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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 859

859. And no man could learn the song save the hundred and forty and four thousand. That this signifies that the acknowledgment and confession of the Lord is possible with those only who are in faith from charity, or in truths from good, is evident from the signification of a new song, as denoting the acknowledgment and confession of the Lord, concerning which see just above (n. 857); and from the signification of a hundred and forty and four thousand, as denoting all who are in truths from good; thus those who are in faith from charity; and, in the abstract, truths from good, concerning which see above (n. 430). That these are meant by the hundred and forty and four thousand sealed out of all the tribes, is evident from the explanation of chapter vii., where the twelve thousand sealed out of each tribe, and the hundred and forty-four thousand out of all the tribes, are treated of. Also that they are those who acknowledge the Lord and His Divine Human, and therefore are amongst those who in the time of a Last Judgment are separated from the evil, and elevated into heaven by the Lord, and saved. For, as was said above, the subject treated of in this chapter is the separation of the good from the evil before the Last Judgment. Therefore the good who are separated from the evil, are meant by the hundred and forty and four thousand sealed out of all the tribes.

[2] From these things it is now evident, that by no man could learn the song save the hundred and forty and four thousand, is signified that the acknowledgment and confession of the Lord is possible among no others but those who are in faith from charity, or in truths from good. The reason why the acknowledgment and confession of the Lord is not possible in the case of others is, that no others can receive influx from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord. For the Lord with every one flows into his life; and the life of heaven is from love or charity, thus from good. And the quality of the love or charity is according to its formation by truths. Hence, then, is man's life. No other life, therefore, receives influx out of heaven from the Lord, and thence acknowledges and confesses the Lord in heart, but the life of faith from charity, or the life of truth from good.

The life of faith separated from charity, or the life of truth separated from good, is a merely natural life; which neither receives, nor can receive anything from heaven, because from that life no communication with heaven is possible; for communication with heaven is possible only by means of spiritual love, which is also called charity; thus by a life according to truths from the Word. This life has no existence with those who separate faith from charity, and believe that they shall be saved by faith alone, that is, by faith separated from good works.

Now, since by the hundred and forty and four thousand are meant those who are in truths from good, or who are in faith from charity, it is evident why those alone could learn the song; that is, could in heart acknowledge and confess the Lord, to be the only God, and the Trinity to be in Him.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 859

859. And no one was able to learn the song save the hundred forty-four thousand, signifies that acknowledgment and confession of the Lord was possible only with those who are in faith from charity, or in truths from good. This is evident from the signification of "the new song," as being acknowledgment and confession of the Lord (See just above, n. 857; also from the signification of "the hundred forty-four thousand," as being all who are in truths from good, thus who are in faith from charity, and in a sense abstracted from persons, truths from good (See above, n. 430). That these are meant by "the hundred forty-four thousand sealed out of all the tribes" can be seen from the explanation of the seventh chapter, where "the twelve thousand sealed out of each tribe" and "the hundred forty-four thousand" out of all the tribes, are treated of; and it is shown that these are those who acknowledge the Lord and His Divine Human, and therefore are among those who are separated from the evil, and raised up into heaven by the Lord and saved at the time of the Last Judgment; for as has been said above, this chapter treats of the separation of the good from the evil previous to the Last Judgment; therefore the good who are separated from the evil are meant by "the hundred forty-four thousand" that were sealed out of all the tribes.

[2] This makes evident that the words "no one was able to learn the song save the hundred forty-four thousand" signify that acknowledgment and confession of the Lord was possible only with those who are in faith from charity, or in truths from good. Acknowledgment and confession of the Lord is not possible with any others, because no others can receive influx from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord. For the Lord flows into the life of everyone; and the life of heaven is from love or charity, that is from good; and the quality of love or charity is formed by truths. From this, then, is man's life; and therefore no other life receives influx out of heaven from the Lord, and thus acknowledges and confesses the Lord in heart, than the life of faith from charity or the life of truth from good. The life of faith separated from charity or the life of truth separated from good is a merely natural life, which receives nothing and can receive nothing from heaven, because from that life no communication with heaven is possible; for communication with heaven is given only through spiritual love, which is also called charity, that is, through a life according to truths from the Word; and that life is not given with those who separate faith from charity and believe that they are saved by faith alone, that is, by faith separated from good works. Since, then, "the hundred forty-four thousand" mean those who are in truths from good or who are in faith from charity, it is evident why they alone were able to learn the song, that is, were able to acknowledge and confess the Lord in heart, namely, that He is the only God, and that the trinity is in Him.

Apocalypsis Explicata 859 (original Latin 1759)

859. "Et nemo poterat discere canticum nisi quam illi centum quadraginta quatuor millia." Quod significet quod agnito et confessio Domini solum dari potuerit apud illos qui in fide ex charitate, seu qui in veris ex bono sunt, constat ex significatione "cantici novi", quod sit agnitio et confessio Domini (de qua mox supra, n. 857); et ex significatione "centum quadraginta quatuor millium", quod sint omnes qui in veris ex bono sunt, ita qui in fide ex charitate, et abstracte a personis vera ex bono (de qua supra, n. 430); quod illi per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia obsignatos ex omnibus tribubus" intelligantur, constare potest ab explicatione capitis 7 praecedentis, ubi de "duodecim millibus" obsignatis ex unaquavis tribu, et de "centum quadraginta quatuor millibus" ex omnibus tribubus, agitur; tum quod etiam illi sint qui Dominum et Divinum Humanum Ipsius agnoscunt, ac ideo inter illos sunt qui tempore ultimi judicii separantur a malis, ac elevantur in caelum a Domino, et salvantur: nam, ut supra dictum est, agitur in hoc capite de separatione bonorum a malis ante ultimum judicium; quare boni, qui a malis separati sunt, intelliguntur per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" signatos ex omnibus tribubus.

[2] Ex his nunc patet quod per "nemo poterat discere canticum nisi quam illi centum quadraginta quatuor millia", significetur quod agnitio et confessio Domini apud alios non dari possit quam apud illos qui in fide ex charitate, seu qui in veris ex bono sunt: causa quod agnitio et confessio Domini apud alios non dari possit, est quia non alii possunt recipere influxum e caelo, hoc est, per caelum a Domino; Dominus enim apud unumquemvis influit in vitam ejus, et vita caeli est ex amore seu ex charitate, ita ex bono, et amor seu charitas talis est qualis per vera formatur; inde nunc vita hominis; quare non alia vita recipit influxum e caelo a Domino, et inde corde agnoscit et confitetur Ipsum, quam vita fidei ex charitate, seu vita veri ex bono: vita fidei separatae a charitate, seu vita veri separati a bono, est vita mere naturalis, quae non aliquid recipit e caelo, nec recipere potest, quia ex illa vita non aliqua communicatio datur cum caelo; nam communicatio solum datur per amorem spiritualem, qui etiam vocatur charitas, ita per vitam secundum vera ex Verbo, quae vita non datur apud illos qui fidem separant a charitate, et credunt quod per solam fidem, hoc est, per fidem separatam a bonis operibus, salventur. Nunc quia per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" intelliguntur qui in veris ex bono sunt, seu qui in fide ex charitate, patet cur illi soli potuerunt discere canticum, hoc est, corde agnoscere et confiteri Dominum, nempe Ipsum solum Deum, ac Trinitatem in Ipso.

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