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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 704

704. And great hail.- That this signifies infernal falsity destroying the truths and goods of the church, is evident from the signification of hail, as denoting infernal falsity destroying the truths of the church (concerning which see above, n. 503), and because it is called great hail, and great is spoken of good, and much of truth (concerning which see above, n. 655, 696), therefore also great hail signifies infernal falsity destroying the goods of the church. Beside lightnings, thunders, and an earthquake, great hail also was seen, because in the spiritual world there are all the phenomena that are in the natural world, as mists, clouds, rain, snow, and hail, and these are indeed appearances, but real, arising from correspondences. For when the celestial and spiritual Divine things, that belong to the affections and the thoughts therefrom, thus to the good of love and the truth of that good, with the angels, descend into the next lower sphere, they put on forms like those of natural things, and are thus presented before the eyes in visible form; in this way correspondences are formed. The case is similar with lightnings and thunders, and hail. Hail is formed by the flowing down of Divine Truth where the evil are, who by reasonings draw false conclusions, and with these oppose truths and destroy them. For when the Divine Truth flows out of the heavens into the sphere encompassing the evil, which, formed from their evil affections and the falsities of their thoughts therefrom, appears like a mist (nimbus), then that influx is turned into various things, and into hail with those who think from evils and falsities in opposition to the goods and truths of heaven and of the church, and vehemently fight against them. The reason of this is, that their affections, and the thoughts therefrom, which are of falsity against truths, are void of all heavenly heat, and therefore the rain which then descends out of the heavens into the lower parts, congeals into snow or hail, and this hail destroys all the green and growing things that are round about them, and also their habitations, just as is said of the hail in Egypt. The hail destroys, because the things that are green and growing signify the truths of the church, and their habitations its goods, which such destroy in themselves. This takes place, as was said, from correspondence. The hail also appears congealed into stones larger or smaller according as the attacks made upon truths by falsities are stronger or milder; the larger stones are called, in the Word, hail-stones, because stones also signify falsities. From these things it is now evident why great hail signifies infernal falsity destroying the truths and goods of the church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 704

704. And great hail, signifies infernal falsity destroying the truths and goods of the church. This is evident from the signification of "hail," as being infernal falsity destroying the truths of the church (of which above, n. 503; and as it is called a "great hail," and "great" is predicated of good, and "many" of truth (See above, n. 652, 696, so "great hail" signifies also infernal falsity destroying the goods of the church. Besides lightnings, thunders, and an earthquake, great hail also was seen, because in the spiritual world there appear all the things that are in the natural world, as mists, clouds, rains, snow, and hail, and these though appearances are nevertheless real, arising from correspondences; for the celestial and spiritual Divine things that belong to the affections and the thoughts therefrom, thus to the good of love and the truth of that good with angels, when they descend into the next lower sphere put on forms like those of natural things, and thus present themselves before the eyes to be seen; thus correspondences are formed. So is it with lightnings, thunders, and hail. For this hail is formed by the flowing down of Divine truth where the evil are, who by reasonings draw false conclusions, and by these oppose truths and destroy them. For when Divine truth flows down out of the heavens into the sphere that is about the evil and that appears like a mist formed from their evil affections and from the resulting falsities of their thoughts, then that influx is turned into various things, and into hail with those who think from evils and falsities in opposition to the goods and truths of heaven and the church, and who violently assault them. The reason of this is that their affections and the thoughts therefrom, which are of falsity against truths, are destitute of all heavenly heat; therefore the rain which also falls down out of the heavens into the lower parts congeals into snow or into hail, and that hail destroys all things with them that are green and growing, and also their dwelling places, just like it is said of the hail in Egypt. The hail destroys because the things that are "green and growing" signify the truths of the church, and "the dwelling places" its goods, which such destroy with themselves. This takes place, as has been said, according to correspondence. Moreover, the hail appears congealed into larger or smaller grains according to their stronger or milder attacks upon truths by falsities; the larger grains are called in the Word "hail-stones," because "stones" also signify falsities. From this it can now be seen why "great hail" signifies infernal falsity destroying the truths and goods of the church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 704 (original Latin 1759)

704. "Et grando magna." - Quod significet falsum infernale destruens vera et bona ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "grandinis", quod sit falsum infernale destruens vera ecclesiae (de qua supra, n. 503); et quia dicitur "grando magna", et "magnum" praedicatur de bono, et "multum" de vero (videatur etiam supra, n. [652 [a] ,] 696), inde "grando magna" etiam significat falsum infernale destruens bona ecclesiae. Quod praeter "fulgura, tonitrua et terrae motus", etiam visa sit "grando magna", est quia in mundo spirituali apparent omnia quae , in mundo naturali, sicut nimbi, nubes, pluviae, nix et grando, quae quidem sunt apparentiae sed reales, oriundae ex correspondentiis; nam Divina caelestia et spiritualia, quae propria sunt affectionum et inde cogitationum, ita boni amoris et veri illius boni, apud angelos, cum descendunt in sphaeram proxime inferiorem, induunt formas naturalium similes, ac ita se sistunt coram oculis videndas; ita formantur correspondentiae: similiter fulgura, tonitrua, et grando; haec nempe grando formatur ex defluxu Divini Veri, ubi sunt mali, qui per ratiocinia concludunt falsa, et per illa impugnant vera ac destruunt illa: cum enim Divinum Verum e caelis influit in sphaeram quae est circum malos et apparet sicut nimbus formata ex malis affectionibus et inde falsis cogitationum illorum, tunc influxus ille vertitur in varia, ac in grandinem apud illos qui ex malis et falsis cogitant contra bona et vera caeli et ecclesiae, ac vehementer impugnant illa: causa est quia affectiones et inde cogitationes illorum, quae sunt falsi contra vera, sunt absque omni calore caelesti; inde concrescit pluvia, quae etiam subinde e caelis in inferiora delabitur, in nivem aut in grandinem, et grando illa destruit omnia quae apud illos virent et crescunt, et quoque habitationes illorum, prorsus sicut legitur de grandine in Aegypto: causa quod destruat, est quia "illa quae virent et crescunt" significant vera ecclesiae, et "habitationes" bona ejus, quae illi apud se destruunt: hoc fit, ut supra dictum est, ex correspondentia. Grando apparet etiam concreta in partes majores et minores secundum impugnationes fortiores et leniores veri per falsa; majores partes vocantur in Verbo "lapides grandinis", quia per "lapides" etiam significantur falsa. Ex his nunc constare potest unde est quod per "grandinem magnam" significetur falsum infernale destruens vera et bona ecclesiae.

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