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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 655

655. Where also our Lord was crucified.- That this signifies by means of which He was rejected and condemned, namely, by means of evils, and falsities therefrom springing from infernal love, is evident from this consideration, that evils themselves and their consequent falsities arising from infernal love are what reject and condemn the Lord, and these evils and the falsities therefrom are signified by Sodom and Egypt, therefore it is said concerning the city of Jerusalem that it is called so spiritually, for to be spiritually called signifies evil itself, and the falsity therefrom.

[2] The hells are separated into two kingdoms opposite the two kingdoms in the heavens; the kingdom opposite the celestial kingdom is at the back, and those who are there are called genii, and this kingdom is what is understood in the Word by "devil." But the kingdom opposite the spiritual kingdom is in front, and those who are there are called evil spirits; this kingdom is what is meant in the Word by "Satan." These hells, or these two kingdoms into which the hells are separated, are meant by Sodom and Egypt. Whether it is said evils and falsities therefrom, or those hells, it is the same thing, since from these all evils and falsities ascend.

[3] The Jews of Jerusalem crucifying the Lord signifies that the evils and the falsities therefrom which they loved crucified Him; for all things recorded in the Word concerning the Lord's passion represented the perverted state of the church with that nation. For although they accounted the Word holy, yet they perverted all things therein by their traditions until there was no longer any Divine Good and Truth remaining with them, and, when the Divine Good and Truth that are in the Word no longer remain, then evils and falsities from infernal love succeed in their place, and these are what crucify the Lord. That such things are signified by the Lord's passion, may be seen above (n. 83, 195:21, 627:16, at the end). The Lord is said to be slain because it signifies His being rejected and denied, as may be seen above (n. 328). Concerning the nature and quality of the Jews, see above (n. 122, 433:28, 619), and in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248).

[4] Since it is here said "where our Lord was crucified," it shall be explained what crucifixion, or suspension upon wood, signified with the Jews. There were two punishments of death with them, crucifixion and stoning; and by crucifixion was signified condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of good in the church, and by stoning was signified condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of truth in the church. Crucifixion signified condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of good in the church, because wood, upon which they were suspended, signified good, and, in the opposite sense, evil, both pertaining to the will. Stoning signified condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of truth in the church, because stone, with which stoning was effected, signified truth, and, in the opposite sense falsity, both pertaining to the understanding. For all things instituted with the Israelitish and Jewish nation were representative, and thence significative. That wood signifies good, and, in the opposite sense, evil, and that stone signifies truth, and, in the opposite sense, falsity, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 643, 3720, 8354). But because it has been hitherto unknown whence the punishment of the cross and of stoning came to the Jews and Israelites, and since it is nevertheless important that this should be known, I will also adduce confirmations from the Word to show that these two punishments also were representative.

[5] That suspension upon wood, or crucifixion, was inflicted on account of the destruction of good in the church, and that thus was represented evil from infernal love, from which comes condemnation and a curse is evident from the following passages.

In Moses:

"If there be a stubborn and rebellious son, obeying not the voice of his father and mother, all the men of the city shall stone him with stones that he die. And if there be in a man sin and judgment of death, and he be slain, thou shalt hang him upon wood; his carcase shall not remain all night upon wood, but burying thou shalt bury him the same day; for he that is hanged is the curse of God, and thou shalt not defile thy land." (Deuteronomy 21:18, 20-23.)

Not obeying the voice of father and mother, signifies in the spiritual sense, to live contrary to the precepts and truths of the church; the punishment for it was therefore stoning. The men of the city who shall stone him signify those who are in the doctrine of the church, a city denoting doctrine. If there be in a man sin and judgment of death, thou shalt hang him upon wood, means if one has done evil against the good of the Word and of the church. Because this was a capital crime, he was to be hung upon wood, for wood, in the Word, signifies good, and in the opposite sense evil. His carcase shall not remain all night upon the wood, but thou shalt bury him the same day, signifies lest there be a representative of eternal damnation. Thou shalt not defile thy land, signifies that it would be a scandal to the church.

[6] In Lamentations:

"Our skins are become black as an oven, because of the storms of famine; they ravished the women in Zion, the virgins in the cities of Judah; their princes were hanged up by the hand, the faces of the elders are not honoured, the young men they have led away to grind, and the boys stumble under wood" (5:10-13).

Zion means the celestial church, which is in the good of love to the Lord; was represented by the Jewish nation. The virgins in the cities of Judah signify the affections for truth from the good of love; the perishing of truths from good by falsities from evil is signified by, their princes were hanged up by the hand. The faces of the elders which are not honoured signify the goods of wisdom; the young men who are led away to grind signify truths from good: and grinding signifies to acquire falsities and to confirm them from the Word; the boys who stumble under wood signify goods just springing up and perishing through evils.

[7] Since a baker, just as bread, signifies the good of love, and a butler, just as wine, signifies the truth of doctrine, therefore the baker was hanged on account of his crime against king Pharaoh. (Genesis 40:19-22; 41:13.) This may be seen explained in the Numbers 25:1-4). To commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab signifies to adulterate the goods of the church; and to be hung up before the sun signifies condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of the good of the church.

[8] Because Ai signified knowledges of good and in the opposite sense, confirmations, of evil, therefore the king of Ai was hanged on wood, and afterwards thrown down at the entrance of the gate of the city, and the city itself was burned (Joshua 8:26-29). And because the five kings of the Amorites signified evils and falsities therefrom, destroying the goods and truths of the church, therefore those kings were hanged by Joshua, and afterwards cast into the cave of Makkedah (Joshua 10:26, 27). The cave of Makkedah signifies direful falsity from evil.

[9] To be hung upon wood, or crucified, signifies the punishment of evil destroying the good of the church, in Matthew Jesus said,

"I send unto you prophets, wise men, and scribes; some of them ye will kill, crucify, and scourge in the synagogues, and persecute them from city to city" (23:34).

All things which the Lord spoke He spoke from the Divine, but the Divine things from which He spoke fell into the ideas of natural thought and the resulting expressions according to correspondences, like those here and elsewhere in the Evangelists; and as all the words have a spiritual sense, therefore in that sense, prophets, wise men, and scribes, are not meant, but instead of them the truth and good of doctrine and of the Word. For spiritual thought and speech therefrom, like that of the angels, is without the idea of person, therefore by a prophet is signified the truth of doctrine, by wise men the good of doctrine, and by scribes the Word from which is doctrine. It therefore follows, that to kill has reference to the truth of the doctrine of the church, which is meant by a prophet, to crucify has reference, to the good of doctrine, which is meant by a wise man, and to scourge has reference to the Word, which is meant by a scribe and that thus "to kill" signifies to extinguish, "to crucify" to destroy, and "to scourge" to pervert. That they will wander from one falsity of doctrine to another is signified by persecuting them from city to city, a city denoting doctrine. This is the spiritual sense of the above words.

[10] In the same,

Jesus said unto the disciples that He must suffer at Jerusalem, and that the Son of Man must be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and that "they shall condemn him, and deliver him up to the nations to be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified, and that on the third day he shall rise again" (Matthew 20:18, 19; Mark 10:32-34).

The spiritual sense of these words is, that Divine Truth, in the church where mere falsities of doctrine and evils of life reign, shall be blasphemed, its truth perverted, and its good destroyed. The Son of Man signifies Divine Truth, which is the Word, and Jerusalem signifies the church where mere falsities and evils reign. The chief priests and scribes signify the adulterations of good and falsifications of truth, both of them from infernal love. By condemning and delivering Him to the nations is signified to relegate Divine Truth and Divine Good to hell, and to deliver them to the evils and falsities which are therefrom, the nations signifying the evils which are from hell and which destroy the goods of the church. To be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified, signifies to blaspheme, falsify, and pervert the truth, and to adulterate and destroy the good of the church and of the Word (as above). And the third day He shall rise again, signifies the complete glorification of the Lord's Human.

[11] From these things it is evident what is signified in the spiritual sense by the crucifixion of the Lord, also what is signified by the various mockings on that occasion, as that they set a crown of thorns upon His head; that they smote Him with a reed, and that they spat in His face, besides other things related in the Evangelists, signifying that the Jewish nation thus impiously treated the Divine Truth and Good itself, which the Lord was. For the Lord suffered the impious state of that church to be represented in Himself; this also was signified by His bearing their iniquities (Isaiah 53:11). For it was a common thing for a prophet to take upon himself the representation of the impious states of the church. Thus the prophet Isaiah was commanded to go naked and barefoot three years, in order to represent the church as destitute of good and truth (Isaiah 20:3, 4). The prophet Ezekiel bound in cords laid siege against a tile, on which Jerusalem was portrayed, and ate a cake of barley made with the dung of an ox, to represent that the truth and good of the church were thus besieged by falsities and polluted by evils (Ezekiel 4:1-13). The prophet Hosea was commanded to take to himself a harlot for a woman, and children of whoredoms, in order to represent what was then the quality of the church (Hosea 1:1-11); besides other things of a similar nature. That this was bearing the iniquities of the house of Israel or the church is openly declared in Ezekiel (chap. 4:5, 6). From these things it is evident that everything recorded concerning the Lord's passion was representative of the state of the church with the Jewish nation at that time.

[12] Thus much concerning the punishment of suspension upon wood, or crucifixion. It does not belong to this place to confirm from the Word that the other punishment of death, which was stoning, signified condemnation and a curse on account of the destruction of the truth of the church, still it is evident from the passages in the Word where stoning is mentioned, as in Exodus 21:28-33; Leviticus 24:10-17, 23; Numbers 15:32-37; Deuteronomy 13:10; 17:5-7; 22:20, 21, 24; Ezekiel 16:39-41; 23:45-47; Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34; 20:6; John 8:7; 10:31, 32; and elsewhere.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 655

655. Where also our Lord was crucified, signifies by which, namely, by the evils and the falsities therefrom springing from infernal love, He was rejected and condemned. This is evident from this, that evils themselves and their falsities springing from infernal love are what reject and condemn the Lord. These evils and the falsities thence are signified by "Sodom and Egypt," therefore it is said of the city Jerusalem that it is thus "called spiritually," for "to be called spiritually Sodom and Egypt" signifies evil itself, and the falsity therefrom.

[2] The hells are divided into two kingdoms, over against the two kingdoms in the heavens; the kingdom over against the celestial kingdom is at the back, and those who are in it are called genii; this kingdom is what is meant in the Word by "devil;" but the kingdom that is over against the spiritual kingdom is in front, and those who are in it are called evil spirits; this kingdom is what is meant in the Word by "Satan." These hells, or these two kingdoms into which the hells are divided, are meant by "Sodom and Egypt." Whether it is said evils and the falsities therefrom, or these hells, it is the same, since from these all evils and all falsities therefrom ascend.

[3] That the Jews who were at Jerusalem crucified the Lord means that He was crucified by the evils and falsities therefrom which they loved; for all things recorded in the Word respecting the Lord's passion represented the perverted state of the church with that nation. For although they accounted the Word holy, yet by their traditions they perverted all things therein until there was no longer any Divine good or truth remaining with them, and when Divine good and Divine truth, which are in the Word, no longer remain, evils and falsities from infernal love succeed in their place, and these are what crucify the Lord. (That such things are signified by the Lord's passion may be seen above, n. 83, 195, 627. That the Lord is said "to be slain" signifies that he was rejected and denied, see above, n. 328; and that the Jews were such, see above, n. 122, 433, 619; and in the New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, n. 248.)

[4] As it is here said "where our Lord was crucified," it shall be told what "crucifixion" (or hanging upon wood) signified with the Jews. They had two modes of capital punishment, crucifixion and stoning; and "crucifixion" signified a condemnation and curse because of the destruction of good in the church, and "stoning" signified a condemnation and curse because of the destruction of truth in the church. "Crucifixion" signified a condemnation and curse because of the destruction of good in the church, for the reason that "wood," upon which they were hung, signified good, and in the contrary sense evil, both pertaining to the will; and "stoning" signified a condemnation and curse because of the destruction of truth in the church, for the reason that "the stone," with which they were stoned, signified truth, and in the contrary sense falsity, both pertaining to the understanding; for all things instituted with the Israelitish and Jewish nation were representative, and thence significative. (That "wood" signifies good, and in the contrary sense evil, and that a "stone" signifies truth, and in the contrary sense falsity, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 643 Arcana Coelestia 643[1-4], 3720, 8354.) But as it has not been known heretofore why the Jews and Israelites had the punishment of the cross and the punishment of stoning, and it is important that it should be known, I will cite some confirmations from the Word to show that these two punishments were representative.

[5] That "hanging upon wood" or "crucifixion" was inflicted because of the destruction of good in the church, and that it thus represented the evil of infernal love, whence arises a condemnation and curse, can be seen from the following passages. In Moses:

If there be a stubborn and rebellious son, obeying not the voice of his father or mother, all the men of the city shall stone him with stones that he may die. And if there be in a man a crime and judgment of death, and he be put to death, thou shalt hang him upon wood; his carcass shall not remain overnight upon the wood, but burying thou shalt bury him the same day; for he that is hanged is a curse of God, and thou shalt not defile thy land (Deuteronomy 21:18, 20-23).

"Not obeying the voice of father or mother" signifies in the spiritual sense to live contrary to the precepts and truths of the church, therefore the penalty for it was stoning; "the men of the city who were to stone him" signify those who are in the doctrine of the church, "city" signifying doctrine. "If there be in a man a crime, a judgment of death, thou shalt hang him upon wood" signifies if one has done evil against the good of the Word and of the church; because this was a capital crime he was to be hung upon wood, for in the Word "wood" signifies good, and in the contrary sense evil; "his carcass shall not remain overnight upon the wood, but thou shalt bury him the same day," signifies lest there be a representative of eternal damnation; "thou shalt not defile thy land" signifies that this would be a cause of offense to the church.

[6] In Lamentations:

Our skins are become black like an oven because of the tempests of famine; they ravished the women in Zion, the virgins in the cities of Judah; their princes were hanged up by the hand, the faces of the elders are not honored, the young men they have led away to grind, and the boys stumble under the wood (Lamentations 5:10-13).

"Zion" means the celestial church, which is in the good of love to the Lord, which church the Jewish nation represented; "the virgins in the cities of Judah" signify the affections of truth from the good of love; "their princes were hanged up by the hand" signifies that truths from good were destroyed by falsities from evil; "the faces of the elders that were not honored" signify the goods of wisdom; "the young men who were led away to grind" signify the truths from good, "to grind" signifying to acquire falsities and to confirm them from the Word; "the boys stumble under the wood" signifies newborn goods perishing through evils.

[7] A "baker" as also "bread" signifies the good of love, and a "butler" as also "wine," the truth of doctrine, therefore:

The baker was hanged on account of his crime against king Pharaoh (Genesis 40:19-22; 41:13).

This may be seen explained in the Numbers 25:1-4).

"To commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab" signifies to adulterate the goods of the church; and "to be hung up before the sun" signifies a condemnation and curse because of the destruction of the good of the church.

[8] Because "Ai" signifies the knowledges of good, and in the contrary sense the confirmations of evil:

The king of Ai was hanged on wood, and afterwards thrown down at the entrance of the gate of the city, and the city itself was burned (Joshua 8:26-29).

And because "the five kings of the Amorites" signified evils and falsities therefrom destroying the goods and truths of the church,

Those kings were hanged by Joshua, and afterwards cast into the cave of Makkedah (Joshua 10:26, 27);

"the cave of Makkedah" signifying direful falsity from evil.

[9] Again, "to be hung upon wood or to be crucified" signifies the punishment of evil that destroys the good of the church, in Matthew:

Jesus said, I send unto you prophets, wise men, and scribes; and some of them shall ye kill, crucify, and scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city (Matthew 23:34).

All things the Lord spoke He spoke from the Divine, but the Divine things from which he spoke fell into the ideas of natural thought and consequent expressions according to correspondences, like these here and elsewhere in the Gospels; and as all the words have a spiritual sense, so in that sense prophets, wise men, and scribes, are not here meant, but instead of them the truth and good of doctrine and of the Word; for spiritual thought and speech therefrom, like that of angels, is without the idea of person; so a "prophet" signifies the truth of doctrine, "wise men" the good of doctrine, and "scribes" the Word from which is doctrine; from this it follows that "to kill" has reference to the truth of the doctrine of the church, which is meant by a "prophet;" "to crucify" has reference to the good of doctrine, which is meant by "a wise man," and "to scourge" has reference to the Word, which is meant by a "scribe;" thus "to kill" signifies to extinguish, "to crucify" to destroy, and "to scourge" to pervert. That they will wander from one falsity of doctrine into another is signified by "persecuting them from city to city," "city" signifying doctrine. This is the spiritual sense of these words.

[10] In the same:

Jesus said to the disciples that He must suffer at Jerusalem, and that the Son of man shall be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they shall condemn Him, and deliver Him up to the Gentiles to be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified; and the third day He shall rise again (Matthew 20:18, 19; Mark 10:32-34).

The spiritual sense of these words is that Divine truth, in the church where mere falsities of doctrine and evils of life reign, shall be blasphemed, its truth shall be perverted, and its good destroyed. "The Son of man" signifies Divine truth, which is the Word, and "Jerusalem" signifies the church where mere falsities and evils reign; "the chief priests and scribes" signify the adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth, both from infernal love; "to condemn Him and deliver Him to the Gentiles" signifies to assign Divine truth and Divine good to hell and to deliver them to the evils and falsities that are from hell, the "Gentiles" signifying the evils that are from hell and that destroy the goods of the church; "to be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified," signifies to blaspheme, falsify and pervert the truth, and to adulterate and destroy the good of the church and of the Word (as above); "and the third day He shall rise again" signifies the complete glorification of the Lord's Human.

[11] From this it can be seen what is signified in the spiritual sense by the Lord's crucifixion, also what is signified by the various mockings then connected with it, as that "they put a crown of thorns on His head," that "they smote Him with a reed," and also that "they spat in His face," with many other things related in the Gospels, this signifying that the Jewish nation treated Divine truth and good itself, which was the Lord, in a like heinous manner; for the Lord suffered the heinous state of that church to be represented in Himself; and this was also signified by:

His bearing their iniquities (Isaiah 53:11).

For it was a common thing for a prophet to take upon himself a representation of the heinous things of the church; thus the prophet Isaiah was commanded to go naked and barefoot three years, to represent the church as destitute of good and truth (Isaiah 20:3, 4); the prophet Ezekiel, bound in cords, laid siege to a tile on which Jerusalem was depicted, and ate a cake of barley made with the dung of an ox, to represent that the truth and good of the church was thus besieged by falsities and polluted by evils (Ezekiel 4:1-13); the prophet Hosea was commanded to take a harlot to himself for a woman, and children of whoredoms, to represent what the quality of the church was at that time (Hosea 1:1-11); with other like things. That this was "bearing the iniquities of the house of Israel" or the church is plainly declared in Ezekiel 4:5, 6. From this it can be seen that all things recorded concerning the passion of the Lord were representative of the state of the church at that time with the Jewish nation.

[12] Thus much respecting the punishment of "hanging upon wood or crucifixion." This is not the place to confirm from the Word that the other punishment, which was "stoning," signified a condemnation and curse because of the destroyed truth of the church, but it can be seen from the passages where "stoning" is mentioned (as in Exodus 21:28-33; Leviticus 24:10-17, 23; Numbers 15:32-37; Deuteronomy 13:10; 17:5-7; 22:20, 21, 24; Ezekiel 16:39-41; 23:45-47; Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34; 20:6; John 8:7; 10:31, 32; and elsewhere).

Apocalypsis Explicata 655 (original Latin 1759)

655. "Ubi et Dominus noster crucifixus est." - Quod significet a quibus, nempe malis et inde falsis oriundis ex amore infernali, rejectus et condemnatus sit, constat ex eo, quod ipsa mala et inde falsa oriunda ex amore infernali Dominum rejiciant et condemnent: illa mala et inde falsa significantur per "Sodomam et Aegyptum"; quare dicitur de urbe Hierosolyma, quod vocetur ita spiritualiter, nam "vocari spiritualiter" significat ipsum malum et inde falsum.

[2] Sunt inferna distincta in duo regna, opposita duobus regnis in caelis: regnum oppositum regno caelesti est a tergo, et illi qui ibi sunt vocantur genii; id regnum est quod in Verbo intelligitur per "diabolum": regnum autem oppositum regno spirituali est antrorsum, et illi qui ibi sunt vocantur mali spiritus; id regnum est quod in Verbo intelligitur per "satanam." Haec inferna, seu haec duo regna in quae inferna distincta sunt, intelliguntur per "Sodomam" et "Aegyptum." Sive dicas mala et inde falsa, sive dicas illa inferna, idem est, quoniam omnia mala et inde falsa ab illis ascendunt.

[3] Quod "Judaei, qui Hierosolymae, crucifixerint Dominum", significat quod mala et inde falsa quae amaverunt crucifixerint Ipsum; nam omnia quae memorantur in Verbo de passione Domini repraesentabant statum perversum ecclesiae apud illam gentem; tametsi enim sanctum habuerunt Verbum, attamen per traditiones perverterunt omnia ibi, usque dum non amplius aliquod Divinum Bonum et Verum apud illos residuum fuerit; et cum Divinum Bonum et Verum, quae sunt in Verbo, non residuum est, tunc mala et falsa ex amore infernali loco illorum succedunt, et illa sunt quae crucifigunt Dominum. (Quod talia per passionem Domini significentur, videatur supra, n. 83, 195 [c] 627 [c] . Quod Dominus dicatur "occisus" significet quod rejectus et negatus, etiam supra, n. 328. Et quod Judaei tales fuerint, supra, n. 122, 433 [e] 619 [a] ; et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 248.)

[4] Quoniam hic dicitur, "ubi Dominus crucifixus est", dicetur quid apud Judaeos significabat "crucifixio" seu "suspensio super ligno." Erant binae poenae mortis apud illos, crucifixio et lapidatio; et per "crucifixionem" significabatur condemnatio et maledictio propter destructionem boni in ecclesia, et per "lapidationem" significabatur condemnatio et maledictio propter destructionem veri in ecclesia.

Quod "crucifixio" significaverit condemnationem et maledictionem propter destructionem boni in ecclesia, erat causa quia "lignum", super quo suspendebantur, significabat bonum, ac in opposito sensu malum, utrumque voluntatis; et quod "lapidatio" significaverit condemnationem et maledictionem propter destructionem veri in ecclesia, erat causa quia "lapis", quo fiebat lapidatio, significabat verum, et in opposito sensu falsum, utrumque intellectus: omnia enim quae apud gentem Israeliticam et Judaicam instituta fuerunt, erant repraesentativa et inde significativa.

(Quod "lignum" significet bonum, ac in opposito sensu malum, et quod "lapis" significet verum, ac in opposito sensu falsum, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 643, 3720, 8354.) Sed quia hactenus ignotum fuit unde Judaeis et Israelitis poena crucis et poena lapidationis fuit, et tamen interest ut sciatur, velim etiam confirmationes ex Verbo adducere, ut sciatur quod binae illae poenae etiam repraesentativae fuerint.

[5] Quod "suspensio super ligno" seu "crucifixio" indicta fuerit propter destructionem boni in ecclesia, et quod sic repraesentaverit malum ex amore infernali, ex quo condemnatio et maledictio, constare potest a sequentibus locis:

- Apud Mosen,

"Si fuerit filius contumax et rebellis, non obediens voci patris et matris, .... lapidabunt eum omnes viri urbis lapidibus ut moriatur. .... Et si fuerit in viro crimen et judicium mortis et occisionis, suspendes eum super ligno; non pernoctabit cadaver ejus super ligno, sed sepeliendo sepelies eum in die eodem; nam maledictio Dei suspensus, et non polluas terram tuam" (Deutr. 21 [18,] 20-23):

per "non obedire voci patris et matris" in sensu spirituali significatur vivere contra praecepta et vera ecclesiae; quare poena lapidationis ei fuit: "viri urbis" qui lapidabunt eum, significant illos qui in doctrina ecclesiae sunt; "urbs" significat doctrinam: "si fuerit in viro crimen, judicium mortis, suspendes eum ligno", significat si malum fecerit contra bonum Verbi et ecclesiae, id quia crimen mortis erat, suspenderetur super ligno, nam "lignum" in Verbo significat bonum, et in opposito sensu malum: "non pernoctabit cadaver ejus super ligno, sed sepelies eum die eodem", significat ne [esset] repraesentativum damnationis aeternae: "ne polluas terram tuam" significat quod foret scandalo ecclesiae.

[6] In Threnis,

"Cutes nostrae sicut clibanus denigratae sunt propter procellas famis, mulieres in Zione compresserunt, virgines in urbibus Jehudae; principes manu eorum suspensi sunt, facies senum non honoratae; juvenes ad molendum abduxerunt, et pueri in ligno corruunt" (5:10-13):

per "Zionem" intelligitur ecclesia caelestis, quae in bono amoris in Dominum est, quam ecclesiam gens Judaica repraesentabat; per "virgines in urbibus Jehudae" significantur affectiones veri ex bono amoris; quod vera ex bono perierint per falsa ex malo, significatur per quod "principes manu eorum suspensi sint"; per "facies senum", quae non honoratae, significantur bona sapientiae; per "juvenes", qui adducti ad molendum, significantur vera ex bono, et per "molere" significatur comparare falsa et confirmare illa ex Verbo; per "pueros" qui "ligno corruunt" significantur bona nascentia pereuntia per mala.

[7] Quoniam per "pistorem" significatur bonum amoris simile quod per "panem", et per "pincernam" verum doctrinae simile quod per "vinum", ideo

Pistor propter crimen contra regem Pharaonem suspensus est (Genesis 40:19-22; 41:13).

(Quae in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 5139-5169, explicata videantur.) Quia per "Moabum" intelliguntur illi qui adulterant bona ecclesiae, et quia per "Baalpeorem" significatur adulteratio boni, inde factum est

Quod omnia capita populi suspensi sint coram sole, quia populus scortatus est cum filiabus Moabi, et incurvavit se diis earum, et adjunxit se Baalpeori (Numeri 25:1-4):

per "scortari cum filiabus Moabi" significatur adulterare bona ecclesiae, et per "suspendi coram sole" significatur condemnatio et maledictio propter destructum bonum ecclesiae.

[8] Quia per "Ajam" significabantur cognitiones boni, et in opposito sensu confirmationes mali, ideo

Rex Ajae suspensus est super ligno, ac postea projectus ad ostium portae urbis, et ipsa urbs combusta est (Joshua 8:26-29).

Et quia per quinque "reges Emorraeorum" significabantur mala et inde falsa destruentia bona et vera ecclesiae, ideo

Illi reges a Joschua suspensi sunt, et postea projecti in speluncam Makkeda (Joshua 10:26, 27).

per "speluncam Makkeda" significatur dirum falsum ex malo.

[9] Per "suspendi ligno", seu "crucifigi", significatur poena mali destruentis bonum ecclesiae, etiam apud Matthaeum,

"Jesus dixit, Mitto ad vos prophetas, sapientes, et scribas; ex iis occidetis, crucifigetis, et flagellabitis In synagogis, et persequemini ab urbe in urbem" (23:34):

omnia quae Dominus locutus est, ex Divino locutus est; sed Divina ex quibus locutus est, secundum correspondentias, in naturalis cogitationis ideas et inde voces, quales hic et alibi apud Evangelistas sunt, ceciderunt; et quia est spiritualis sensus omnium verborum, ideo per "prophetas, sapientes, et scribas" in eo sensu non illi intelliguntur, sed pro illis verum et bonum doctrinae et Verbi; spiritualis enim cogitatio et inde loquela, qualis est angelis, est absque idea personae; inde per "prophetam" significatur verum doctrinae, per "Sapientes" bonum doctrinae, et per "scribas" Verbum ex quo doctrina; inde sequitur quod "occidere" se referat ad verum doctrinae ecclesiae quod est "propheta", "crucifigere" se referat ad bonum doctrinae quod est "sapiens", ac "flagellare" se referat ad Verbum quod est "scriba"; et quod sic "occidere" significet exstinguere, "crucifigere" destruere, ac "flagellare" pervertere: quod ab uno falso doctrinae aberrent in aliud, significatur per "persequi illos ab urbe in urbem"; "urbs" significat doctrinam: hic sensus spiritualis illorum verborum est.

[10] Apud eundem,

Jesus dixit discipulis quod Hierosolymae pateretur, et quod Filius hominis traderetur principibus sacerdotibus et scribis, "et condemnabunt Ipsum, .... tradent Ipsum gentibus, ad illudendum, ad flagellandum et crucifigendum, et tertia die resurget" (20:18, 19; Marcus 10:32-34):

sensus spiritualis horum verborum est, quod Divinum Verum in ecclesia, ubi mere falsa doctrinae et mala vitae regnant, blasphemabitur, verum ejus pervertetur, et bonum ejus destruetur: "Filius hominis significat Divinum Verum, quod est Verbum; et "Hierosolyma" significat ecclesiam, ubi mere falsa et mala regnant: per "principes sacerdotes et scribas" significantur adulterationes boni et falsificationes veri, utraeque ex amore infernali: per "condemnare Ipsum et tradere gentibus" significatur Divinum Verum ac Divinum Bonum adjudicare inferno, ac tradere malis et falsis quae inde; "gentes" significant mala quae ab inferno sunt et destruunt bona ecclesiae: "ad illudendum, flagellandum et crucifigendum" significat blasphemationem, falsificationem et perversionem veri ac adulterationem et destructionem boni ecclesiae et Verbi (ut supra); "et tertia die resurget" significat glorificationem Humani Domini plenariam.

[11] Ex his constare potest quid in sensu spirituali significatur per crucifixionem Domini, tum quid per varias illusiones tunc, ut quod "corona ex spinis capiti Ipsius imposita fuerit", quod "Ipsum calamo percusserint", quodque "in facies Ipsius exspuerint", praeter plura quae apud Evangelistas memorantur; quod nempe gens Judaica Ipsum Divinum Verum et Bonum, quod erat Dominus, tam nefarie tractaverit; passus enim est Dominus in Se repraesentari statum nefandum ecclesiae istius. Hoc quoque significatur per id,

Quod portaverit iniquitates eorum (Esaias 53:11);

nam commune fuit, ut propheta susciperet in se repraesentationem nefandorum ecclesiae; sicut quod Esaias propheta jussus sit ire nudus et discalceatus tres annos, repraesentationis causa quod ecclesia absque bono et vero esset (Esaias 20:3, 4): quod propheta Ezechiel ligatus funibus obsideret laterem, cui insculpta fuit Hierosolyma, ac ederet placentam hordeorum factam cum excrementis bovis, repraesentationis causa quod verum et bonum ecclesiae a falsis ita obsessum, et a malis ita conspurcatum esset (Ezechiel 4:1-13): quod Hoscheas propheta jussus sit accipere scortum sibi in mulierem, ac liberos scortationum, ad repraesentandum qualis tunc ecclesia fuit (Hoschea 1:1-11): praeter similia alibi. Quod hoc fuerit "portare iniquitates domus Israelis", seu ecclesiae, aperte dicitur (Ezech. cap. 4:5, 6). Ex his constare potest quod omnia quae de passione Domini memorantur, fuerint repraesentativa status ecclesiae tunc apud gentem Judaicam.

[12] Haec de poena "suspensionis super ligno" seu "crucifixionis." Quod altera poena, quae fuit "lapidatio", significaverit condemnationem et maledictionem propter destructum verum ecclesiae, non hujus loci est ex Verbo confirmare, sed usque constare potest ex locis e Verbo ubi

"lapidatio" memoratur: Ut Exodus 21:28-33; Leviticus 24:10-17, 23; Numeri 15:32-37; Deuteronomius 13:11[10] ; cap. Deuteronomius 17:5-7; 22:20, 21, 24; Ezechiel 16:39-41; 23:45-47; Matthaeus 23:37; Luca 13:34; 20:6; Johannes 8:7; 10:31, 32: et alibi.

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