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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 59

59. Unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. That this signifies, specifically, according to reception, is evident from what follows, where those churches are specifically treated of. It is said, according to reception, because the light of intelligence does not constitute the church in man, but the reception of light in heat, that is, the reception of truth in good. It is said, the reception of light in heat, because spiritual light is Divine truth, and spiritual heat is Divine good; and these two, in the spiritual world, are like light and heat in the natural world, that is, in proportion as the vernal and summer heat is added to the light, in the same proportion all things grow and sprout; but in proportion as that heat is not added to the light, in the same proportion all things become torpid and die off. (That light in the spiritual world is Divine truth, and heat Divine good, and that they are circumstanced like the light and heat in the natural world, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 126-140.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 59

59. Unto Ephesus, and Smyrna, and Pergamum, and Thyatira, and Sardis, and Philadelphia, and Laodicea, signifies in each case according to reception. This is evident from what follows, where these churches are treated of in detail. It is said according to reception, because the light of intelligence does not constitute the church with man, but the reception of light in heat, that is, the reception of truth in good. It is said the reception of light in heat, because spiritual light is Divine truth, and spiritual heat is Divine good, and these two in the spiritual world are as light and heat in the natural world; for insofar as spring or summer heat is added to the light, so far all things grow and germinate, but so far as that heat is not added to the light, so far all things become torpid and die. (That light in the spiritual world is Divine truth, and heat there is Divine good, and that they are as heat and light in the natural world, see the work on Heaven and Hell 126-140.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 59 (original Latin 1759)

59. "Ephesum, et Smyrnam, et Pergamum, et Thyatira, et Sardes, et Philadelphiam, et Laodiceam." - Quod significet in specie secundum receptionem, constare potest ex sequentibus, ubi de ecclesiis illis in specie agitur. Dicitur secundum receptionem, quia lux intelligentiae non facit ecclesiam apud hominem, sed receptio lucis in calore, hoc est, receptio veri in bono. Receptio lucis in calore dicitur, quia lux spiritualis est Divinum Verum, et calor spiritualis est Divinum Bonum; et illa duo in mundo spirituali se habent sicut lux et calor in mundo naturali; quod nempe quantum caloris verni ac aestivi accedit luci, tantum crescant et germinent omnia, at quantum luci non accedit calor ille, tantum torpeant et emoriantur omnia. (Quod lux in spirituali mundo sit Divinum Verum, et calor ibi sit Divinum Bonum, ac illa se habeant similiter ac lux et calor in naturali mundo, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 126-140.)

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