, apparent sibi, et aliis qui tales sunt, sicut intelligentes et sapientes, et illa quae loquuntur sicut vera intelligentiae et bona sapientiae, cum tamen falsa sunt, quae amant quia ex proprio; "praefecti et duces" significant principalia vera, et "equitantes equis" significant intelligentes.

[7] Apud Jeremiam,

"Argentum extensum a Tharschish adfertur, et aurum ex Uphaso, opus fabri et manuum conflatoris, hyacinthinum et purpura 3

vestes eorum, opus sapientum tota" (10:9):

ibi de idolis domus Israelis, per quae significantur doctrinalia falsa, quia ex propria intelligentia; quare dicuntur "opus fabri et manuum conflatoris", ac "opus sapientum tota", et hoc ex eo quia ut vera et bona sibi apparent; "argentum ex Tharschish et aurum ex Uphaso" significat apparens in externa forma ut verum et bonum, quia ex sensu litterae Verbi. Ex his constare potest quod "hyacinthinum" significet amorem falsi quia ex proprio seu ex propria intelligentia.

Quod "hyacinthinum" etiam significet amorem mundi, est quia amor mundi correspondet amori falsi, sicut amor sui, qui per "ignem" significatur, correspondet amori mali; ex amore sui enim est omne malum, et ex amore mundi, qui ex illa origine, est omne falsum; malum enim spirituale, quod per amorem mundi significatur, est in sua essentia falsum, sicut bonum spirituale est in sua essentia verum (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 15).


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