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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 869

869. (Verse 6) And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven. That this signifies manifestation everywhere from the Lord, is evident from the signification of the angel flying in the midst of heaven, as denoting manifestation from the Lord, everywhere. For an angel signifies something from the Lord, because angels are not angels from themselves, but from the Lord; for they are recipients of the Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord; therefore also angels, in the Word, signify Divine truths. Nor is heaven itself heaven from the proprium of the angels, but from the Divine, which is within them; concerning which see above (n. 130, 200, 302). By flying is signified circumspection and presence; concerning which also see above (n. 282); but, here, manifestation, because it manifested the Advent of the Lord, which is meant by having an eternal gospel; and, also, the approach of the Last Judgment. And by in the midst is signified everywhere; concerning which also see above (n. 213). It is therefore evident that by the angel flying in the midst of heaven is signified manifestation everywhere from the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 869

869. Verse 6. And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, signifies manifestation everywhere from the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "an angel flying in the midst of heaven," as being manifestation from the Lord everywhere, since an "angel" signifies something from the Lord, for angels are not angels from themselves but from the Lord, for they are recipients of the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord, and for this reason they signify in the Word Divine truths. Nor is heaven itself heaven from that which is the angel's own [proprium], but from the Divine that is with them (See above, n. 130, 200, 302). "To fly" signifies oversight and presence (See above, n. 282), but here manifestation; because it made manifest the Lord's coming, which is meant by "having the eternal gospel," and also the coming of the Last Judgment; and "in the midst" signifies everywhere (See above, n. 313); from which it is clear that "the angel flying in the midst of heaven" signifies manifestation everywhere from the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 869 (original Latin 1759)

869. [Vers. 6.] "Et vidi alium angelum volantem in medio caeli." Quod significet manifestationem ubivis a Domino, constat ex significatione "angeli volantis in medio caeli", quod sit a Domino manifestatio ubivis; per "angelum" enim significatur aliquid a Domino; quia angeli non sunt angeli a se, sed a Domino, sunt enim recipientes Divini Veri quod procedit a Domino; quare etiam "angeli" in Verbo significant Divina vera; ipsum caelum nec est caelum ab angelorum proprio, sed ex Divino quod est apud illos (de qua re videatur supra, n. 130 [a] , 200, 302): per "volare" significatur circumspectio et praesentia (de quo etiam supra, n. 282); hic vero manifestatio, quia manifestavit adventum Domini, quod intelligitur per quod "haberet Evangelium aeternum", et quoque adventum ultimi judicii; et per "in medio" significatur ubivis (de quo etiam supra, n. 313 1

): inde patet quod per "angelum volantem in medio caeli", significetur manifestatio ubivis a Domino.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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