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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 856

856. And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps. That this signifies the glorification of the Lord from His spiritual kingdom, is evident from the signification of a voice, as denoting the glorification of the Lord, as above; and from the signification of harpers harping with their harps, as denoting the affections of those who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom; for the affections of these are heard also as sounds - but as the sounds of stringed instruments. For sounds from stringed instruments correspond to truths from good, or to things intellectual, in which the angels of the Lord's spiritual kingdom are. But sounds from wind instruments correspond to goods; in which the angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom are. That these are correspondences may be seen above (n. 323, 326); and that harps signify confession from spiritual truths; and sackbuts, from goods (n. 323). Now because the heavens are distinguished into two kingdoms - the celestial kingdom, in which are the angels who are in the good of love, and the spiritual kingdom, in which are the angels who are in truths from that good; therefore it is said, that the voice out of heaven was heard as the voice of a great thunder, and as the voice of harpers harping with their harps. This signifies the glorification of the Lord from the celestial kingdom, thus from the good of love; and His glorification from the spiritual kingdom, thus from truths from that good.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 856

856. And I heard a voice of harpers harping on their harps, signifies glorification of the Lord from His spiritual kingdom. This is evident from the signification of "voice," as being glorification of the Lord, as above; also from the signification of "harpers harping with their harps," as being the affections of those who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom; for the affections of such also are heard as sounds, but as the sounds of stringed instruments; for sounds from stringed instruments correspond to truths from good, or intellectual things in which are the angels of the Lord's spiritual kingdom; but sounds from wind instruments correspond to goods, in which are the angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom. (That these are correspondences see above, n. 323, 326; and that "harps" signify confessions from spiritual truths, and "psalteries" confessions from goods, n. 323.) Now because the heavens are divided into two kingdoms, namely, into the celestial kingdom, in which are the angels that are in the good of love, and into the spiritual kingdom, in which are the angels that are in the truths from that good, it is said that "the voice from heaven was heard as the voice of a great thunder, and as the voice of harpers harping with their harps," by which is signified the glorification of the Lord from the celestial kingdom, that is, from the good of love, and His glorification from the spiritual kingdom, thus from truths from that good.

Apocalypsis Explicata 856 (original Latin 1759)

856. "Et audivi vocem citharaedorum pulsantium in citharis suis." Quod significet glorificationem Domini e regno spirituali Ipsius, constat ex significatione "vocis", quod sit glorificatio Domini (ut supra); et ex significatione "citharaedorum pulsantium citharis", quod sint affectiones illorum qui in regno spirituali Domini sunt; horum enim affectiones audiuntur etiam ut soni, sed ut soni instrumentorum chordaceorum; nam soni ex instrumentis chordaceis correspondent veris ex bono, seu intellectualibus, in quibus sunt angeli in spirituali regno Domini; at soni ex instrumentis inflatoriis correspondent bonis, in quibus sunt angeli in regno caelesti Domini: (quod hae correspondentiae sint, videatur supra, n. 323 [a] , 326: et quod "citharae" significent confessiones ex veris spiritualibus, et quod "nablia" ex bonis, supra, n. 323): nunc quia caeli in duo regna distincti sunt, nempe in regnum caeleste, in quo sunt angeli qui in bono amoris sunt, et in regnum spirituale, in quo sunt angeli qui in veris ex illo bono, ideo dicitur quod "vox e caelo audita sit sicut vox tonitrui magni, et sicut vox citharaedorum pulsantium citharis"; per quae itaque significatur glorificatio Domini ex regno caelesti, ita ex bono amoris, et glorificatio Ipsius ex regno spirituali, ita a veris ex illo bono.

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