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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 602

602. And when he cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.- That this signifies instruction out of heaven and perception concerning the last state of the church, is evident from the signification of uttering voices, as denoting to instruct, in the present case, to instruct out of heaven, because it is said that the seven thunders uttered; and from the signification of the seven thunders, as denoting the Divine Truth as to understanding and perception (see above, n. 273). The thunders are said to be seven, because seven signifies all things, and what is full, and is used when things holy are treated of (see above, n. 20, 24, 257, 300). The reason why it relates to the last state of the church, concerning which John was instructed out of heaven by voices like thunder, is, that that state is treated of in the present chapter, as is evident from these words (in verse 7): "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God shall also be consummated; as he hath declared in good tidings to his servants the prophets." And that [Divine Truth] shall still be taught in the church, before that state, which is the end, shall come, is meant by the last words of this chapter, "Thou must prophesy again over peoples, and nations, and tongues, and many kings" (verse 11). It is evident from these things, that by the seven thunders uttered their voices is signified instruction out of heaven, and perception, concerning the last state of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 602

602. And when he cried out the seven thunders spake their voices, signifies instruction from heaven and perception respecting the last state of the church. This is evident from the signification of "speaking the voices," as being to instruct, here from heaven, because it is said "the seven thunders spake;" also from the signification of "the seven thunders," as being Divine truth in respect to understanding and perception (See above, n. 273). The thunders are said to be "seven," because "seven" signifies all things and fullness, and is used when things holy are treated of (See above, n. 20, 24, 257, 300). It was the last state of the church about which John was instructed from heaven by voices like thunder, since that state is treated of in this chapter, as is evident from the words that follow: "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God shall also be finished; as He hath declared the good tidings to His servants the prophets" (verse 7); and that teaching shall go on in the church until that state, which is the end, shall come, is meant by the last words of this chapter, "Thou must prophesy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings" (verse 11). From this it can be seen that "the seven thunders spake their voices" signifies instruction from heaven and perception respecting the last state of the church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 602 (original Latin 1759)

602. "Et cum clamavit, locuta sunt septem tonitrua suas voces." - Quod significet instructionem e caelo et perceptionem de statu ultimo ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "loqui voces", quod sit instruere, hic e caelo, quia dicitur quod septem tonitrua "locuta sint"; et ex significatione "septem tonitruum", quod sint Divinum Verum quoad intellectum et perceptionem (de qua supra, n. 273): tonitrua dicuntur "septem", quia per "septem" significantur omnia, et plenum, et dicuntur quando agitur de rebus sanctis (videatur supra, n. 20, 24, 257, 300 1

). Quod sit de statu ultimo ecclesiae de quo Johannes e caelo per voces sicut tonitruum instructus est, est quia de illo statu in hoc capite agitur, ut constat ex his in sequentibus, "In diebus vocis septimi angeli, quando futurus clangere, et consummabitur mysterium Dei, sicut evangelizavit servis suis prophetis" (vers. 7): et quod usque docebitur in ecclesia, antequam ille status, qui est finis, venturus, intelligitur per ultima verba hujus capitis, "Oportet te iterum prophetare super populos et gentes et linguas et reges multos" (vers. 11). Ex his constare potest quod per "Locuta sunt septem tonitrua voces suas" significetur instructio e caelo et perceptio de statu ultimo ecclesiae.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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