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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 755

755. Knowing that he hath but a short time.- That this signifies because the state is changed, is plain from the signification of time, as denoting the proceeding state of life, concerning which see above (n. 571, 610, 664, 673). He hath but a short time therefore signifies that the former state was changed. For the former state is described by the dragon and his angels being seen in heaven, while the latter state is described by their being cast unto the earth after the battle with Michael and his angels. What this state is has been shown briefly in the preceding article; but a fuller description of this state shall be given after the conclusion of this work.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 755

755. Knowing that he hath a short time, signifies because the state is changed. This is evident from the signification of "time," as being the proceeding state of life (of which above, n. 571, 610, 664, 673); therefore "he hath a short time" signifies that the former state has been changed; for the former state is described by the words "the dragon and his angels were seen in heaven," while the latter state is described by "they were cast out into the earth" after the battle with Michael and his angels; what is the quality of this state has been briefly told in the preceding article, but a fuller description of this state shall be given after the conclusion of this work.

Apocalypsis Explicata 755 (original Latin 1759)

755. "Sciens quod exiguum tempus habeat" - Quod significet quia status mutatus est, constat ex significatione "temporis", quod sit status procedens vitae (de qua supra, n. 571, 610, 664, 673); inde per quod "exiguum tempus habeat" significatur quod prior status mutatus sit; prior enim status describitur per quod "draco et angeli ejus visi sint in caelo", at posterior status describitur per quod post pugnam cum Michaele et angelis ejus "projecti sint in terram"; qualis hic status est, in mox praecedente articulo paucis dictum est; at plenior hujus status descriptio post finem hujus operis dabitur.

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