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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 86

86. And have the keys of hell and of death. That this signifies that He has the power of saving, is evident from the signification of keys, as being the power of opening and shutting (concerning which, see Arcana Coelestia 9410); and from the signification of hell, as being evils, because all evils are from hell and are of hell; and from the signification of death, as denoting damnation, which also is called spiritual death (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 5407, 6119, 9008). The reason why to have the keys of hell and of death, denotes also the power of saving, is, that the Lord alone removes the hells from man, and thereby damnation; and when they are removed, then man is saved, for in their place heaven and eternal life flow in. For the Lord is constantly present with man, and desires to infill him with heaven, but evils oppose its reception; therefore so far as the hells are removed, that is, so far as man desists from evils, so far the Lord with heaven flows in. The reason why the Lord here says that He has the keys of hell and of death, is, because in the immediately preceding words it is said, that He is alive unto the ages of the ages, by which is meant that life eternal is from Him. So far also as the Lord is received in faith and love, so far He is in man; and so far as He is in man, so far He removes evils, and thus the hells and eternal death. He alone effects this, on which account He is to be received, as is also evident from the passages quoted just above from the Word.

[2] The reason why by hell are signified evils of every kind, is that all evils are therefrom; whatsoever a man thinks or wills, is either from hell or heaven; if he thinks and wills evil, it is from hell, but if he thinks what is good, it is from heaven; nor is it possible for a man to think and will from any other source.

The man who believes that he thinks and wills from himself is ignorant of this; nevertheless, I can assert from all my experience concerning this circumstance, that everything that a man thinks and wills, is from either one or other of those two sources. This also is the reason why a man who thinks and wills evil, is actually in hell; and where he actually is when he lives in the world, thither also he comes after death; he cannot go to any other place, because his spirit is formed and composed of those things which he thinks and wills, therefore when he thinks and wills evil, he is wholly formed and constituted of evil, so that he is his own evil in form. Hence it is that infernal spirits are altogether the images of their own evil, monstrous and horrible according to the species of evil; but the only means by which a spirit can be formed and fitted for heaven is to receive the Lord in faith and love, for the Lord alone, because He is present in faith and love with man, removes evils, and forms him into an image of heaven, which is an angel.

[3] From these considerations it is evident what is signified by having the keys of hell and of death. The reason why they are called keys is, that all the hells are shut up, and only opened when evil spirits are cast in thither, and when any are taken out, as in the case when evils increase with men. The openings then made are called gates, and because they are called gates, therefore mention is made of keys, by which, on that account, is signified the power of opening and shutting, for the opening and shutting of gates is effected by means of keys. Something similar to this is signified by the keys given to Peter (The Last Judgment 57).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 86

86. And I have the keys of hell and of death, signifies that He has power to save. This is evident from the signification of "keys," as being the power to open and shut (See The Last Judgment 57).

Apocalypsis Explicata 86 (original Latin 1759)

86. "Et habeo claves inferni et mortis." - Quod significet quod Ipsi potentia salvandi, constat ex significatione "clavium", quod sint potentia aperiendi et claudendi (de qua n. 9410); et ex significatione "inferni", quod sint mala, quoniam omnia mala sunt ex inferno, et sint inferni; et ex significatione "mortis", quod sit damnatio, quae etiam vocatur mors spiritualis (de qua n. 5407, 6119, 9008); quod "habere claves inferni et mortis" etiam sit potentia salvandi, est quia Dominus solus removet inferna apud hominem, et per id damnationem; et quando illa remota sunt, tunc homo salvatur, nam loco eorum influit caelum et vita aeterna; nam Dominus constanter praesens est apud hominem, et vult implere illum caelo, sed obstant mala quin recipiatur; quapropter quantum inferna removentur, hoc est, quantum homo desistit a malis, tantum Dominus cum caelo influit. Quod Dominus hic Se dicat "habere claves inferni et mortis", est quia in mox praecedentibus dicitur quod Ipse sit "vivens in saecula saeculorum", per quod intelligitur quod ab Ipso sit vita aeterna; quantum etiam Dominus recipitur fide et amore tantum in homine est, et quantum in homine est tantum removet mala, et sic inferna et aeternam mortem; solus Ille hoc facit, quapropter Ille recipiendus est, ut quoque constare potest a locis e Verbo mox supra (n. 83) allatis. Quod per "infernum" significentur mala omnis generis, est quia omnia mala inde sunt; quicquid homo cogitat et vult, vel ex inferno vel ex caelo est; si cogitat et vult malum, ex inferno est; si autem cogitat (et vult) bonum, e caelo est; non datur aliunde cogitatio et voluntas hominis: homo, qui credit quod cogitet et velit ex se, hoc nescit; sed asseverare possum ex omni experientia de hac re, quod omnia quae homo cogitat et vult ab uno aut ab altero sint. Haec etiam causa est, quod homo qui cogitat et vult malum, actualiter in inferno sit; et ubi actualiter est cum vivit in mundo, illuc etiam veniat post mortem; non potest alio venire, quia spiritus ejus formatur et componitur ex illis quae homo cogitat et vult; quare cum cogitat et vult malum, totus est formatus et compositus a malo, sic ut sit suum malum in forma. Inde est quod spiritus infernales prorsus sint imagines sui mali, et monstra secundum mali speciem horrenda. Facere autem ut spiritus formetur et componatur ad caelum, est unicum medium ut recipiat Dominum fide et amore; nam Dominus solus, quia praesens est in fide et amore apud hominem, removet mala, et facit illum in imaginem caeli, quae est angelus. Ex his constare potest quid significatur per "habere claves inferni et mortis." Quod dicantur "claves", est, quia omnia inferna occlusa sunt, et modo aperta cum mali spiritus illuc injiciuntur, et cum aliqui inde eximuntur, quod fit cum increscunt mala apud homines; aperturae illae, quae tunc, dicuntur "portae"; et quia dicuntur "portae", ideo dicuntur "claves", per quas ideo significatur potentia aperiendi et claudendi, aperitio enim et occlusio portarum fit per claves. Simile quod hic etiam significatur per claves Petro datas (Matthaeus 16:18, 19), quoniam per "Petrum" ibi significatur verum ex bono quod a Domino; ita quod Domino soli, a quo omne verum dei et bonum amoris, sit illa potestas (videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 57).

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