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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第33节







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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 33

33. People who are focused on what is good and true have both will and understanding, while people who are focused on what is evil and false do not have will or understanding. Instead of will they have craving, and instead of understanding they have mere information. Any will that is truly human is receptive to goodness, and any understanding that is truly human is open to truth. This means anything that is evil cannot [properly] be labeled "will," and anything that is false cannot [properly] be labeled "understanding," because these things are opposites, and opposites are mutually destructive. That is why anyone who is focused on something evil and therefore on what is false cannot be called rational, wise, or intelligent. Then too, the deeper levels of our minds are closed when we are evil, and those levels are where our will and understanding principally reside.

We assume that we have will and understanding even when we are evil because we say that we are willing things and understanding them, but our "willing" is nothing but craving and our "understanding" is mere information. 1


1. To understand the points made in this section, it is necessary to read some of the key terms using Swedenborg's more specialized definitions of them rather than applying the broader meanings they have when he is speaking more loosely. In their broader meanings, the Latin words voluntas (translated in this and other passages as "will," though sometimes elsewhere in this edition as "volition," "intention," or the like) and intellectus (here translated "understanding" and elsewhere translated "intellect" or "discernment") refer to the two basic faculties of the human mind as defined by Swedenborg. "Will" refers to the faculty that encompasses human loves, emotions, motives, and desires. "Understanding" refers to the faculty that encompasses human perception, comprehension, rationality, and knowledge. (For additional discussion of these faculties, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 28.) In the broad sense of these terms, all human beings, whether good or evil, have both will and understanding on whatever level their minds operate. However, in the more specific sense in which Swedenborg is using them here, they refer to faculties of the inner, spiritual level of the human mind. In this sense, will and understanding are defined as faculties that receive what is good and true, respectively (see New Jerusalem 29), in the inner self. In people who are focused on what is evil and false, the inner, spiritual level where these faculties reside is closed off from conscious awareness, and functions only as a conduit for more generalized life. This happens because such people reject the good and truth that would otherwise flow into their outer, conscious self through their inner self. It is in this more specialized sense of the terms that people who are focused on what is evil and false do not have will or understanding. On the Latin term scientia, here translated "mere information," see note 1 in New Jerusalem 27. On the inner and outer self, see New Jerusalem 36-53. For a fuller discussion of the ideas in this section, see Secrets of Heaven 977-978. [LSW]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 33

33. When we do good things and have true ideas, we have motivation and understanding. But when we do harmful things and have false ideas, we do not have motivation and understanding. Instead of motivation we have desire, and instead of understanding we have knowledge.

A truly human motivation is a storehouse of good impulses, and a truly human understanding is a storehouse of true ideas. So we cannot call bad impulses “motivation,” or false ideas “understanding” — they are just the opposite, and opposites destroy each other. Because of this, when we do harmful things and have false ideas, we are not rational, wise, or understanding. Also, the deeper parts of a harmful person’s mind are closed, and our motivation and understanding are mainly in these parts of our mind.

We may think harmful people also have motivation and understanding, since they say they intend things and understand things. But their motivation is only desire, and their understanding is only knowledge.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 33

33. Those in a state of good and truth have a will and an intellect. But those in a state of evil and falsity have no will and intellect, but desire in place of will and knowledge in place of intellect. For a truly human will serves to receive good, and a truly human intellect serves to receive truth. The term 'will' therefore cannot be used in connexion with evil, nor the term 'intellect' in connexion with falsity, since these are opposites, and opposites are mutually destructive. Thus it is that a person in a state of evil and falsity arising from it cannot be called rational, wise and intelligent. Moreover the evil have the interiors, which are part of the mind, closed; and this is where the will and the intellect chiefly reside. It is thought that the evil too have a will and an intellect, because they talk of willing and understanding. But willing for them is merely desiring, and understanding for them is merely knowing.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 33

33. Those who are in good and truth have a will and an understanding; but those who are in evil and falsity have not a will and understanding; but for will they have lust, and for understanding they have knowledge. For the truly human will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the receptacle of truth; for which reason the will cannot be predicated of evil, nor the understanding of falsity, because they are opposites, and opposites destroy [each other]. This is why a man who is in evil and in the falsity from it, cannot be called rational, wise, and intelligent. With the evil, also, the interiors belonging to the mind, wherein the will and the understanding chiefly reside, are closed. It is supposed that the evil also have a will and an understanding, because they say that they will, and that they understand: but their willing is only coveting, and their understanding is only knowledge.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 33

33. They who are in good and truth have will and understanding, but they who are in evil and in falsity have not will and understanding; but instead of will they have cupidity, and instead of understanding they have science. For the truly human will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the receptacle of truth; for which reason will cannot be predicated of evil, nor can understanding be predicated of falsity, because they are opposites, and opposites destroy each other. Hence it is, that the man who is in evil and thence in falsity, cannot be called rational, wise, and intelligent. With the evil, also, the interiors of the mind, in which the will and the understanding principally reside, are closed. It is believed that the evil also have will and understanding, because they say that they will, and that they understand; but their willing is only cupidity, and their understanding is only knowing.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 33 (original Latin 1758)

33. Illis qui in bono et vero sunt, sunt voluntas et intellectus; at illis qui in malo et falso sunt, non sunt voluntas et intellectus, sed pro voluntate illis est cupido, et pro intellectu est scientia: voluntas enim vere humana est receptaculum boni, ac intellectus receptaculum veri; quare voluntas non dici potest de malo, nec intellectus de falso, quia opposita sunt, et oppositum destruit; inde est quod homo qui in malo et inde falso est, non dici possit rationalis, sapiens et intelligens: etiam apud malos clausa sunt interiora quae mentis sunt, ubi principaliter resident voluntas et intellectus. Creditur sicut voluntas et intellectus malis etiam sint, quia dicunt quod velint et quod intelligant; sed velle eorum est modo cupere, ac intelligere eorum est modo scire.

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