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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 862

862. (Verse 4) These are they which were not defiled with women. That this signifies, who have not falsified the truths of the Word, is evident from the signification of being defiled and contaminated with women, as denoting to falsify the truths of the Word. For the signification, here, is the same as that of committing whoredom and playing the harlot. That by whoredoms, harlotries, and adulteries, so often mentioned in the prophetical parts of the Word, are signified the falsifications and adulterations of the truth and good of doctrine pertaining to the church, and consequently to the Word, may be seen above (n. 141, 161, 511, 695, 803). Hence it is the words "for they are virgins" follow, which signify that they are in the affection or love of truth for the sake of truth.

The reason why it is said of those hundred and forty and four thousand that they are not defiled with women, because they are virgins, is, that by those hundred and forty and four thousand are meant all those who are in truths from good; and those who are in truths from good cannot falsify truths. For good opens the spiritual mind which receives light from heaven, and enlightens the natural mind. Therefore when truths appear, they are acknowledged and received, and falsities rejected. It is quite different with those who are in truths without good. Although these believe themselves to be in truths, they are yet in falsities. For truths without good have neither light nor life; therefore they are inwardly black and dead, as it were; and, consequently, when interiorly regarded by them, they are either falsified or separated as if they had no existence. Such are the truths of the Word with those who are in faith separated from charity. When such persons speak from the literal sense of the Word, they cannot but speak truths, because all things of the Word are truths. But those that stand out in the literal sense are appearances of truth; being for the simple-minded and for children, and thence adapted to their apprehension. But when any one of those who are in faith separated from charity interiorly examines them, and wishes to bring out their genuine sense or the genuine truth, he falls into falsities, by means of which he destroys the very truths of heaven, and consequently closes heaven against himself. It is otherwise with those who are in truths from good; for such persons are continually enlightened by the Lord; for the Lord flows into good, and by means of good into truths with man; but not into truths without good, and, consequently, not into faith without charity.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 862

862. Verse 4. These are they that were not defiled with women, signifies those who have not falsified the truths of the Word. This is evident from the signification of "to be defiled and contaminated with women," as being to falsify the truths of the Word, since this has the same signification as "to commit whoredom" and "to play the harlot." That "whoredoms," "harlotries," and "adulteries," which are so often mentioned in the prophecies of the Word, signify falsifications and adulterations of the truth and good of the doctrine of the church, thus of the Word, may be seen above (n. 141, 161, 511, 695, 803); therefore it is added "for they are virgins," which signifies that they are in the affection or love of truth for the sake of truth. It is said that these hundred forty-four thousand "are not defiled with women, for they are virgins," because these hundred forty-four thousand mean all who are in truths from good; and those who are in truths from good cannot falsify truths, because good opens the spiritual mind, which receives light from heaven and enlightens the natural mind; therefore when truths appear they are acknowledged and received, and falsities are rejected. It is altogether different with those who are in truths without good. Such are in falsities, although they believe themselves to be in truths. For truths without good have no light or life; consequently they are inwardly as it were black and dead; and therefore when interiorly regarded by such they are either falsified or are scattered as if they were nothing. Such are the truths of the Word with those who are in faith separated from charity. When these speak from the sense of the letter of the Word they can speak nothing else than truths, since all things of the Word are truths; and yet those things that constitute the sense of the letter are appearances of truth because they are for the simple and for little children, and therefore are adapted to their apprehension. But when one who is in faith separated from charity interiorly examines these appearances of truth and undertakes to draw forth their genuine meaning or genuine truth he falls into falsities, by which he destroys the very truths of heaven, and thus closes heaven to himself. It is otherwise with those who are in truths from good; for these are continually enlightened by the Lord; for the Lord flows into good, and through good into truths with man; but not into truths without good, thus not into faith without charity.

Apocalypsis Explicata 862 (original Latin 1759)

862. [Vers. 4.] "Hi sunt qui cum mulieribus non sunt inquinati." Quod significet qui non falsificaverunt vera Verbi, constat ex significatione "inquinari" et "contaminari cum mulieribus", quod sit falsificare vera Verbi; simile enim per illud significatur, quod per "scortari" et "meretricari." Quod per "scortationes", "meretricatus" et "adulteria", quae toties in propheticis Verbi nominantur, significentur falsificationes et adulterationes veri ac boni doctrinae ecclesiae, ita Verbi, videatur supra (n. 141, 161, 511, 695 [d] 803 [a]): inde est quod sequatur, "virgines enim sunt", per quod significatur quod in affectione seu amore veri propter verum sint. Causa quod de illis centum quadraginta quatuor millibus dicatur quod "cum mulieribus non inquinati essent, quia virgines sunt", est quia per illos "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" intelliguntur omnes qui in veris ex bono sunt; et illi qui in veris ex bono sunt, non possunt falsificare vera; bonum enim aperit spiritualem mentem, quae recipit lucem e caelo, ac illustrat mentem naturalem; inde vera, quando apparent, agnoscuntur et recipiuntur, ac falsa rejiciuntur: aliter prorsus apud illos qui in veris absque bono sunt; hi tametsi credunt se in veris esse, usque sunt in falsis: vera enim absque bono non aliquam lucem nec vitam habent; quare sunt intus sicut nigra et sunt mortua; ideo cum interius ab illis spectantur, tunc vel falsificantur vel sicut nulla forent disparantur. Talia sunt vera Verbi apud illos qui in fide separata a charitate sunt; hi dum ex Verbi sensu litterae loquuntur, non possunt aliter quam vera loqui, quia omnia Verbi vera sunt; sed quae in sensu litterae exstant sunt apparentiae veri, quia pro simplicibus et infantibus, et inde ad illorum captum; at dum aliquis ex illis qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, interius lustrat illa, ac satagit illorum genuinum sensum seu genuinum verum educere, labitur in falsa, per quae ipsa vera caeli destruit, et inde sibi caelum claudit: aliter illi qui in veris ex bono sunt, hi enim a Domino continue illustrantur; nam Dominus influit in bonum, et per bonum in vera apud hominem, non autem in vera absque bono, ita nec in fidem absque charitate.

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