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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 601

601. And cried with a great voice, as a lion roareth.- That this signifies testification of grievous lamentation on account of the desolation of Divine Truth in the church, is evident from the signification of crying with a great voice, as denoting testification of grievous lamentation, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of as a lion roareth, as denoting, on account of the desolation of Divine Truth in the church. For a lion signifies Divine Truth in its power, as may be seen above (n. 278), and roaring signifies the effect of grief, on account of the desolation thereof.

[2] That this is the signification of crying with a great voice as a lion roareth, is also evident from that which follows in this chapter, in which the desolation of Divine Truth in the church is treated of. For the strong angel coming down out of heaven, means the Lord as to the Word, which is Divine Truth, and it is afterwards said of him that he lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages, that there should be time no longer. By there being time no longer is signified, that there should be no longer any understanding of Divine Truth, nor, consequently, any state of the church.

[3] And it is afterwards said, "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, the mystery of God shall be consummated," which signifies the last judgment, which takes place when there is no longer any faith of Divine Truth, because there is not any good of charity. It is evident from these things, that by crying with a loud voice as when a lion roareth, signifies testification of grievous lamentation on account of the desolation of Divine Truth in the church.

[4] Moreover, in the Word, mention is frequently made of a lion; and a lion, in the highest sense, signifies the Lord as to Divine Truth, and also heaven and the church as to the same from the Lord, whence a lion also signifies the Divine Truth as to power. Concerning this signification of lion, see above (n. 278). It is therefore evident, that roaring, or the roaring of a lion, signifies ardent affection to defend heaven and the church, and thus save the angels of heaven and the men of the church, which is effected by destroying the falsities of evil by means of Divine Truth and its power. But in the opposite sense roaring, and the roaring of a lion, signify burning desire to destroy and devastate the church, which is effected by destroying Divine Truth by means of the falsities of evil. These things are signified by the roaring of a lion, because a lion roars when it is hungry and seeks its prey, and also when it is enraged against its enemies.

[5] That such things are signified in the Word by to roar and roaring, is evident from the following passages.

In Isaiah:

"Thus hath Jehovah spoken unto me, Like as the lion roareth and the young lion over his prey, when a multitude of shepherds runneth forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them; so shall Jehovah of hosts come down to fight upon mount Zion, and upon the hill thereof" (31:4).

Jehovah is compared to a lion roaring, because a lion signifies the Lord as to Divine Truth and its power, and roaring signifies the ardour of defending the church against evils and falsities, wherefore it is said, "so shall Jehovah of hosts come down to fight upon mount Zion, and upon the hill thereof." Mount Zion denotes the celestial church, and the hill thereof, or Jerusalem, the spiritual church; the prey over which the lion roareth, signifies deliverance from hell.

[6] So in Joel:

"Jehovah shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall tremble; but Jehovah will be a refuge for his people, and a defence of the sons of Israel" (3:16).

The defence of the faithful by the Lord, by means of Divine Truth, is described by Jehovah roaring out of Zion, and uttering His voice from Jerusalem. The vehement power of Divine Truth, and the terror arising therefrom, are described by the heavens and earth trembling; while salvation and defence are described by Jehovah being a refuge for His people, and a defence to the sons of Israel; the people of Jehovah and the sons of Israel denote the faithful who are of the church.

[7] And in Hosea:

"I will not return to destroy Ephraim. They shall go after Jehovah; he shall roar like a lion, because he shall roar, and with honour shall the sons from the sea draw near, with honour shall they come as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria; and I will cause them to dwell upon their houses, saith Jehovah" (11:9-11).

Ephraim signifies the church as to the understanding of truth, concerning which what follows is therefore said. To walk after Jehovah signifies to worship the Lord, and to live from Him. He shall roar like a lion, because he shall roar, signifies their defence by Divine Truth. With honour shall the sons from the sea draw near, signifies that those who are in natural good shall draw near to the church; with honour shall they come as a bird out of Egypt, signifies their natural thought from scientific truths (ex scientificis veris), a bird denoting thought, and Egypt what is scientific, which is natural truth. And as a dove out of the land of Assyria, signifies that they shall have rational good and truth, a dove denoting rational good, and the land of Assyria, the church as to rational truth. For with man there are both natural and rational good and truth; the Natural is lower or exterior, and looks to the world, the Rational is higher or interior, conjoining the Natural with the Spiritual. The Natural is signified by Egypt, the Rational by Assyria, and the Spiritual by Israel. And I will cause them to dwell upon their houses, signifies life from the will of good and from the understanding of truth; the human mind, which consists of these, is meant by house, and to live is signified by dwelling.

[8] Again, in Amos:

"The Lord Jehovih will not do a word without revealing his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord Jehovih hath spoken, who will not prophesy?" (3:7, 8).

Here by the Lord Jehovih not doing a word without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets, is signified, that the Lord opens the interior things of the Word and of doctrine to those who are in truths from good. By revealing His secret is signified to enlighten and to open the interior things of the Word; His servants the prophets signify those who are in the truths of doctrine and who receive. "The lion hath roared, who will not fear?" signifies a powerful revelation and manifestation of Divine Truth. "The Lord Jehovih hath spoken, who will not prophesy?" signifies the reception thereof, and manifestation. The Lord is called Lord Jehovih, when good is treated of.

[9] Again, in Zechariah:

"The voice of the howling of the shepherds because their magnificence is laid waste; a voice of the roaring of [young] lions because the pride of Jordan is laid waste" (11:3).

The voice of the howling of the shepherds because their magnificence is laid waste, signifies the grief of those who teach, because the good of the church has perished. Those who teach truth and by means of it lead to good of life, are called shepherds, and magnificence denotes the good of the church. The voice of the roaring of the young lions because the pride of Jordan is laid waste, signifies grief on account of the desolation of Divine Truth in the church. Those who are in Divine truths are called lions; roaring signifies grief; the pride of Jordan which is laid waste, signifies the church as to the Divine Truth introducing.

[10] Thus also in Job:

God "roareth with his voice, he thundereth with the voice of his majesty; nor yet doth he overthrow when his voice is heard. God thundereth marvellously with his voice" (37:4, 5).

By roaring and thundering with the voice is signified the power and efficacy of Divine Truth or the Word.

[11] In the passages quoted, roaring, in an extended sense, signifies the ardent affection to defend heaven and the church, or the angels of heaven and the men of the church which is effected by destroying the falsities of evil by means of Divine Truth, and its power. But by roaring, in the opposite sense, is signified the burning desire to ruin and destroy the church, which is done by destroying Divine Truth by means of the falsities of evil. In this sense "to roar" is mentioned in the following passages.

Thus in Jeremiah:

"Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling-place of dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing. They shall roar together like lions; they shall growl as lions' whelps; when they have become warm I will set their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may exult, and may sleep the sleep of an age, and not awake" (51:37, 38, 39).

The destruction of Babylon, so that truth or good shall be no longer found in her, is signified by, Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling-place of dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing. Babylon signifies those who abuse holy things for the purpose of ruling by them. Their burning desire to destroy Divine Truth by means of the falsities of evil, is signified by, they shall roar together like lions; they shall growl as lions' whelps. The ardour of those banded together to effect this wickedness is signified by the words "when they have become warm I will set their feasts"; that such shall become insane from the falsities of evil is signified by, I will make them drunken that they may exult. That they will never understand any truth, and therefore will not see life, is signified by, that they may sleep the sleep of an age, and not awake.

[12] Again, in the same prophet:

"Is Israel a servant? Is he born of the house? Why has he become a prey? The young lions roar against him, they utter their voice, and make his land waste; his cities are burned, so that there is no inhabitant" (2:14, 15).

Is Israel a servant? Is he born of the house, signifies, the church which had been in truths and goods, and that hitherto it is not. Israel signifies the church; a servant, those who are in truths, and born of the house, those who are in goods. Why has he become a prey? signifies the devastation thereof. The young lions roar against him, and utter their voice, signifies the desolation of Divine Truth in the church by the falsities of evil; they make his land waste, signifies the destruction of the church itself by evils. His cities are burned so that there is no inhabitant, signifies the destruction of its doctrinals also by evils, so that no good of the church remains.

[13] And in Ezekiel:

"One of the cubs, a lioness, rose up; it became a young lion, but it learned to catch the prey; it devoured men, defiled widows, and laid waste the cities, and the land was laid waste, and the fulness thereof, by the voice of his roaring" (19:3, 7).

These things are said of the Jewish church, which is here meant by the mother of lions. The young lion signifies the falsity of evil eager to destroy the truth of the church. By catching the prey, is signified the destruction of the truth and good of the church. It devoured men, and defiled widows, and devastated the cities, signifies the destruction of all understanding of truth, and of good that desires truth, and also of doctrinals. Men signify the understanding of truth, widows, good desirous of truth, and cities, doctrinals. The land was laid waste and the fulness thereof, by the voice of his roaring, signifies the devastation of the church, and the extinction of all truth from the Word by the falsity of evil; land denoting the church, fulness denoting the truths thereof from the Word, and the voice of roaring denoting the destroying falsity of evil.

[14] Again, in Jeremiah:

"I call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Therefore say unto them, Jehovah shall roar from on high and utter his voice from the habitation of his holiness; in roaring he shall roar against their dwellings. A tumult shall come even to the end of the earth; for the strife of Jehovah is against the nations, judgment shall enter with all flesh; he will give the wicked to the sword" (25:29-31).

Here the vastation of the church is attributed to Jehovah, although men themselves are the cause of it. I call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, signifies falsity destroying every truth in the whole church. Jehovah shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from the habitation of his holiness, signifies testification of grief in heaven on account of the vastation of Divine Truth. In roaring he shall roar against their dwellings, signifies grievous sorrow and lamentation over all things of the church. A tumult shall come even to the end of the earth, signifies the disturbance of all things of the church from primaries to its ultimates. For the strife of Jehovah is against the nations, judgment shall enter with all flesh, signifies visitation and judgment upon all who are in evils. He will give the wicked to the sword, signifies their destruction from falsities.

[15] And in Amos:

"Jehovah will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; so that the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither" (1:2).

By roaring from Zion, is signified grievous sorrow, and a voice from Jerusalem signifies lamentation. The mourning of the habitations of the shepherds, and the withering of the top of Carmel, signifies on account of the vastation of all the goods and truths of the church, the habitations of the shepherds signify all the goods of the church, the top of Carmel signifies all the truths thereof, and the mourning and withering denote vastation. The reason why the top of Carmel signifies the truths of the church is, that there were vineyards on Carmel, and the truth of the church is signified by wine (vinum).

[16] Again, in Isaiah:

"The anger of Jehovah is kindled against his people. He hath lifted up an ensign to the nations from far, and hath hissed unto them from the end of the earth. His roaring is like that of a lion, he roareth as the young lions; yea, he rageth and layeth hold of the prey, he seizeth and none taketh from him; and he rageth against them like the raging of the sea; and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and anxiety, and the light is darkened in the ruins thereof" (5:25-30).

Here also His roar like that of a lion, and as of young lions, signifies grief and lamentation over the vastation of Divine Truth in the church by the falsities of evil. By laying hold of the prey and none taking it from Him, is signified the liberation and salvation of those who are in truths from good. The vastation itself is described by, Behold darkness and anxiety, and the light is darkened in the ruins thereof. Darkness denotes falsities, anxiety evil, the darkening of the light denotes the disappearance of Divine Truth, and ruins signify total subversion.

[17] So in David:

"The enemy hath destroyed everything in the sanctuary. Enemies roared in the midst of the feast" (Psalm 74:3, 4).

Enemy signifies evil from hell, the sanctuary signifies the church, and the feast, worship. The signification of these words in a series is therefore evident. That roaring signifies grievous lamentation from grief of heart, is clear from these passages in David:

When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long (Psalm 32:3).

And again:

"I am feeble and sore broken; I have roared by reason of the roaring of my heart" (Psalm 38:8).

And in Job:

"My sighing cometh before my bread, and my roarings are poured out like the waters" (3:24).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 601

601. Verse 3. And cried out with a great voice, as a lion roareth, signifies the testification of grievous distress on account of the desolation of Divine truth in the church. This is evident from the signification of "crying out with a great voice," as being the testification of grievous distress (of which presently); and from the signification of "as a lion roareth," as being on account of the desolation of Divine truth in the church; for a "lion" signifies Divine truth in its power (See above, n. 278), and "to roar" signifies the result of distress because of the desolation of truth.

[2] That this is the signification of "crying out with a great voice, as a lion roareth," can be seen from what follows in this chapter, where the desolation of Divine truth in the church is treated of; for "a strong angel coming down out of heaven" means the Lord in relation to the Word, which is Divine truth, of whom it is said afterwards that "the angel lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by Him that liveth unto the ages of the ages, that there shall be time no longer," which signifies that there shall be no longer any understanding of Divine truth, and thence no state of the church.

[3] And afterwards it is said, "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel the mystery of God shall be finished," which signifies the Last Judgment that was to come when there should be no faith in Divine truth because there would be no good of charity. From this it can be seen that "He cried out with a great voice, as a lion roareth," signifies the testification of grievous distress on account of the desolation of Divine truth in the church.

[4] Moreover, a "lion" is often mentioned in the Word; and in the highest sense a "lion" signifies the Lord in relation to Divine truth, likewise heaven and the church in respect to Divine truth from the Lord; and from this a "lion" signifies Divine truth in respect to power (See above, n. 278). This makes evident what "to roar" or "the roaring of a lion" signifies, namely, an ardent affection for defending heaven and the church, and thus for saving the angels of heaven and the men of the church, which is done by destroying the falsities of evil by means of Divine truth and its power; but in the contrary sense "to roar" or "the roaring of a lion" signifies an ardent desire to destroy and devastate the church, which is done by destroying Divine truth by means of the falsities of evil. Such is the signification of a "lion's roaring," because when a lion is hungry and seeks its prey, and also when it is enraged with anger against its enemy, it is its habit to roar.

[5] That this is the signification of "to roar" and "roaring" in the Word can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Thus Jehovah said unto me, Like as the lion, and the young lion roareth over his prey, when a multitude of shepherds goeth out against him, and he is not dismayed at their voice nor affected by their tumult, so shall Jehovah of Hosts come down to wage war upon Mount Zion and upon the hill thereof (Isaiah 31:4).

Jehovah is compared to a lion roaring, because a "lion" signifies the Lord in relation to Divine truth and its power, and "to roar" signifies the eagerness to defend the church against evils and falsities; therefore it is said, "so shall Jehovah of Hosts come down to wage war upon Mount Zion, and upon the hill thereof," "Mount Zion" meaning the celestial church, and "the hill thereof" (or Jerusalem) the spiritual church; the "prey over which the lion roareth" signifies deliverance from hell.

[6] In Joel:

Jehovah shall roar out of Zion, and shall give forth His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth shall quake; but Jehovah shall be a shelter for His people, and a stronghold for the sons of Israel (Joel 3:16).

The protection of the faithful by the Lord by means of Divine truth is described by "Jehovah shall roar out of Zion, and shall give forth His voice from Jerusalem;" the vehement power of Divine truth, and consequent terror, are described by "the heavens and the earth shall quake;" and salvation and protection by "Jehovah shall be a shelter for His people, and a stronghold for the sons of Israel;" "the people of Jehovah" and "the sons of Israel" being the faithful who are of the church.

[7] In Hosea:

I will not return to destroy Ephraim. They shall go after Jehovah; He shall roar like a lion, for He shall roar, and sons from the sea shall draw near with honor, with honor shall they come as the bird out of Egypt and as the dove out of the land of Assyria; and I will make them to dwell upon their houses (Hosea 11:9-11).

"Ephraim" signifies the church in respect to the understanding of truth, concerning which therefore what follows is said. "To go after Jehovah" signifies to worship the Lord and to live from Him; "He shall roar like a lion, for He shall roar," signifies the protection of such by the Divine truth; "the sons from the sea shall draw near with honor," signifies that those who are in natural good shall draw near to the church; "with honor shall they come as a bird out of Egypt," signifies their natural thought from true knowledges [scientifica]; the "bird" meaning thought, and "Egypt" knowledge, which is natural truth; "and as the dove out of the land of Assyria," signifies that they shall have rational good and truth, a "dove" meaning rational good, and "the land of Assyria" the church in respect to rational truth; for in man there are both natural and rational good and truth; the natural is lower or exterior, looking to the world, the rational is higher or interior, conjoining the natural with the spiritual; the natural is meant by "Egypt," the rational by "Assyria," and the spiritual by "Israel." "To make them to dwell upon their houses" signifies life from the will of good and from the understanding of truth; the human mind, which consists of these, is meant by a "house," and "to dwell" signifies to live.

[8] In Amos:

The Lord Jehovih will not do 1a word unless He shall reveal His secret unto His servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord Jehovih hath spoken, who will not prophesy? (Amos 3:7, 8).

"The Lord Jehovih will not do a word unless He hath revealed His secret to His servants the prophets" signifies that the Lord opens the interior things of the Word and of doctrine to those who are in truths from good; "to reveal a secret," signifies to enlighten and to open the interior things of the Word; "His servants the prophets" signify those who are in the truths of doctrine and who receive; "the lion hath roared, who will not fear?" signifies a powerful revelation and manifestation of Divine truth; "the Lord Jehovih hath spoken, who will not prophesy?" signifies its reception and manifestation. The Lord is called "Lord Jehovih" when good is treated of.

[9] In Zechariah:

The voice of the howling of the shepherds that their magnificence is devastated; the voice of the roaring of the young lions that the pride of Jordan is devastated (Zechariah 11:3).

"The voice of the howling of the shepherds that their magnificence is devastated" signifies the grief of those who teach, because the good of the church has perished; those are called "shepherds" who teach truth and by truth lead to the good of life, and "magnificence" means the good of the church; "the voice of the roaring of the young lions that the pride of Jordan is devastated" signifies grief, because of the desolation of Divine truth in the church. Those are called "lions" who are in Divine truths; "roaring" signifies grief; "the pride of Jordan, which is devastated," signifies the church in respect to Divine truth which introduces.

[10] In Job:

God roareth with His voice; He thundereth with the voice of His majesty; nor yet doth He overthrow when His voice is heard; God thundereth marvelously with His voice (Job 37:4, 5).

"To roar" and "to thunder with the voice" signify the power and efficacy of Divine truth or the Word.

[11] In the passages that have been cited, "to roar" signifies in a broad sense the ardent affection of protecting heaven and the church, or the angels of heaven and the men of the church, which is done by destroying the falsities of evil by means of Divine truth and its power. But in the contrary sense, "to roar" signifies an eager cupidity for ruining and destroying the church, which is done by destroying Divine truth by means of the falsities of evil. In this sense "to roar" is used in the following passages. In Jeremiah:

Babylon shall become heaps, the abode of dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing. They shall roar together like lions; they shall growl like lions' whelps; when they are heated I will set 2their feasts, and I will make them drunken that they may exult and may sleep the sleep of an age and not awake (Jeremiah 51:37-39).

The destruction of Babylon so that there may be in it no truth or good, is signified by "Babylon shall become heaps, the abode of dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing." "Babylon" signifies those who abuse holy things for the sake of dominion; their eager cupidity for destroying Divine truth by means of the falsities of evil is signified by "they shall roar together like lions, they shall growl like lions' whelps." The eagerness of those who unite in doing this crime is signified by "when they are heated I will set their feasts;" that such will become insane from the falsities of evil is signified by "I will make them drunken that they may exult." That they will never understand anything of truth, and therefore will not see life, is signified by "that they may sleep the sleep of an age and not awake."

[12] In the same:

Is Israel a servant? Is he one born of the house? Why has he become a prey? The young lions roar against him, they give forth their voice, they reduce his land to a waste; his cities are burned, even so that there is no inhabitant (Jeremiah 2:14, 15).

"Is Israel a servant? Is he one born of the house?" signifies the church that had been in truths and goods, but is so no longer. "Israel" signifies the church; a "servant" those who are in truths, and "one born of the house," those who are in goods; "why has he become a prey?" signifies its devastation; "the young lions roar against him, they give forth their voice" signifies the desolation of Divine truth in the church by the falsities of evil; "they reduce his land to a waste" signifies the destruction of the church itself by evils; "his cities are burned even so that there is no inhabitant" signifies the destruction of the doctrinals also of the church by evils, so that there is no good of the church left.

[13] In Ezekiel:

One of the whelps of the lioness grew up, it became a young lion, and it learned to tear the prey; it devoured men. It ravished widows and devastated their cities, and the land was devastated 3and the fullness thereof by the voice of his roaring (Ezekiel 19:3, 7).

This is said of the Jewish Church, which is here meant by "the mother of lions." A "young lion" signifies the falsity of evil in eagerness to destroy the truth of the church; "to tear the prey" signifies the destruction of the truth and good of the church. "It devoured men, it ravished widows, and devastated cities," signifies the destruction of all the understanding of truth and of good desiring truth, likewise of doctrinals; "men" signifying the understanding of truth, "widows" good desiring truth, and "cities" doctrinals; "the land was laid waste and the fullness thereof by the voice of his roaring" signifies the devastation of the church and the extinction of all truth from the Word by the falsity of evil, "land" meaning the church, "fullness" its truths from the Word, and "the voice of roaring" the falsity of evil destroying.

[14] In Jeremiah:

I call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the land. Therefore say unto them, Jehovah shall roar from on high, and give forth His voice from the abode of His holiness; in roaring He shall roar against their habitations; a tumult cometh even to the end of the earth; for Jehovah hath a controversy against the nations. He shall enter judgment with all flesh, He shall give the wicked to the sword (25 Jeremiah 25:29-31).

The vastation of the church is attributed to Jehovah, although men are the cause of it. "I call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the land" signifies falsity destroying every truth in the universal church. "Jehovah shall roar from on high, and give forth His voice from the abode of His holiness," signifies the testification of grief in heaven on account of the vastation of Divine truth. "In roaring He shall roar against their habitations" signifies great grief and lamentation over all things of the church; "a tumult cometh even to the end of the earth" signifies the disturbance of all things of the church from first to last; "for Jehovah hath a controversy against the nations, He shall enter judgment with all flesh," signifies visitation and judgment upon all who are in evils; "He shall give the wicked to the sword" signifies their destruction by falsities.

[15] In Amos:

Jehovah shall roar from Zion, and give forth His voice from Jerusalem; that the habitations of the shepherds may mourn, and the head of Carmel dry up (Amos 1:2).

"Roaring from Zion" signifies grievous distress, and "the voice from Jerusalem" lamentation; "the mourning of the habitations of the shepherds, and the drying up of the head of Carmel," signifies because of the vastation of all the goods and truths of the church; "the habitations of shepherds" signifying all the goods of the church; "the head of Carmel" all its truths, and "mourning" and "drying up" vastation. "The head of Carmel" signifies the truths of the church, because in Carmel there were vineyards, and "wine" signifies the truth of the church.

[16] In Isaiah:

The anger of Jehovah is kindled against His people. He hath lifted up an ensign to the nations from far, and hath hissed to him from the end of the earth. His roaring is like that of a lion, He roareth like young lions; He growleth and seizeth the prey, he shall snatch and none shall deliver, and he growleth against him like the growling of the sea; and if He shall look unto the earth, behold darkness and distress, and the light is darkened in the ruins thereof (5 Isaiah 5:25-30).

Here, too, "the roaring like that of a lion, and like that of young lions," signifies grief and lamentation over the vastation of Divine truth in the church by the falsities of evil. "He seizeth the prey and none shall deliver" signifies the deliverance and salvation of those who are in truths from good. The vastation itself is described by "behold darkness, distress, and the light is darkened in the ruins thereof;" "darkness" meaning falsities; "distress" evil; "the darkening of the light" the disappearance of Divine truth, and "ruins" total overthrow.

[17] In David:

The enemy hath destroyed all things in the sanctuary; the adversaries have roared in the midst of thy feast (Psalms 74:3, 4).

"The enemy" signifies evil from hell; "the sanctuary" the church, and "feast" worship. This makes clear what is signified by these words in series. That roaring signifies grievous lamentation from grief of heart can be seen from these passages. In David:

When I kept silence my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day (Psalms 32:3).

In the same:

I am weakened and crushed exceedingly; I have roared by reason of the roaring of my heart (Psalms 38:3).

And in Job:

My sighing cometh before bread, and my roarings are poured out like the waters (Job 3:24).


1. Latin has "does," the Hebrew, as cited just before, has "will do."

2. Latin has "little," the Hebrew "set," as is also found in AE 187, 481.

3. Latin has "devastated," in AC 304, and AC 9348 we have "desolated."

Apocalypsis Explicata 601 (original Latin 1759)

601. [Vers. 3.] "Et clamavit voce magna sicut leo rugit" - Quod significet testificationem gravis doloris propter desolationem Divini Veri in ecclesia, constat ex significatione "clamare voce magna", quod sit testificatio gravis doloris (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "sicut leo rugit", quod sit propter desolationem Divini Veri in ecclesia; per "leonem" enim significatur Divinum Verum in sua potentia (videatur supra, n. 278), et per "rugire" significatur effectus doloris propter desolationem ejus.

[2] Quod haec per "clamare voce magna sicut leo rugit" significentur, constat ex sequentibus hujus capitis, ubi agitur de desolatione Divini Veri in ecclesia; nam per "angelum fortem descendentem e caelo" intelligitur Dominus quoad Verbum, quod est Divinum Verum; de quo postea dicitur quod "angelus sustulerit manum suam ad caelum, et juraverit per Viventem in saecula saeculorum, quod tempus non erit amplius", per quod significatur quod non amplius intellectus Divini Veri, et inde aliquis status ecclesiae:

[3] et postea dicitur quod "In diebus vocis septimi angeli consummabitur mysterium Dei", per quod significatur ultimum judicium, quod venturum quando non aliqua fides Divini Veri quia non bonum charitatis. Ex his constare potest quod per "Clamavit voce magna sicut leo rugit", significetur testificatio gravis doloris propter desolationem Divini Veri in ecclesia.

[4] Praeterea in Verbo pluries nominatur "leo"; et per "leonem" in supremo sensu significatur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum, et similiter caelum et ecclesia quoad illud a Domino; et inde per "leonem" significatur Divinum Verum quoad potentiam (de qua "leonis" significatione videatur supra, n. 278); inde constare potest quid significatur per "rugire" seu "rugitum leonis", nempe ardens affectio tutandi caelum et ecclesiam, et sic salvandi angelos caeli et homines ecclesiae, quod fit destruendo falsa mali per Divinum Verum et ejus potentiam; ac in opposito sensu per "rugire" et "rugitum leonis" significatur ardens cupiditas perdendi et devastandi ecclesiam, quod fit destruendo Divinum Verum per falsa mali. Hae significationes sunt "rugitus leonis", quia leo dum in fame est et appetit rapinam, et quoque dum incenditur ira contra hostes, solet rugire.

[5] Quod "rugire" et "rugitus" talia in Verbo significent, constare potest ex sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Esaiam,

"Sic dixit Jehovah ad me, Quemadmodum rugit leo et juvenis leo super rapina sua, cum occurrit contra illum plenitudo pastorum, a quorum voce non consternatur, et a tumultu eorum non affligitur, sic descendet Jehovah Zebaoth ad militandum super monte Zionis et super colle ejus" (31:4):

Jehovah comparatur leoni rugienti, quoniam per "leonem" significatur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum et ejus potentiam, et per "rugire" ardor tutandi ecclesiam contra mala et falsa; quare dicitur, "Sic descendet Jehovah ad militandum super monte Zionis et super colle ejus"; "mons Zionis" est ecclesia caelestis; et "collis ejus", seu Hierosolyma, est ecclesia spiritualis; "rapina" super qua rugit leo, significat liberationem ab inferno.

[3] 16):

tutatio fidelium a Domino per Divinum Verum describitur per quod "Jehovah e Zione rugiet, et ex Hierosolyma dabit vocem suam"; vehemens potentia Divini Veri et inde terror describitur per quod "contremiscent caeli et terra"; ac salvatio et tutatio per quod "Jehovah refugium populo suo et munitio filiis Israelis"; "populus Jehovae" et "filii Israelis" sunt fideles qui ab ecclesia.

[7] Apud Hoscheam,

"Non revertar ad perdendum Ephraimum;.... post Jehovam ibunt, sicut leo rugiet, quia ille rugiet, et cum honore accedent filii a mari; cum honore advenient sicut avis ab Aegypto, et sicut columba e terra Assyriae; et habitare faciam eos super domibus suis" (11 [9,] 10, 11);

per "Ephraimum" significatur ecclesia quoad intellectum veri; de illa itaque sequentia dicuntur: "post Jehovam ire" significat colere Dominum et vivere ab Ipso; "sicut leo rugiet quia ille rugiet" significat tutationem illorum per Divinum Verum; "cum honore accedent filii a mari" significat quod ad ecclesiam accessuri qui in naturali bono: "cum honore advenient sicut avis ab Aegypto" significat cogitationem eorum naturalem ex scientificis veris; "avis" est cogitatio, et "Aegyptus" est scientificum quod est naturale verum: "et sicut columba e terra Assyriae" significat quod illis rationale bonum et verum; "columba" est rationale bonum, et "terra Assyriae" est ecclesia quoad rationale verum: (est enim apud hominem naturale ut et rationale bonum et verum; naturale est inferius seu exterius spectans mundum, rationale est superius seu interius conjungens naturale cum spirituali; naturale est "Aegyptus", rationale est "Aschur", et spirituale est "Israel:") "et habitare faciam eos super domibus suis" significat vitam ex voluntate boni et ex intellectu veri; mens humana quae ex illis consistit, intelligitur per "domum", et vivere significatur per "habitare."

[8] Apud Amos,

"Non faciet Dominus Jehovih verbum, nisi revelaverit arcanum suum servis suis prophetis; leo rugiit, quis non timeat? Dominus Jehovih locutus est, quis non prophetet?" (3:7, 8):

"non 1

faciet Dominus Jehovih verbum, nisi revelaverit arcanum suum servis suis prophetis", significat quod Dominus aperiat interiora Verbi et doctrinae illis qui in veris ex bono sunt; per "revelare arcanum" significatur illustrare et aperire interiora Verbi, per "servos prophetas" significantur qui in veris doctrinae sunt et recipiunt: "leo rugiit, quis non timeat?" significat potentem revelationem et manifestationem Divini Veri; "Dominus Jehovih locutus est, quis non prophetet?" significat receptionem ejus et manifestationem. Dominus vocatur "Dominus Jehovih" quando agitur de bono.

[9] Apud Sachariam,

"Vox ejulatus pastorum, quod vastata sit magnificentia eorum; vox rugitus leonum [juvenum] , quod vastata sit elatio Jordanis" (11:3):

"vox ejulatus pastorum, quod vastata sit magnificentia eorum", significat dolorem docentium quod bonum ecclesiae perierit; "pastores" dicuntur qui docent verum et per id ducunt ad bonum vitae, et "magnificentia" est bonum ecclesiae: "vox rugitus leonum juvenum, quod vastata sit elatio Jordanis", significat dolorem propter desolationem Divini Veri in ecclesia; "leones" dicuntur qui in Divinis veris sunt, "rugitus" significat dolorem, "elatio Jordanis" quae vastata significat ecclesiam quoad Divinum Verum introducens.

[10] Apud Hiobum

Deus "rugit voce sua, tonat voce majestatis suae, nec tamen subvertit cum auditur vox ejus; tonat Deus voce sua mirabiliter" (37:4, 5);

per "rugire" et "tonare voce", significatur potentia et efficacia Divini Veri seu Verbi.

[11] In allatis locis in lato sensu per "rugire" significata est ardens affectio tutandi caelum et ecclesiam, seu angelos caeli et homines ecclesiae, quod fit destruendo falsa mali per Divinum Verum et ejus potentiam: at per "rugire" in opposito sensu significatur ardens cupiditas perdendi et destruendi ecclesiam, quod fit destruendo Divinum Verum per falsa mali. In hoc sensu dicitur "rugire" in sequentibus locis:

- Apud Jeremiam,

"Erit Babel in acervos, in habitaculum draconum, stuporem et sibilum...; una sicut leones rugient, rugitum edent sicut catuli leonum; cum incaluerint 2

ponam convivia eorum, et inebriabo ut exultent, et dormiant somnum saeculi, nec evigilent" (51:37-39):

exitium Babelis ut non sit ibi aliquod verum nec aliquod bonum, significatur per "Erit Babel in acervos, habitaculum draconum, stuporem et sibilum"; "Babel" significat illos qui sanctis abutuntur ad dominandum; eorum ardens cupiditas destruendi Divinum Verum per falsa mali significatur per "Una sicut leones rugient, rugitum edent sicut catuli leonum"; ardor consociatorum ad id facinus significatur per "cum incaluerint [ponam] convivia eorum"; quod insanituri sint ex falsis mali, significatur per "Inebriabo ut exultent"; quod nusquam intellecturi aliquod verum, et inde quod non visuri vitam sint, significatur per quod "dormient somnum saeculi nec evigilent."

[12] Apud eundem,

"Num servus Israel? num natus domus ille? Quare factus est in praedam? Contra eum rugiunt leones juvenes, edunt vocem suam, redigunt terram ejus in vastitatem, urbes ejus incenduntur, adeo ut non sit habitator" (2:14, 15):

"Num servus Israel? num natus domus ille?" significat ecclesiam quae in veris et bonis fuerat, et quod hactenus non sit: "Israel" significat ecclesiam, "servus" illos qui in veris, et "natus domus" illos qui in bonis: "quare factus est in praedam?" significat devastationem ejus; "contra eum rugiunt leones juvenes, edunt vocem suam", significat in illa desolationem Divini Veri a falsis mali; "redigunt terram ejus in vastitatem" significat destructionem ipsius ecclesiae a malis; "urbes ejus incenduntur, adeo ut non sit habitator", significat destructionem doctrinalium ejus etiam a malis, usque ut non supersit aliquod bonum ecclesiae.

[13] Apud Ezechielem,

"Surrexi unus de catulis" leaenae, "juvenis leo factus, sed didicit rapere rapinam, homines devoravit;.... stupravit viduas, et urbes.. devastavit; et 3

devastata est terra et plenitudo ejus a voce rugitus ejus" (19:3, 7):

haec de Ecclesia Judaica, quae ibi intelligitur per "matrem leonum": per "juvenem leonem" significatur falsum mali in ardore destruendi verum ecclesiae; per "rapere rapinam" significatur destructio veri et boni ecclesiae: "homines devoravit, viduas stupravit, et urbes devastavit", significant destructionem omnis intellectus veri, et boni desiderantis verum, tum doctrinalium; "homines" significant intellectum veri, "viduae" bonum desiderans verum, ac "urbes" doctrinalia: " 4

devastata est terra et plenitudo ejus a voce rugitus ejus" significat devastationem ecclesiae, et exstinctionem omnis veri ex Verbo per falsum mali; "terra" est ecclesia, "plenitudo" sunt vera ejus ex Verbo, et "vox rugitus" est falsum mali destruens.

[14] Apud Jeremiam,

"Gladium Ego voco super omnes habitatores terrae;.... quare tu dices ad eos, Jehovah ex alto rugiet, et ex habitaculo sanctitatis suae edet vocem suam: rugiendo rugiet contra habitacula sua, Venit tumultus usque ad finem terrae, quia lis Jehovae contra gentes, judicium intrabit cum omni carne, impios tradet gladio" (25:29-31):

tribuitur hic Jehovae vastatio ecclesiae, tametsi homines in causa sunt: "gladium Ego voco super omnes habitatores terrae" significat falsum destruens omne verum in universa ecclesia; "Jehovah ex alto rugiet, et ex habitaculo sanctitatis suae edet vocem suam", significat testificationem doloris in caelo propter vastationem Divini Veri; "rugiendo rugiet contra habitacula sua" significat gravem dolorem et lamentationem super omnia ecclesiae; "venit tumultus usque ad finem terrae" significat perturbationem omnium a primis ecclesiae ad ultima ejus; "quia lis Jehovae contra gentes, judicium intrabit cum omni carne", significat visitationem et judicium super omnes qui in malis; "impios tradet gladio" significat exitium illorum ex falsis.

[15] Apud Amos,

"Jehovah ex Zione rugiet, et ex Hierosolyma dabit vocem suam, ut lugeant habitacula pastorum, et exarescat vertex Carmelis" (1:2):

"rugitus ex Zione" significat gravem dolorem, et "vox ex Hierosolyma" significat lamentationem; "luctus habitaculorum pastorum, et exarescentia verticis Carmelis", significat propter vastationem omnium bonorum et verorum ecclesiae; "habitacula pastorum" significant omnia bona ecclesiae, "vertex Carmelis" significat omnia vera ejus, et "luctus" et "exarescentia" vastationem: quod "vertex Carmelis" significet vera ecclesiae, est quia in Carmele erant vineae, et "vinum" significat verum ecclesiae.

[16] Apud Esaiam,

"Ira accensa est Jehovae contra populum Ipsius, ... sustulit signum gentibus e longinquo, et sibilavit illi ab extremitate terrae;.... rugitus illi sicut leonis, rugit sicut leones juvenes, et fremit, et apprehendit praedam, ac rapiet ut non eripiens, et fremit contra eum... quasi fremitu maris; unde despiciet in terram, quae ecce tenebrae, anxietas, et lux obtenebrescit in ruinis ejus" (5:25-30):

etiam hic "rugitus sicut leonis et sicut leonum juvenum" significat dolorem et lamentationem super vastationem Divini Veri in ecclesia per falsa mali; quod "apprehendat praedam et non eripiens" significat liberationem et salvationem illorum qui in veris ex bono sunt: ipsa vastatio describitur per "Ecce tenebrae, anxietas et lux obtenebrescit in ruinis ejus"; "tenebrae" sunt falsa, "anxietas" est malum, "lucis obtenebratio" est evanescentia Divini Veri, et "ruinae" significant subversionem totalem.

[17] Apud Davidem,

"Omnia perdidit hostis in sanctuario, rugierunt hostes in festi tui medio" (Psalms 74:3, 4):

"hostis" significat malum ab inferno, "sanctuarium" ecclesiam, et "festum" cultum; inde patet quid per illa verba in serie significatur.

Quod "rugitus" significet gravem lamentationem ex dolore cordis, constat ex his locis:

- Apud Davidem,

"Cum conticui, inveterata sunt ossa mea, per rugitum meum omni die" (Psalms 32:3);

apud eundem,

"Debilitatus sum et contritus usque valde, rugivi prae rugitu cordis mei" (Psalms 38:9 [B.A. 8]);

et apud Hiobum,

"Ante panem suspirium meum, et effunduntur sicut aquae rugitus mei" (3:24).


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