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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 67

67. White as white wool, as snow. That this signifies as to good and truth therein, is evident from the signification of white wool, as being good in ultimates, concerning which we shall speak presently, and from the signification of snow, as denoting truth in ultimates. Snow denotes truth in ultimates from the water of which it is composed, and from its whiteness and brightness. (That water signifies truth, maybe seen below, n. 64); and the Ancient of Days, the Lord from eternity.

[2] Because wool signifies good in ultimates, therefore good is sometimes described in the Word by wool, and truth by linen and by snow, as in Hosea:

"She said, I will go after my lovers, who give my bread and my waters, my wool and my flax. Therefore I will return and will take my corn in its time, and I will take away my wool and my flax" (Arcana Coelestia 4922, 9468) and red and crimson signify good, and, in an opposite sense, evil of every kind (Arcana Coelestia 3330, 9467, 9865).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 67

67. As white wool, as snow, signifies in respect to good and truth therein. This is evident from the signification of "white wool" as being good in ultimates (of which presently); and from the signification of "snow," as being truth in ultimates. "Snow" means truth in ultimates by reason of the water of which it is composed, and its whiteness and brightness. (That "water" signifies truth, see below, n. Mark 9:3);

and of the "Ancient of Days" in Daniel:

I beheld till thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit; His raiment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was white wool 1(64); and "the Ancient of Days," the Lord from eternity.

[2] Because "wool" signifies good in ultimates, good is sometimes described in the Word by "wool," and truth by "linen" and by "snow," as in Hosea:

She said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my waters, my wool and my flax. Therefore will I return and take my corn in the time thereof, and I will pluck away my wool and my flax (Hosea 2:5, 9).

In Ezekiel:

Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool; ye slaughter that which is the best; ye feed not the flock (Ezekiel 34:3).

In David:

Jehovah will send 2out His word upon the earth; He giveth snow like wool (Arcana Coelestia 4922, 9468); and "red" and "purple" signify good, and in a contrary sense, evil of every kind (See Arcana Coelestia 3300, 9467, 9865).


1. The Chaldee here has "like," as also found in Apocalypse Explained 504; Apocalypse Revealed 47; Arcana Coelestia 3301, 5313.

2. The Hebrew has "sends."

Apocalypsis Explicata 67 (original Latin 1759)

67. "Tanquam lana candida, tanquam nix." - Quod significet quoad bonum et verum ibi, constat ex significatione "lanae candidae", quod sit bonum in ultimis (de qua sequitur), et ex significatione "nivis", quod sit verum in ultimis; quod "nix" sit verum in ultimis, est ex aqua ex qua est, et ex albedine et candore.

(Quod "aqua" significet verum, videatur infra, n. 1

71; et quod "albedo" et "candor" vem ex transparentia lucis n. 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319, 8459.) Quod "lana candida" significet bonum in ultimis, est quia lana super agnis et ovibus simile significat quod crinis super homine, ac "agni" et "oves" significant bonum, "agni" bonum caeleste (n. 3519, 3994, 10132), et "oves" bonum spirituale (n. 4169, 4809); inde est, quod "capilli", per quos significatur Divinum Verum in ultimis, dicantur "candidi tanquam lana candida, et tanquam nix"; ut quoque de Domino cum transformatus,

"Vestimenta Ipsius facta sunt coruscantia, candida valde ut nix, qualia non potest ullo in terra dealbare" (Marcus 9:3);

et de "Antiquo dierum" apud Danielem,

"Videns fui usque dum throni projecti sunt, et Antiquus dierum sedit; vestis Ipsius sicut nix alba, et crinis capitis Ipsius 2

sicut lana candida" (7:9);

"vestis" etiam significat Divinum in ultimis (videatur supra, n. 64), et "Antiquus dierum" Dominum ab aeterno.

[2] Quia "lana" significat bonum in ultimis, ideo aliquoties in Verbo describitur bonum per "lanam", et verum per "linum" et per "nivem":

- Ut apud Hoscheam,

"Dixit, Ibo post amasios meos, dantes panem meum et aquas meas, lanam meam et linum meum;... ideo revertar et accipiam frumentum meum in tempore suo et auferam lanam meam et linum meum" (2:5, 9);

apud Ezechielem,

"Adipem comeditis, et lanam induitis; quod Optimum est, mactatis; gregem non pascitis" (34:3);

apud Davidem,

Jehovah " 3

mittit verbum suum in terram dat nivem sicut lanam" (Psalms 147:15, 16);

et apud Esaiam,

"Si fuerint peccata Vestra sicut dibapha, tanquam nix albescent; si rubra fuerint sicut purpura, tanquam lana erunt" (1:18);

quod "nix" dicatur de peccatis quae fuerunt sicut dibapha, et "lana" de peccatis quae fuerunt rubra sicut purpura, est quia "dibapha" significant verum ex bono, et in opposito sensu falsum ex malo (n. 4922, 9468), ac "rubrum" et "purpura" bonum, et in opposito sensu malum omnis generis (n. 4

3300, 9467, 9865 5



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2. The editors made a correction or note here.
3. The editors made a correction or note here.
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