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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 855

855. And as the voice of a great thunder. That this signifies the glorification of the Lord from His celestial kingdom, is evident from the signification of a voice, as denoting the glorification of the Lord, as said above; and from the signification of a great thunder, as denoting the glorification of the Lord from His celestial kingdom.

The reason why glorification from the celestial kingdom is signified by thunder is, that from it there are not heard expressions of speech, but only sounds. The reason is, that all those who are in that kingdom speak from love, or from affection, which proceeds from the heart; and such speech, when it flows down from that heaven to those below, is heard as thunder. For all affections, in the spiritual world, are heard as sounds, with their variations; while the thoughts therefrom are made evident by the articulations of sound, called words; upon this subject see what is said above (n. 323, 393); and in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 234-245). But all those who are in the spiritual kingdom speak from thought, which belongs to the understanding, or the soul (anima); and when such speech flows down out of heaven to the parts below, it is heard either as a voice, or as harmonious music, or is seen as the brightness of a cloud, or as flame like that of lightning before thunder. This is why lightnings, thunders, and voices, in the Word, signify enlightenment, understanding, and perception, as may be seen above (n. 273, 702, 704); and that voices sent down from the celestial kingdom are heard as thunder (n. 353, 393, 821).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 855

855. And as the voice of a great thunder, signifies glorification of the Lord from His celestial kingdom. This is evident from the signification of "voice," as being glorification of the Lord, as above; also from the signification of "a great thunder," as being glorification of the Lord from His celestial kingdom. "Thunder" signifies glorification from the celestial kingdom, because from it only sounds, and not expressions of speech, are heard; and for the reason that all who are in that kingdom speak from love, that is, from affection, which is of the heart; and when such speech flows down from that heaven toward the regions below it is heard as thunder. For all affections in the spiritual world are heard as sounds with their variations, but the thoughts therefrom become manifested by the articulations of sound which are called words. (On this see above, n. 323, 393; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 234-245.) But all who are in the spiritual kingdom speak from thought, which belongs to the understanding or soul; and when such speech flows down out of heaven towards the regions below it is heard either as a voice or as harmonious music, or is seen before the eyes like the brightness of a cloud or like the flash of lightning before thunder. This is why "lightnings, thunders, and voices," signify in the Word enlightenment, understanding, and perception (See above, n. 273, 702, 704; and why voices let down from the celestial kingdom are heard as thunders (n. 353, 393, 821).

Apocalypsis Explicata 855 (original Latin 1759)

855. "Et tanquam vocem tonitrui magni." Quod significet glorificationem Domini e regno caelesti Ipsius, constat ex significatione "vocis", quod sit glorificatio Domini (ut mox supra); et ex significatione "tonitrui magni", quod sit glorificatio Domini e regno caelesti Ipsius: quod "tonitru" illam e regno caelesti significet, est quia ex eo non audiuntur voces loquelae, sed soni; causa est, quia omnes qui in illo regno sunt loquuntur ex amore, seu ex affectione quae cordis, et talis loquela, cum ex illo caelo versus inferiora delabitur, auditur sicut tonitru; omnes enim affectiones in mundo spirituali audiuntur sicut soni cum suis variationibus, at vero cogitationes inde sistuntur per articulationes soni, quae vocantur voces (de qua re videatur supra, n. 323 [a] , 393; et in opere De Caelo et Inferno 234-245): at vero omnes qui in regno spirituali sunt, loquuntur ex cogitatione quae intellectus seu animae; et talis loquela, cum e caelo versus inferiora delabitur, vel auditur sicut vox, vel sicut harmonicum musicum, vel coram oculis apparet sicut candidum nubis, aut sicut flammeum, quale est fulguris ante tonitrua: inde est quod per "fulgura", "tonitrua", et "voces" in Verbo significentur illustratio, intellectus et perceptio (videatur supra, n. 273, 702, 704); et quod voces e regno caelesti demissae audiantur sicut tonitrua (n. 353, 393, 821 [b]).

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