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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 929

929. For in them is consummated the anger of God. That this signifies, thus the end of the church, is evident from the signification of the anger of God, as denoting when there is no more any good and truth, but evil and falsity. These things, because they are opposed to the Lord and heaven, are called the anger of God. This is why the last time of the church, and the Last Judgment at that time, are called the day of God's anger, wrath, and vengeance (as may be seen above, n. 413); and that wrath is attributed to the Lord, which, notwithstanding, pertains to the evil; for in all evil there is anger against the Lord, and consequently against the good and truth, which are from the Lord.

The reason why anger is said to be consummated is, that consummation also signifies the end of the church, or when there is no longer any good and truth, but evil and falsity, as may be seen above (n. 397); and the reason why the Last Judgment does not come before a consummation has been made (n. 624, 911).

Every church, in the beginning, is in good and thence in truths, or in charity and thence in faith; but afterwards it is in faith and thence in charity, and lastly in faith separated from charity. When it is in charity and thence in faith, the church is spiritual; when it is in faith and thence in charity, the church is rational; but when it is in faith separated from charity, it is then natural. And a church merely natural is no church; for the merely natural man regards himself and the world, and not the Lord and heaven, the latter being on his lips only, but the former in his heart. And when the church is such, then it is consummated.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 929

929. For in them was consummated the anger of God, signifies thus the end of the church. This is evident from the signification of "the anger of God," as being when there is no longer any good or truth, but only evil and falsity; and because these are against the Lord and against heaven they are called "the anger of God;" and this, too, is why the last time of the church, and the Last Judgment at that time, are called "the day of God's anger, wrath, and vengeance" (See above, n. 413); also why anger is attributed to the Lord, when in fact it belongs to the evil; for all evil contains anger against the Lord, and consequently against good and truth, which are from the Lord. The "anger" is said to be "consummated," because "consummation" signifies the end of the church or when there is no longer any good or truth, but only evil and falsity. (See above, n. 397); also why the Last Judgment does not come until the consummation has been accomplished, n. 624, 911.) Every church in its beginning is in good and from that in truths, or in charity and from that in faith; but afterwards it is in faith and from that in charity, and finally in faith separated from charity. When it is in charity and from that in faith the church is spiritual; when it is in faith and from that in charity the church is rational; and when it is in faith separated from charity it is natural; and a merely natural church is no church, for the merely natural man has regard only for self and the world, and no regard for the Lord and heaven-the latter is on his lips only, the former in his heart-and when the church is such then it has been consummated.

Apocalypsis Explicata 929 (original Latin 1759)

929. "Quoniam in illis consummata est ira Dei." - Quod significet sic finem ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "irae Dei", quod sit dum non amplius bonum et verum, sed malum et falsum; haec, quia contra Dominum et contra caelum sunt, vocantur "ira Dei"; inde quoque est quod ultimum tempus ecclesiae, ac ultimum judicium tunc, dicantur "dies irae", "excandescentiae" et "vindictae Dei" (videatur supra, n. 413); et quod ira tribuatur Domino, quae tamen est malis; nam omni malo inest ira contra Dominum, et inde contra bonum et verum quae a Domino. Quod ira dicatur "consummata", est quia "consummatio" etiam significat finem ecclesiae, aut cum non amplius bonum et verum sed malum et falsum. (Videatur n. 397; et cur ultimum judicium non prius veniat, quam cum consummatio facta est, n. 624 [a] 911 [a] .) Omnis ecclesia est in principio in bono et inde veris, seu in charitate et inde fide, at postea est in fide et inde charitate, et demum in fide separata a charitate. Quando in charitate et inde fide est, ecclesia est spiritualis; quando autem in fide et inde charitate, est ecclesia rationalis; at cum in fide separata a charitate est, tunc est naturalis, et ecclesia mere naturalis est nulla ecclesia; homo enim mere naturalis non spectat nisi ad semet et ad mundum, et non ad Dominum et ad caelum; haec oris ejus sunt, et illa cordis; et quando ecclesia talis est, tunc consummata est.

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