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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 759

759. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle.- That this signifies spiritual intelligence and circumspection given by the Lord to those who are of that church, is evident from the signification of the woman, as denoting the church, which is called the New Jerusalem, and, consequently, the men of that church; from the signification of wings, as denoting spiritual things (concerning which also see above, n. 282, 283, 529); and from the signification of an eagle as denoting intelligence and circumspection (concerning which also see above, n. 282). It follows from this that the two wings of a great eagle given to the woman signify the spiritual intelligence and circumspection which the Lord gives to those who are of that church. What this means shall also be explained.

[2] As all who are meant by the dragon and his angels are natural, indeed sensual, as was shown above, and as such reason from appearances, which are for the most part fallacies, and by that means lead the simple astray, therefore it is granted to the men of the New Church, called the Holy Jerusalem, to view the Divine truths in the Word not sensually, or, according to appearances, but spiritually, or, according to their essential nature; for this reason the internal sense of the Word, which is spiritual, and solely for those who will be of that church, has been disclosed. From that sense Divine Truth is seen such as it is in its own spiritual light, and, from that light, such as it is in its own natural light. Divine Truth is the Word, and those who are of that church are enlightened from the spiritual light of the Word through influx from the Lord out of heaven, and for the reason that they acknowledge the Divine in the Human of the Lord, and are from Him in spiritual affection for truth. These and no others receive spiritual light, which continually flows in through heaven from the Lord with all who read the Word; from this they receive enlightenment.

[3] How enlightenment takes place shall also be explained. Every man as to his thoughts and affections is in the spiritual world, consequently he is there as to his spirit, for it is the spirit of man which thinks and which is affected. He who becomes spiritual through regeneration by the Lord is in a heavenly society as to his spirit, while the natural man, that is one who is not regenerated, is in an infernal society as to his spirit. With the latter, evils continually flow in from hell, and are also received with delight, but with the former, goods continually flow in from heaven, and are also received; and as goods flow in into his affection, and by means of the affection into the thought, he therefore has enlightenment. It is this enlightenment that is meant by the spiritual intelligence and circumspection signified by the wings of the eagle given to the woman, with which she fled into the wilderness. In fact, the spiritual are also comparatively like eagles flying on high, while those who are merely natural are comparatively like serpents which creep on the ground, and see the eagles above them; for this reason the dragon is called a serpent in the next verse.

[4] Moreover, the wings of the eagle, which were given to the woman, signify the understanding of truth; for all who are of that church have the understanding enlightened, and consequently they are enabled from the light of truth to see truth, that is, whether a thing be true or not true. And because they see truth in this way, they acknowledge it, and receive it in affection which is of the will; and therefore truths with them become spiritual, and in consequence the spiritual mind, which is above the natural mind, is opened in them, and when this is opened it receives angelic sight, which is the sight of truth itself from its light. But on the other hand, those who are not of that church - and these are they who do not acknowledge the Divine in the Lord's Human, and who do not love truth spiritually, that is, because it is truth - cannot have the understanding so enlightened as to be able to see whether a thing be true or not; but appearances of truth seem to them like real truths, and they confirm them from the sense of the letter of the Word as though they were real truths. And yet most things in that sense are appearances of truth, which, if they are confirmed as real truths, are falsified, and falsified truths are falsities. Because such are unable to see truths from the light of truth, and thus apprehend them in the understanding, they are in an obscure, in fact, in a blind faith about what is to be believed; and a blind faith is like an eye that sees little or nothing. Indeed a blind faith is not faith, but only a persuasion, and as such persuasion is accepted from another person, either from some master or preacher, or from the Word not understood, it is a traditional faith, which is natural and not spiritual. Because such persons also do not see truths, they maintain and also desire that the doctrinals of the church should not be approached and considered by the understanding, but that they should be accepted in that obedient spirit which is called the obedience of faith. When things are accepted from such a blind obedience of faith, one cannot know whether they are true or false.

[5] Such things cannot open the way to heaven, for in heaven nothing is acknowledged as truth but what is seen, that is, understood. Besides the light of heaven is such, that by it truths appear before the understanding of the mind, as objects in the world appear before the sight of the eye; therefore when those in the world who have seen truths only from the blind sight of faith, are conveyed into heaven to the angels, they see nothing at all, not even the angels, and much less the magnificent things about them; then also their understanding become stupid, and their eyes are darkened, and so they go away. It must, however, be understood, that this is true of all those who have separated charity from faith; but those who have lived the life of faith which is called charity, and have not separated these, have an eager desire to see truths; therefore when they come into the spiritual world, which takes place at death, it is granted them to see truths. The reason of this is, that with them the spiritual mind is opened, and therefore they are in the light of heaven, and they actually come into that light after their departure from the natural world. From this it is evident that the wings of the eagle signify the understanding of truth; and because the woman means the New Jerusalem therefore the wings being given to her signifies that the understanding of truth was given, and will be given, to those who will be of that church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 759

759. [Verse 14.] And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, signifies spiritual intelligence and circumspection which the Lord gives to those who are of that church. This is evident from the signification of "the woman," as being the church that is called the New Jerusalem (treated of above), consequently the men of that church; also from the signification of "wings," as being things spiritual (of which above, n. 282, 283, 529); also from the signification of an "eagle," as being intelligence and circumspection (of which above, n. 282. From this it follows that "there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle" signifies the spiritual intelligence and circumspection that the Lord gives to those who are of that church.

[2] What this means shall now be told. As all who are meant by "the dragon and his angels" are natural, yea, sensual, as has been shown above, and as such reason from appearances, which for the most part are fallacies, and thereby lead astray the simple, therefore it is granted to the men of the New Church that is called the Holy Jerusalem to behold the Divine truths that are in the Word, not sensually, that is, according to appearances, but spiritually, that is, according to their essences; for this reason the internal sense of the Word, which is spiritual and is solely for those who will be of that church, has been disclosed. From that sense Divine truth is seen such as it is in its own spiritual light, and from that light such as it is in its own natural light. Divine truth is the Word, and those who are of that church are enlightened by the spiritual light of the Word by influx from the Lord out of heaven, for the reason that they acknowledge the Divine in the Lord's Human, and are in the spiritual affection of truth from Him. They and no others receive spiritual light, which is continually flowing in from the Lord through heaven with all who read the Word. From this they have enlightenment.

[3] How enlightenment is effected shall also be told. Every man in respect to his thoughts and affections is in the spiritual world, consequently he is there in respect to his spirit, for it is the spirit of man that thinks and that is affected. The man who becomes spiritual by being regenerated by the Lord is in respect to his spirit in a heavenly society, while the natural man, that is, one who is not regenerated, is in respect to his spirit in an infernal society; with the latter evils flow in continually from hell, and are also received with delight; but with the former goods flow in continually from heaven, and are also received; and as goods flow into his affection, and through the affection into his thought, from that he has enlightenment. This enlightenment is what is meant by the spiritual intelligence and circumspection that are signified by "the wings of an eagle" given to the woman, with which she flew into the wilderness. The spiritual also are comparatively like eagles flying on high; while those who are merely natural are comparatively like serpents who creep on the ground, and see the eagles above them. For this reason the dragon is called a "serpent" in the next verse.

[4] Furthermore, "the wings of an eagle" that were given to the woman signify the understanding of truth; for all who are of that church have the understanding enlightened and from this they are able to see truth from the light of truth, that is, whether a thing be true or not true. Because they see truth in this way they acknowledge it, and receive it with the affection which is of the will. By this the truths they have are made spiritual; and in consequence the spiritual mind, which is above the natural mind, is opened with them; and when this is opened it receives angelic sight, which is the sight of truth itself from its own light. On the other hand, those who are not of that church, who are they who do not acknowledge the Divine in the Lord's Human, and who do not love truth because it is truth, that is, spiritually, cannot have the understanding so enlightened as to be able to see whether a thing be true or not; but they see appearances of truth as genuine truths, and confirm them as genuine truths from the sense of the letter of the Word; and yet most things in that sense of the Word are appearances of truth; and if these are confirmed as genuine truths they are falsified, and falsified truths are falsities. Because they are unable to see truths from the light of truth, and thus apprehend them in the understanding, they are in an obscure, yea, in a blind faith about what is to be believed; and a blind faith is like an eye that sees little or nothing. Yea a blind faith is not faith, but only a persuasion; and as such a persuasion is from another, either from some master or preacher, or from the Word not understood, it is a historical faith, which is natural and not spiritual. Because such persons do not see truths they also say and wish that the doctrinals of the church should not be approached or regarded with any understanding, but that they should be received with that obedience that is called the obedience of faith; and whether the things that are received with a blind obedience are true or false is not known.

[5] Such things cannot open the way to heaven, for in heaven nothing is acknowledged as truth except what is seen, that is, understood. Moreover, the light of heaven is such that by it truths appear before the understanding of the mind, as objects in the world appear before the sight of the eye; consequently when those in the world who have seen truths only from a blind sight of faith are conveyed into heaven to the angels, they see nothing at all, not even the angels there, much less the magnificent things they have. Then their understanding also becomes stupefied and their eyes are darkened and thus they withdraw. It is to be known that this is true of all such as have separated charity from faith; but all those who have not separated them, but have lived the life of faith which is called charity, have a desire to see truths; consequently when they come into the spiritual world, which takes place at death, it is granted them to see truths, and this for the reason that they have their spiritual mind opened, and are therefore in the light of heaven, into which they are actually admitted, after their departure from the natural world. From this it can be seen what is signified by "the wings of an eagle," namely, the understanding of truth; and as "the woman" means the New Jerusalem, therefore the wings being given to her signifies that the understanding of truth was given, and will be given, to those who will be of that church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 759 (original Latin 1759)

759. [Vers. 14.] "Et datae mulieri duae alae aquilae magnae." - Quod significet intelligentiam et circumspectionem spiritualem, quae a Domino datur illis qui ab ea ecclesia sunt, constat ex significatione "mulieris", quod sit ecclesia quae Nova Hierosolyma vocatur (de qua supra); proinde quod sint homines illius ecclesiae: ex significatione "alarum", quod sint spiritualia (de qua supra, n. 282, 283, 529); et ex significatione "aquilae", quod sit intelligentia et circumspectio (de qua etiam supra, n. 282); inde sequitur, quod per quod "datae mulieri duae alae aquilae magnae", significetur intelligentia spiritualis et circumspectio, quae a Domino datur illis qui ab ea ecclesia sunt.

[2] Quid per haec intelligitur, etiam dicetur. Quoniam omnes qui per "draconem et ejus angelos" intelliguntur, sunt naturales, immo sensuales, ut supra ostensum est, et illi ex apparentiis, quae quoad plurimam partem sunt fallaciae, ratiocinantur, et per id simplices seducunt, quare datum est hominibus Novae Ecclesiae, quae Sancta Hierosolyma vocatur, Divina vera quae in Verbo sunt, non sensualiter, hoc est, secundum apparentias, intueri, sed spiritualiter, hoc est, secundum essentias; ideo detectus est sensus internus Verbi, qui spiritualis est, et solum pro illis qui ab illa ecclesia erunt. Ex illo sensu apparet Divinum Verum quale est in sua luce spirituali, et ex hac luce quale est Divinum Verum in sua luce naturali. Divinum Verum est Verbum; et illi qui ab ea ecclesia sunt illustrantur ex luce Verbi spirituali per influxum e caelo a Domino, ex causa quia agnoscunt Divinum in Humano Domini, et ab Ipso in affectione veri spirituali sunt: ab his et non ab aliis lux spiritualis, quae jugiter influit per caelum a Domino apud omnes qui legunt Verbum, recipitur; inde illorum illustratio.

[3] Quomodo illustratio fit, etiam dicetur. Unusquisque homo quoad cogitationes et affectiones suas est in mundo spirituali; consequenter quoad spiritum suum, nam spiritus hominis est qui cogitat et qui afficitur: homo qui spiritualis factus est per regenerationem a Domino, quoad spiritum suum est in societate caelesti; at homo naturalis, qui est qui non regeneratus, quoad spiritum suum est in societate infernali; apud hunc influunt continuo mala ab inferno, et quoque cum jucundo recipiuntur; apud illum autem influunt continuo bona e caelo, et quoque recipiuntur; et quia bona influunt in affectionem ejus, et per affectionem in cogitationem, inde ei illustratio. Haec illustratio est quae intelligitur per intelligentiam et circumspectionem spiritualem, quae significatur per "alas aquilae", quae datae sunt mulieri, quibus volavit in desertum. Hi, nempe spirituales, sunt quoque comparative sicut aquilae alte volantes; at illi qui mere naturales sunt, comparative sunt sicut serpentes, qui humi repunt, ac vident aquilas super se; quare etiam in mox sequente versu draco dicitur "serpens."

[4] Praeterea per "alas aquilae", quae datae sunt mulieri, significatur intellectus veri; nam omnes qui ab illa ecclesia sunt intellectum illustratum habent, ex quo videre possunt verum ex luce veri, hoc est, num sit verum vel non verum; et quia ita vident verum, agnoscunt illud, et recipiunt illud affectione quae est voluntatis: ex eo fiunt vera apud illos spiritualia; consequenter mens spiritualis, quae supra mentem naturalem est, apud illos aperitur, et aperta accipit visum angelicum, qui est visus ipsius veri ex luce ejus. At vero qui non ab ecclesia illa sunt, qui sunt qui non agnoscunt Divinum in Humano Domini, quique non amant verum quia verum est, ita spiritualiter, illi non intellectum illustratum possunt habere, ex quo videre possunt num verum sit vel non; sed apparentias veri vident ut genuina vera, et illas sicut genuina vera ex sensu litterae Verbi confirmant; in quo tamen sensu Verbi pleraque sunt apparentiae veri, quae si confirmantur ut genuina vera, falsificantur; et falsificata vera sunt falsa. Hi quia non videre possunt vera ex luce veri, et sic intellectu capere illa, in obscura, immo in caeca fide sunt, de credendis; et caeca fides est sicut oculus qui parum vel nihil videt; immo caeca fides non est fides, sed modo persuasio: et quia illa persuasio ex alio est, sive ex magistro, sive ex praedicatore, sive ex Verbo non intellecto, est fides historica, quae naturalis est et non spiritualis. Hi quia non vident vera, etiam dicunt et volunt ut ecclesiae doctrinalia non aliquo intellectu adeantur et lustrentur, sed ex obedientia quae vocatur fidei, recipiantur: et quae ex caeca fidei obedientia recipiuntur, non sciuntur num vera sint vel num falsa;

[5] et talia non aperire possunt viam ad caelum: in caelo enim non agnoscitur aliquod ut verum nisi quod videtur, hoc est, intelligitur; lux etiam caeli talis est ut ex illa appareant vera coram intellectu mentis, sicut apparent objecta mundi coram visu oculi; quapropter illi qui in mundo non aliter viderunt vera quam ex visu fidei caeco, illi cum in caelum ad angelos feruntur, prorsus nihil vident, ne quidem angelos ibi, minus magnifica eorum; et quoque tunc quoad intellectum stupescunt, et inde quoad oculos caligantur, et sic recedunt. At sciendum quod omnes illi tales sint, qui a fide separaverunt charitatem; qui autem non separaverunt, sed vixerunt vitam fidei, quae vocatur charitas, illi omnes in desiderio videndi vera sunt; quare dum in mundum spiritualem veniunt, quod fit post obitum, datur illis videre ea: causa est, quia apud hos spiritualis mens aperta est, et inde in luce caeli sunt, in quam post excessum e mundo naturali actualiter immittuntur. Ex his constare potest quid per "alas aquilae" significatur, nempe quod intellectus veri; et quia per "mulierem" intelligitur Nova Hierosolyma, significatur quod intellectus veri datus sit et dabitur illis qui ab ea ecclesia futuri sunt.

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