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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 860

860. Redeemed from the earth. That this signifies, who, being instructed, received [that instruction] in the world, is evident from the signification of the ransomed or redeemed of the Lord, as denoting those who receive instruction from the Word, especially concerning the Lord; on which see what follows; and from the signification of the earth, as denoting the church, on which see above (n. 29, 304, 697, 741, 742, 752). Therefore by the redeemed from the earth are signified those who, being instructed, received in the church, consequently in the world, those things which the Lord taught in the Word.

It must be understood that only those can acknowledge and confess the Lord in another life who have acknowledged and confessed Him in the world; for the quality characterising a man's acknowledgment and confession therefrom in the world remains after death. Some believe that those who had no faith in the world will still receive it in the other life, when they hear from others, and see for themselves, what it is; as, for example, that there is a God, that the Lord is the Saviour of the world, that the Word is holy, and the like. But I can testify, that those who had no faith in the world, cannot have it after death, although they hear from the angels, and see with their own eyes, what it is.

It was tried with many who had not believed, in order that they might be brought to the faith, but in vain. It was evident, therefore, that according to a man's quality when he dies, such he remains to eternity. This is also meant by the five foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamps, but wished to procure it for themselves; and after they had bought it, and come to the house of the marriage, they were not admitted. By buying oil is signified to procure for themselves, after death, the good of love. There are many who procure for themselves something after death, when they become spirits; but this does not remain, because it was not interiorly rooted in them, as it is with those who, in the world, procure those things for themselves.

[2] The redeemed from the earth signify those who, having been instructed, received the acknowledgment of the Lord in the world. And because by buying is signified to procure the knowledges of truth and good, which is effected by instruction, so by the redeemed here are signified those who received instruction. That by buying and selling is signified to procure for oneself the knowledges of truth and good, and to communicate them to others, may be seen above (n. 840). And the reason why those who, having been instructed, received the faith of God, are said to be redeemed by the Lord is, that those who were estranged by falsities are said to be sold. Hence it is that those who are brought back from falsities to truths - that is, who are taken out of hell by the Lord, and led to heaven - are called the redeemed; and the Lord is called the Redeemer. That to redeem, where it is said of the Lord, signifies to vindicate from evils and set free from falsities, therefore from hell; and thus that it signifies to reform and regenerate, may be seen above (n. 328). That to redeem by His blood, signifies conjunction with the Divine by means of the acknowledgment of the Lord, and by the reception of Divine truth from Him, see above (n. 328, 329). That the Lord as to the Divine Human is called the Redeemer, see also above (n. 328).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 860

860. Those bought from the earth, signifies those who having been instructed have received that acknowledgment in the world. This is evident from the signification of "those bought," that is, redeemed by the Lord, as being those who receive instruction from the Word, especially respecting the Lord (of which presently); also from the signification of "the earth," as being the church (See above, n. 29, 304, 697, 741, 742, 752); consequently "those bought from the earth" signify those who, having been instructed, have received in the church, and thus in the world, what the Lord has taught in the Word. It is to be known that only those who have acknowledged and confessed the Lord in the world can confess and acknowledge Him in the other life; for what a man is in regard to acknowledgment and confession therefrom in the world, such he remains after death. Some believe that those who have not had faith in the world will nevertheless receive faith in the other life when they hear from others and themselves see that it is so, as that there is a God, that the Lord is the Savior of the world, that the Word is holy, and the like; but I can testify that those who have not had faith in the world cannot have faith after death, even when they both hear from the angels and see with their own eyes that it is so. I have seen this tried with many who had not believed, that they might be induced to believe, but in vain; which made clear that what a man is when he dies such he remains to eternity. And this is what is meant by the five foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamps, but who wished to get oil for themselves; but when they had bought it and had come to the house of the wedding feast they were not admitted. "To buy oil" signifies to acquire the good of love for oneself after death. There are many such who acquire for themselves something after death, when they have become spirits; but this does not remain, because it has not been interiorly rooted, as it is with those who acquire those things for themselves in the world.

[2] "Those bought from the earth" signify those who, having been instructed, have received the acknowledgment of the Lord in the world, because "to buy" signifies to acquire for oneself the knowledges of truth and good, which is done by instruction; thus "those bought" signify here those who having been instructed receive. That "to buy and to sell" signify to acquire for oneself the knowledges of truth and good and to communicate them to others, may be seen above n. 840. Those who having been instructed have received the faith of God are called by the Lord "bought," because those who have been estranged by falsities are called "sold;" and for this reason those who have been led from falsities to truths, thus who have been delivered by the Lord from hell and have been led to heaven are called "the redeemed," and the Lord is called "the Redeemer." "To redeem" signifies in reference to the Lord to deliver from evils and to liberate from falsities, that is, from hell, and thus it signifies to reform and regenerate (as may be seen above, n. 328. "To redeem by His blood" signifies conjunction with the Divine through the acknowledgment of the Lord, and through reception of the Divine truth from Him (See n. 328, 329). The Lord is called "the Redeemer" as to the Divine Human (See also above, n. 328).

Apocalypsis Explicata 860 (original Latin 1759)

860. "Empti e terra." Quod significet qui instructi receperunt in mundo, constat ex significatione "emptorum" seu redemptorum a Domino, quod sint qui instructionem ex Verbo recipiunt, imprimis de Domino (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "terrae", quod sit ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 29, 304, 697, 741 [b-d] , 742, 752); inde per "emptos e terra" significantur qui instructi receperunt in ecclesia, proinde in mundo, illa quae Dominus in Verbo docuit. Sciendum est quod non alii possint agnoscere et confiteri Dominum in altera vita, quam qui agnoverunt et confessi sunt Ipsum in mundo; nam qualis homo quoad agnitionem et inde confessionem est in mundo, talis manet post mortem. Credunt quidam quod qui fidem non habuerunt in mundo, usque fidem recepturi sint in altera vita, quando ab aliis audiunt, ac ipsi vident quod ita sit; ut quod Deus sit, quod Dominus sit Salvator mundi, quod Verbum sanctum sit, et similia; sed testari possum quod qui fidem non habuerunt in mundo, non fidem habere possint post mortem, tametsi et audiunt ab angelis, ac vident suis oculis, quod ita sit; tentatum est cum multis qui non crediderunt, ut adducerentur ad fidem, sed incassum: inde patuit, quod qualis homo est cum moritur, talis maneat in aeternum. Hoc etiam intelligitur per "quinque virgines stultas", quae non habuerunt oleum in lampadibus, sed sibi illud comparare voluerunt; et postquam illud emerunt, et venerunt ad domum nuptiarum, usque non admissae sunt: per "emere oleum" significatur comparare sibi bonum amoris post mortem. Sunt illis similes plures qui sibi comparant aliquid post mortem, cum facti sunt spiritus; sed non manet, quia non irradicatum est intus, sicut fit apud illos qui comparant sibi illa in mundo.

[2] Quod per "emptos e terra" significentur qui instructi receperunt agnitionem Domini in mundo, est quia per "emere" significatur comparare sibi cognitiones veri et boni, quod fit per instructionem; ita per "emptos" hic significantur qui instructi recipiunt. Quod per "emere" et "vendere" significetur comparare sibi cognitiones veri et boni, et communicare illas aliis, videatur supra (n. 840). Quod dicantur a Domino "empti", qui instructi receperunt fidem Dei, est quia illi qui abalienati sunt per falsa, dicuntur "venditi"; inde est quod illi qui a falsis reducti sunt ad vera, ita qui ab inferno exempti a Domino sunt, et perducti ad caelum, dicantur "redempti", ac Dominus dicatur "Redemptor." Quod "redimere", ubi de Domino, significet vindicare a malis, et liberare a falsis, ita ab inferno, et sic quod significet reformare et regenerare, videatur supra (n. 328): quod "redimere sanguine suo" significet conjunctionem cum Divino per agnitionem Domini, ac per receptionem Divini Veri ab Ipso (n. 328, 329): quod Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum dicatur "Redemptor" (n. 328 [f]).

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