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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 577

577. And the heads of the horses as the heads of lions. That this signifies knowledge (scientia), and thought therefrom, destructive of truth, is evident from the signification of the heads of the horses, as denoting knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, as will be seen presently; and from the signification of the heads of lions, as denoting thence the destruction of truth. The heads of lions here signify the destruction of truth, because a lion, in the highest sense, signifies the Divine Truth as to power, and, in the opposite sense, falsity destroying truth, consequently, the destruction of truth; and the head of a lion signifies the powers of the mind by means of which it destroys, and which are reasonings from falsities. That a lion signifies the Divine Truth as to power, and, in the opposite sense, falsity destroying it, may be seen above (n. 278). The reason why the heads of the horses signify knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, is, that head signifies intelligence, and horse, the understanding. But as the subjects here treated of are the sensual man and his reasonings from falsities, and as the sensual man who reasons from falsities has no intelligence, but only knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, therefore these are here signified by the heads of the horses. That those who are in falsities have no intelligence, but instead of intelligence, only knowledge (scientia), may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 33). The head signifies intelligence, because the understanding and will of man reside in the interior parts of his head, and therefore the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, into which the understanding and will flow from the interior, vivifying them, and also causing them to enjoy their sensations, are in the front part of the head which is the face.

[2] For this reason head, in the Word, signifies intelligence. But because those who receive influx from heaven are alone intelligent, for all intelligence and wisdom flow in out of heaven from the Lord, it follows, that those who are in falsities of evil have no intelligence. For with such the higher and spiritual mind is closed, and only the lower mind, called the natural mind, is open; and this mind, when the higher is closed, receives nothing of truth and good, consequently no intelligence from heaven, but only from the world, therefore such persons, instead of intelligence, have merely knowledge (scientia), and from this thought, from which proceeds reasoning, and by means of this confirmation of falsity and evil against truth and good.

[3] That the head, in the Word, signifies intelligence and wisdom, and, in the opposite sense, knowledge (scientia), and thence illusory thought, is evident from the following passages in the Word.

Thus in Ezekiel:

"I put a jewel on thy nose, and earrings in thine ears, and a crown of ornament upon thy head" (16:12).

These things are said concerning Jerusalem, which signifies the church, here its quality at the beginning. The jewel put on the nose signifies the perception of truth from good, earrings in the ears signify hearing and obedience, and a crown upon the head signifies wisdom, for intelligence which is from Divine Truth becomes wisdom from the good of love, signified by a crown of gold.

[4] So in the Apocalypse:

"A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" (12:1).

That the head upon which was a crown of twelve stars, signifies intelligence, will be seen in the explanation in the following pages. The Jews placing a crown of thorns upon the head of the Lord, and smiting His head (Matthew 27:29, 30; Mark 15:17, 19; John 19:2), signified that with such ignominy did they treat the Divine Truth itself, and the Divine Wisdom. For they falsified the Word, which is Divine Truth, and contains Divine Wisdom, and adulterated it by their traditions, and by applying it to themselves, thus wishing for a king who should place them above all [the nations] in the whole world. And because the kingdom of the Lord was not earthly but heavenly, therefore they perverted all those things in the Word which referred to Him, and ridiculed the prophecies relating to Him. This was represented by their placing a crown of thorns upon His head, and by their smiting Him on the head.

[5] It is also said in Daniel, where the subject is the statue of Nebuchadnezzar seen in a dream, that its head was of pure gold, its breast and arms of silver, and its thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of clay (2:32, 33). That statue represented the successive states of the church. The head of gold represented and signified the Most Ancient Church, which was in celestial wisdom, and thence in intelligence above [all the churches] that followed; its wisdom and intelligence are meant by the head of gold. That the other parts of the statue signify the states of the churches which followed, may be seen above (n. Psalm 66:11 12).

Causing men to ride over our head signifies that there was no intelligence, as may be seen above (355:35), where those things are more fully explained.

[6] And in Moses:

These blessings "shall come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the Nazarite of his brethren" (Genesis 49:26; Deuteronomy 33:13-16).

By blessings coming on the head of Joseph, is signified, that all those things previously mentioned, and which are the blessings of heaven, should be experienced in the interiors of his mind, which are the lives of the understanding and will, for these are the interiors of the mind. By their coming on the crown of the Nazarite of his brethren, is signified, that they should also be experienced in the exteriors of his natural mind, for the Nazariteship signifies the exteriors of the natural mind, since it signifies hairs, or the hair of the head. But these words are more fully explained above (n. Deuteronomy 1:13).

It is said, "for heads," because wisdom and intelligence are meant, in which they excel the rest, hence it is said, "Give you wise men and intelligent."

[7] So in Isaiah:

"Jehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers, hath he covered" (29:10).

Prophets signify those who teach truths, and are intelligent, and in an abstract sense, the doctrine of truth, and intelligence; therefore it is said, "Jehovah hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers," where the prophets are called eyes, and the seers, heads, because the eyes signify the understanding of truth as to doctrine, and by seers, as by the head are signified, intelligence.

[8] Again:

"[Jehovah] will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and honourable, will make the head, but the prophet that teacheth lies, the tail" (569:17), where they are explained in detail. It is said, in the passages of the river, because the river Euphrates signifies reasonings from falsities; here therefore invasion thence into the truths of the church, which are destroyed by reasonings from falsities, is signified.

[9] And in Ezekiel:

"Thou son of man take thee a sharp sword, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thy head and upon thy beard. Thou shalt burn with fire a third part, and thou shalt smite a third part with the sword, and a third part thou shalt scatter to the wind" (5:1, 2).

Here also by causing a razor to pass over the head, is signified, to deprive of all intelligence of truth. The reason is, that intelligence perishes unless the ultimates of intelligence exist, signified by the hair of the head, which he was to shave with a razor, by causing it to pass over the head. For to take away the ultimates is like removing the base from a column, or the foundation from a house. Hence it is that in the Jewish church, which was a representative church, it was unlawful to shave the hair of the head, and cause baldness, and similarly with regard to the beard. Therefore also those who are without intelligence appear bald in the spiritual world.

[10] From these things the signification of a bald head, or baldness, in the following passages is evident.

Thus in Isaiah:

"On all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off"


[11] Because shame was represented by the hands upon the head, it is therefore said in Jeremiah:

"Thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. Yea, thou shalt go forth from her, and thy hands upon thy head" (2:36, 37).

Again, in the same prophet:

"They were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads" (14:3).

Because [covering the head with the hands] was representative of shame, therefore Tamar, after she had been disgraced by her brother Ammon, "laid her hand on her head, and went her way crying" (2 Sam. 13:19); by putting her hand on her head was signified that there remained no longer any intelligence. Grief also for sin in having acted insanely and foolishly, was represented by sprinkling dust upon the head; and bowing down the head even to the earth also signified cursing; as in Ezekiel:

"They shall cast up dust upon thine head, they shall roll thee in ashes" (27:30).

And in Lamentations:

"The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground, and keep silence; they have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem have hung down their heads to the ground" (2:10).

[12] But by the head, in the opposite sense, is signified the craftiness pertaining to those who are in the love of ruling; this is meant by the head in Moses, by the seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head, and the serpent bruising his heel (Genesis 3:15).

And in David:

"The Lord at thy right hand hath smitten through kings in the day of his wrath. He hath judged among the nations, he hath filled the earth with their dead bodies; he hath smitten the head over much country. He shall drink of the stream in the way; therefore shall he lift up the head" (Psalm 110:5-7).

This passage is explained above (n. Psalm 68:21).

That the craftiness by which they intend and contrive evil for others returns upon themselves, is signified by, "recompensing their way upon their own head" (Ezekiel 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 17:19; 22:31; Joel 3:4, 7). But the signification of the seven heads, in the Apocalypse, upon which were seven diadems (12:3; 13:1, 3; 17:3, 7, 9), will be seen in the following pages. Moreover, the head, being the highest and chief part in man, also signifies various other things, as the summit of a mountain, the top of any thing, what is primary, the beginning of a way, of a street, of a month, and similar things.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 577

577. And the heads of the horses as the heads of lions, signifies knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom destructive of truth. This is evident from the signification of "the heads of horses," as being knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom (of which presently); and from the signification of "the heads of lions," as being the consequent destruction of truth. "The heads of lions" signify here the destruction of truth, because a "lion" in the highest sense signifies Divine truth in respect to power, and in the contrary sense falsity destroying truth, consequently the destruction of truth, and "the head of a lion" signifies the powers of the mind through which it destroys, which are reasonings from falsities. (That a "lion" signifies Divine truth in respect to power, and in the contrary sense falsity destroying truth, may be seen above, n. 278.) The "heads of horses" signify knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom, because "head" signifies intelligence, and "the horse" the understanding; and as the sensual man and here his reasoning from falsities are treated of, and the sensual man who reasons from falsities has no intelligence, but only knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom, therefore these are here signified by "the heads of the horses." (That those who are in falsities have no intelligence, but instead of intelligence only knowledge, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 33.)

[2] The "head" signifies intelligence, because the understanding and the will of man have their seat in the interiors of his head; consequently in the front part of the head, which is the face, are the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, into which the understanding and the will flow from the interior and vivify them, and also cause them to enjoy their sensations; this is why the "head" signifies in the Word intelligence. But as those only who receive influx from heaven are intelligent, for all intelligence and wisdom flow in out of heaven from the Lord, it follows that they who are in the falsities of evil have no intelligence; for in them the higher and spiritual mind is closed, and only the lower mind, which is called the natural mind, is opened; and when the higher mind is closed the lower receives nothing of truth and good, consequently no intelligence from heaven, but only from the world. Such, therefore, in place of intelligence have mere knowledge [scientia] and thought from it, and from this proceeds reasoning, and by means of it the confirmation of falsity and evil against truth and good.

[3] That the "head" signifies in the Word intelligence and wisdom, and in the contrary sense knowledge [scientia] and fatuous thought therefrom, can be seen from the following passages in the Word. In Ezekiel:

I put a jewel upon thy nose, and ear-rings in thine ears, and a crown of adorning upon thy head (Ezekiel 16:12).

This is said of Jerusalem, which signifies the church, here such as it was in the beginning; "a jewel upon the nose" signifies the perception of truth from good; "the ear-rings in the ears" signify hearkening and obedience, and "a crown upon the head" signifies wisdom; for intelligence, which is from Divine truth, becomes wisdom from the good of love, and this is signified by "a crown of gold."

[4] In Revelation:

A woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Revelation 12:1).

The "head" upon which was a crown of twelve stars, signifies intelligence, as will be seen in the explanation hereafter.

That the Jews placed a crown of thorns upon the Lord's head, and that they smote His head (Matthew 27:29, 30; Mark 15:17, 19; John 19:2);

signifies that they treated with such contumely Divine truth itself and Divine wisdom; for they falsified the Word, which is Divine truth and in which is Divine wisdom, and adulterated it by their traditions and by applying it to themselves; thus they desired a king who would exalt them over all in the whole earth. And as the Lord's kingdom was not earthly but heavenly, they perverted everything that was said respecting Him in the Word, and mocked at what was foretold of Him. This is what was represented by "their placing a crown of thorns upon His head, and smiting His head."

[5] Where the statue of Nebuchadnezzar seen in a dream is described, it is said in Daniel:

Its head was of pure gold, its breast and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of clay (176, 411).

In David:

Thou hast brought us into the net; thou hast laid oppressions 1upon our loins. Thou hast caused man to ride over our head (355), where this is more fully explained).

[6] In Moses:

These blessings shall come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the head of the Nazirite of his brethren (Genesis 49:28; Deuteronomy 33:13-16).

That "blessings shall come upon the head of Joseph" signifies that all the things that had just been mentioned, that are blessings of heaven, should take place in the interiors of his mind, which are the lives of the understanding and will, for these are the interiors of the mind. That they shall come upon "the crown of the head of the Nazirite of his brethren" signifies that they should also take place in the exteriors of his natural mind, for the "Naziriteship" signifies the exteriors of the natural mind, since it means the hairs, or the hair of the head. (But these words may be seen further explained above, n. Deuteronomy 1:13).

It is said "as your heads" because wisdom and intelligence, in which they should excel all others, are meant; therefore it is said, "Take you wise men and intelligent."

[7] In Isaiah:

Jehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers, hath He covered (Isaiah 29:10).

"Prophets" signify those who teach truths and are intelligent, and in an abstract sense, the doctrine of truth and intelligence; therefore it is said, "Jehovah hath closed your eyes, the prophets, and your heads, the seers," where the prophets are called "eyes," and the seers "heads," because "eyes" signify the understanding of truth in respect to doctrine, and "seers" like as "heads" signify intelligence.

[8] In the same:

Jehovah will cut off from Israel 2head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and the honorable will make the head, and the prophet, the teacher of lies the tail (569, where this is explained in particular; it is said "in the crossings of the river," because "the river Euphrates" signifies the reasonings from falsities, therefore here attack by these upon the truths of the church which are destroyed by reasoning from falsities.

[9] In Ezekiel:

Son of man, take thee a sharp sword, a barber's razor, and cause it to pass over 3the head and over the beard; a third part thou shalt burn with fire, a third part thou shalt smite with the sword, and a third part thou shalt disperse in the wind (Ezekiel 5:1, 2).

Here also "to cause a razor to pass over the head" signifies to deprive of all intelligence of truth; for the reason that intelligence perishes when there are no ultimates of intelligence, which are signified by "the hairs of the head, which should be shaved with a razor by causing it to pass over the head;" for when ultimates are taken away it is as when the base is taken away from a column, or the foundation from a house. This is why it was unlawful in the Jewish Church, which was a representative church, to shave the hairs of the head and induce baldness, in like manner the beard; so also those who are without intelligence appear bald in the spiritual world.

[10] From all this the signification of "a bald head" and "baldness" in the following passages can be seen. In Isaiah:

On all their heads is baldness, every beard is cut off (555.

[11] Because shame was represented by the hands upon the head, it is said in Jeremiah:

Thou shalt be ashamed of Egypt also, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. From her also thou shalt go forth with thy hands upon thy head (Jeremiah 2:36, 37).

And in the same:

They were ashamed and put to confusion and covered their heads (Jeremiah 14:3-4).

Because this was a representative of shame:

Tamar, after she had been ravished by her brother Amnon, put her hand on her head, and went weeping 4and crying (2 Samuel 13:19).

To "put the hand upon the head" signified that no intelligence remained. Also grief for sin in having acted insanely and foolishly was represented by sprinkling dust upon the head, and by bowing the head down even to the earth; and by this cursing also was signified. As in Ezekiel:

They shall cast up dust upon thy head, they shall roll thee in ashes (Ezekiel 27:30).

In Lamentations:

The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on the earth, they keep silence; they have cast up dust upon their head; they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem have made their head to hang down to the ground (Lamentations 2:10).

[12] But in the contrary sense the "head" signifies the craftiness that those have who are in the love of ruling. This is meant by the "head" in Moses:

The seed of the woman shall trample upon the head of the serpent, and the serpent shall hurt the heel (Genesis 3:15).

In David:

The Lord at thy right hand hath stricken through kings in the day of His anger; He hath judged among the nations; He hath filled with dead bodies; He hath stricken through the head over many a land; He shall drink out of the brook in the way; therefore shall He exalt the head (Psalms 110:5-7).

(This passage may be seen explained above, n. Psalms 68:21).

That the craftiness by which they purpose and contrive evil against others returns upon themselves is signified by:

Bringing their way upon their own head (Ezekiel 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 17:19; 22:31; Joel 3:4, 7).

What is signified in Revelation by:

The seven heads upon which were seven diadems (Revelation 12:3; 13:1, 3; 17:3, 7, 9);

will be seen hereafter. Moreover, the "head," as what is highest and primary in man, has also many other meanings; as the peak of a mountain, the top of anything, what is primary, the beginning of a way, of a street, of a month, and the like.


1. Latin has "oppressions," the Hebrew "oppression," as found in AE 355.

2. Latin has "Abraham," the passage quoted just before has "Israel," as in AE 559, 624.

3. Latin has "through," the passage, as cited before, has "over," with the Hebrew.

4. Latin has "weeping," the Hebrew "going."

Apocalypsis Explicata 577 (original Latin 1759)

577. "Et capita equorum sicut capita leonum." - Quod significet scientiam et inde cogitationem destructivam veri, constat ex significatione "capitum equorum", quod sit scientia et inde cogitatio (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "capitum leonum", quod sint inde destructio veri.

Quod "capita leonum" destructionem veri hic significent, est quia "leo" in supremo sensu significat Divinum Verum quoad potentiam, ac in opposito sensu falsum destruens verum, proinde destructionem veri; et "caput leonis" significat vires animi per quas destruit, quae sunt ratiocinia ex falsis.

(Quod "leo" significet Divinum Verum quoad potentiam, et in opposito sensu falsum destruens illud, videatur supra, n. 278.) Quod "capita equorum" significent scientiam et inde cogitationem, est quia "caput" significat intelligentiam, et "equus" intellectum; at quia agitur de sensuali homine, et hic de ratiocinatione ejus ex falsis, et sensuali homini ratiocinanti ex falsis non est intelligentia, sed modo scientia et inde cogitatio, ideo hae per "capita equorum" significantur. (Quod illis qui in falsis sunt non sit intelligentia, sed pro intelligentia scientia, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 33.)

[2] Quod "caput" significet intelligentiam, est causa quia intellectus et voluntas hominis in interioribus capitis ejus resident; et inde in capitis anteriore parte, quae est facies, sunt sensus visus, auditus, odoratus et gustus, in quos influit intellectus et voluntas ab interiori, ac vivificat illos, et quoque facit ut gaudeant suis sensationibus; inde est quod per "caput" in Verbo significetur intelligentia. Sed quia illi soli intelligentes sunt qui influxum e caelo recipiunt, nam e caelo a Domino influit omnis intelligentia et sapientia, sequitur quod illis qui in falsis mali sunt non sit intelligentia, est enim mens superior et spiritualis apud illos clausa, et modo mens inferior, quae vocatur mens naturalis, aperta; haec mens, quando superior clausa est, non recipit aliquid veri et boni, proinde non intelligentiam e caelo, sed solum e mundo; quare his pro intelligentia est modo scientia et ex hac cogitatio, ex qua procedit ratiocinatio, et per hanc confirmatio falsi et mali contra verum et bonum.

[3] Quod per "caput" in Verbo significetur intelligentia et sapientia, ac in opposito sensu scientia et inde fatua cogitatio, constare potest ex sequentibus locis in Verbo:

- Apud Ezechielem,

"Dedi monile super nasum tuum, et inaures super aures tuas, et coronam ornatus super caput tuum" (16:12):

haec dicta sunt de Hierosolyma, per quam significatur ecclesia, ibi qualis fuerat in principio; per "monile super nasum" significatur perceptio veri ex bono; per "inaures super aures" significatur auscultatio et obedientia; et per "coronam super caput" significatur sapientia; intelligentia enim, quae ex Divino Vero est, fit sapientia ex bono amoris, quod significatur per "coronam ex auro."

[4] In Apocalypsi,

"Mulier circumdata solem, et luna sub pedibus ejus, et super capite ejus corona stellarum duodecim" (12:1):

quod per "caput", super quo corona stellarum duodecim, significetur intelligentia, videbitur in explicatione in sequentibus. Quod

Judaei posuerint coronam ex spinis super caput Domini, et quod percusserint caput Ipsius (Matthaeus 27:29, 30; Marc. 15 [17,] 19; Johannes 19:2),

significabat quod tali contumelia affecerint Ipsum Divinum Verum et Divinam Sapientiam; Verbum enim, quod est Divinum Verum, et ubi Divina Sapientia, falsificaverunt et adulteraverunt per traditiones, et per applicationes ad se, sic volentes regem qui illos super omnes in universo terrarum orbe eveheret: et quia regnum Domini non fuit terrestre sed caeleste, ideo omnia Verbi, quae de Ipso dicta sunt, perverterunt, et quae de Ipso praedicta irriserunt: hoc erat quod repraesentabatur per quod "coronam ex spinis super caput Ipsius posuerint", et quod "caput Ipsius percusserint."

[5] Ubi agitur de statua Nebuchadnezari in somnio visa, dicitur apud Danielem,

Quod caput ejus esset ex auro puro; pectus et brachia ex argento; venter et femora ex aere; crura ex ferro; pedes partim ex ferro et partim ex argilla (2:32, 33):

per illam statuam repraesentati sunt status successivi ecclesiae; per "caput ex auro" repraesentata et significata est Ecclesia Antiquissima, quae in sapientia caelesti et inde in intelligentia prae sequentibus fuit; ea sapientia et intelligentia ejus intelligitur per "caput ex auro": quod reliqua istius statuae significent status ecclesiarum sequentium, videatur supra (n. 176, 411 [b] .) Apud Davidem,

"Induxisti nos in rete, posuisti 1

oppressiones super lumbos [nostros] , equitare fecisti hominem in capite nostro" (Ps. 116 [11,] 12):

per "equitare facere hominem in capite nostro" significatur quod non intelligentia (videatur supra, n. 355 [g] . ubi illa plenius explicata sunt).

[6] Apud Mosen,

Hae benedictiones "veniant capiti Josephi, et vertici Naziraei fratrum ejus" (Genesis 49:26; Deutr 2


quod "benedictiones venient capiti Josephi" significat quod omnia illa quae prius dicta sunt, quae sunt benedictiones caeli, fient interioribus ejus mentis, quae sunt vitae intellectus et voluntatis ejus, nam haec sunt interiora mentis: quod venient "vertici Naziraei fratrum ejus" significat quod etiam fient exterioribus quae mentis naturalis ejus sunt; "naziraeatus" enim 3

significat exteriora quae sunt mentis naturalis, nam significat crines seu capillitium. (Sed haec amplius explicata videantur supra, n. 448 [b] ; et in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 6437, 6438.) Apud eundem,

"Date vobis viros sapientes et intelligentes, .... ut ponam eos in capita vestra" (Deuteronomius 1:13):

dicitur "in capita", quia intelligitur sapientia et intelligentia, qua illi reliquis praepollent; quare dicitur "Date vobis viros sapientes et intelligentes."

[7] Apud Esaiam,

"Effudit Jehovah super vos spiritum somnolentiae, et occlusit oculos vestros prophetas, et capita vestra videntes obtexit" (Esai. 29:10 4


per "prophetas" significantur docentes vera ac intelligentes, et abstracte doctrina veri et intelligentia; quare dixit, "Occlusit oculos prophetas, et capita vestra videntes"; prophetae vocantur "oculi", et videntes "capita", quia per "oculos" significatur intellectus veri quoad doctrinam, et per "videntes" intelligentia similiter ac per "caput."

[8] apud eundem,

"Non erit Aegypto opus, quod faciet caput et caudam, ramum et juncum" (19:15):

quod "exscindetur ex 5

Israele caput et cauda", et quod "non erit Aegypto caput et cauda", significat quod peritura sit illis omnis intelligentia et scientia veri (videatur supra, n. 559. ubi illa loca amplius explicata sunt).

Apud eundem,

"In die illo detondebit Dominus per novaculam mercenariam in transitibus fluvii per regem Aschuris, caput et pilos pedum, etiamque barbam consumet" (7:20):

quod per haec significetur quod ratiocinia ex falsis deprivatura sint homines ecclesiae omni sapientia et intelligentia spirituali, videatur supra (n. 569 [c]), ubi singillatim explicata sunt; dicitur "in transitibus fluvii, quia per "fluvium Euphratem" significatur ratiocinatio ex falsis; hic itaque invasio inde in vera ecclesiae quae per ratiocinia ex falsis destruuntur.

[9] Apud Ezechielem,

"Fili hominis, sume tibi gladium acutum, novaculam tonsorum.... , quam traduces super caput et super barbam.... ; tertiam partem igne combures.... , tertiam percuties gladio, et tertiam disperges in ventum" (5:1, 2):

etiam hic per "traducere novaculam super caput" significatur deprivare omni intelligentia veri: causa est, quia nisi sint ultima intelligentiae, quae significantur per "capillos capitis", quos abradet cum novacula quae traducetur 6

super caput, perit intelligentia; nam quando auferuntur ultima, est sicut cum basis aufertur columnae, aut fundamentum domui: inde est quod in Ecclesia Judaica, quae fuit ecclesia repraesentativa, nefarium fuerit abradere capillos capitis et inducere calvitiem, similiter barbam; quare etiam qui absque intelligentia sunt, apparent in mundo spirituali calvi.

[10] Ex his constare potest quid in sequentibus locis significatur per "caput calvum" seu per "calvitiem": - Apud Esaiam,

"In omnibus capitibus ejus calvities, omnis barba rasa" (15:2);

nempe quod non intelligentia.

Apud Ezechielem,

"Super omnibus faciebus pudor, et in omnibus capitibus calvities" (7:18);

apud eundem,

"Omne caput decalvatum, et omnis humerus depilatus" (29:18):

similiter. Quare vetitum fuit Aharoni et filiis ejus radere capita sua, ac angulum barbae; de qua re apud Mosen,

Aharon et filii ejus non radent capita sua, nec dissuent vestes suas, ne moriantur, et Jehovah propterea irascatur toti concioni (Leviticus 10:6);

et apud eundem,

Filii Aharonis "non inducent calvitiem capiti suo, nec angulum barbae radent" (Leviticus 21:5):

per "barbam" significatur ultimum rationalis hominis, et per quod "non raderent barbam" significatur ne deprivarent se rationali, per quod ultimo ejus; nam ut supra dictum est, quando ultimum aufertur, etiam interius perit. Quid intelligitur per

Quod mulier captiva ex hostibus, si desideraretur in uxorem, tonderet caput suum, et faceret ungues suos (Deuteronomius 21:11, 12),

videatur supra (n. 555 [c]).

[11] Quia pudor repraesentabatur per manus super caput, ideo dicitur apud Jeremiam,

"Etiam ab Aegypto pudefies, sicut pudefacta es ab Assyria; etiam ex illa exibis, et manus tuae super caput tuum" (2 [36,] 37);

et apud eundem,

"Pudefacti sunt et ignominia affecti, et obtexerunt caput" (14:3, 4);

et quia id repraesentativum pudoris fuit,

Ideo Thamar, postquam compressa fuit ab Ammone fratre, "posuit manum super caput, et ivit 7

eundo et clamando" (2 Samuelis 13:19):

per "ponere manus super caput" significabatur quod non aliqua intelligentia esset. Etiam dolor ob peccata quod insane et stulte egerint, repraesentabatur per quod spargerent pulverem super caput, et quod in terram usque detruderent caput, per quod etiam significabatur maledictio:

- Ut apud Ezechielem,

"Ascendere 8

facient pulverem super caput tuum, in cinere volvent te" (27:30);

in Threnis,

"Sedent in terra, tacent seniores filiae Zionis, ascendere fecerunt pulverem super caput suum, cinxerunt se saccis, descendere fecerunt in terram caput suum, virgines Hierosolymae" (2:10).

[12] Per "caput" autem in opposito sensu significatur astutia quae illis qui in amore dominandi sunt. Haec intelligitur per "caput" apud Mosen,

Semen mulieris conculcabit caput serpentis, et serpens laedet calcaneum (Genesis 3:15);

apud Davidem,

"Dominus ad dextram tuam percussit in die irae suae reges, judicavit inter gentes, implevit cadaveribus suis; percussit caput super terram multam; e flumine in via bibet, propterea exaltabit caput" (Psalms 110:5-7);

(quae explicata videantur supra, n. 518 [d]): et apud eundem,

"Deus contundet caput hostium.... , verticem capilli, ambulantibus in reatibus" (Psalms 68:22 [B.A. 21]).

Quod astutiae, per quas malum intendunt et machinantur aliis, super ipsos redeant, significatur per

"Dare viam in caput eorum" (Ezechiel 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 17:19; 22:31: [3] 4, 7).

Quid autem per

Capita septem, super quibus diademata septem (in Apocalypsi cap. 12:3; 13:1, 3; 17:3, 7, 9),

significatur, videbitur infra. Praeterea per "caput", quia supremum et primarium est in homine, etiam plura significantur; sicut cacumen montis, fastigium, primarium, principium viae, plateae, mensis, et similia.


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