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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 680

680. The second woe is past, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.- That this signifies lamentation over the final vastation of the church, now certainly at hand, is evident from the signification of woe, as denoting lamentation over various things, especially over such things as devastate the church (concerning this see above, n. 531); and because three signifies what is complete, therefore the third woe signifies the final lamentation, when there is full devastation; for three signifies what is complete, and thus the end, as may be seen above (n. 435, 506, 532); and from the signification of coming quickly, as denoting certainly at hand and coming to pass. That quickly signifies certainly, may be seen also above (n. 7, 216). What this third woe, which was to come quickly, involves, is evident from what follows, namely, that it involves the final state of the church, when there is no longer any truth or good, and the state of separation at that time of the evil from the good, and of the good from the evil, and at length the Last Judgment, which is effected by a complete separation, and then the casting of the evil into hell, and the raising up of the good into heaven.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 680

680. Verse 14. The second woe is past; behold the third woe cometh quickly, signifies a lamentation over the final vastation of the church, now certainly at hand. This is evident from the signification of "woe" as being lamentation over various things, especially over such things as devastate the church (of which above, n. 531. And as "three" signifies what is complete, therefore the "third woe" signifies the final lamentation, when the devastation is full. That "three" signifies what is complete, and thus the end, may be seen above (n. 435, 506, 532). This is evident also from the signification of "coming quickly," as being certainly, at hand, and coming to pass; that "quickly" signifies certainty may be seen also above (n. 7, 216). What this third woe that was to come quickly involves, can be seen from what follows, namely, that it involves the final state of the church, when there is no longer any truth or good, and the state of separation at that time of the evil from the good, and of the good from the evil, and at length the Last Judgement, which is effected by a full separation, and then the casting down of the evil into hell, and the elevation of the good into heaven.

Apocalypsis Explicata 680 (original Latin 1759)

680. [Vers. 14.] "Vae secundum praeteriit; ecce vae tertium venit cito." - Quod significet lamentationem super vastationem ultimam ecclesiae, nunc certo instantem, constat ex significatione "vae", quod sit lamentatio super variis, imprimis super talibus quae devastant ecclesiam (de qua supra, n. 531 1

): et quia "tria" significant completum, ideo "tertium vae" significat lamentationem ultimam, quando devastatio plena est; quod "tria" significent completum, et sic finem, videatur supra (n. 435 [a] , 506, 532): et ex significatione "venire cito", quod sit certo instans et eveniens; quod "cito" significet certum, videatur etiam supra (n. 7, 216). Quid "tertium" hoc "vae", quod cito venturum, involvit, constare potest ex sequentibus; quod nempe involvat statum ultimum ecclesiae, quando non verum amplius nec bonum, et tunc statum separationis malorum a bonis, et bonorum a malis, et tandem ultimum judicium, quod fit per separationem plenariam, et tunc conjectionem malorum in infernum, et elevationem bonorum in caelum.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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