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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 937

937. That Moses signifies the Word of the Old Testament, is evident from certain passages in the Word where he is mentioned. In some places, however, by Moses is meant the law in its strictest sense, which is the law published from Mount Sinai. In some, the law in a broader sense, which is the historical Word, is meant by him. But in the present case the Word of the Old Testament is meant, both historical and prophetical. The reason why Moses signifies the Word is, that the Ten Precepts, and afterwards the Five Books, which were the first [portion] of the Word, were not from himself but from the Lord through him.

That Moses is mentioned instead of the law and the Word is plain from the following passages. In Luke:

"Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them; if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead" (16:29, 31).

Here by Moses and the Prophets is meant the same as elsewhere by the Law and the Prophets, namely, the historical and prophetical Word.

In the same:

Jesus, "beginning from Moses and all the prophets, interpreted in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (24:27).

In the same:

"All things must be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me" (24:44).

In John:

Philip said, "We have found him, of whom Moses hath written in the law" (1:45).

In the same:

"In the law Moses commanded us" (8:5).

In Daniel:

"The curse hath poured down upon us; and the oath, which is written in the law of Moses, the servant of God; because we have sinned against him. As it is written in the law of Moses, every evil cometh upon us" (9:11, 13).

In Joshua:

Joshua wrote upon the stone of the altar "a copy of the law of Moses" (8:32).

In John:

"Moses gave to you the law, Moses gave to you circumcision. If a man receive circumcision on the Sabbath, thus that the law of Moses might not be broken" (7:19 22, 23).

In Mark:

"Moses hath said, Honour thy father and thy mother" (7:10).

[2] Because on account of the representation, that is attributed to Moses which was done by the Lord through him, therefore the law of Moses and the law of the Lord are both mentioned in Luke:

"When the days of their purification were fulfilled according to the law of Moses, they brought him to Jerusalem (even as it is written in the law of the Lord, that every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord) to offer the sacrifice, according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtle doves, and two young pigeons" (2:22-24, 29).

[3] Because Moses represented the law, it was allowed him to enter in to the Lord upon Mount Sinai, and not only to receive there the Tables of the Law, but also to hear the statutes and judgments of the Law; and to command them to the people. And it is also said, that they might thence believe in Moses for ever:

"Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold I will come to thee in the mist of a cloud, that the people may hear, when I shall speak unto thee; and also may believe in thee for ever" (Exodus 19:9).

[4] It is said, in the mist of a cloud, because by a cloud is signified the Word in the letter. Hence also when Moses entered in to the Lord on Mount Sinai,

He entered into a cloud (Exodus 20:18; 24:2, 18; 35:2-4).

That a cloud signifies the sense of the letter of the Word may be seen (n. Exodus 34:28 to end).

The radiation of the face signified the internal of the law; for this is in the light of heaven. The reason of his veiling his face when he spake with the people was, became the internal of the Word was covered, and so obscured to that people, that they could not sustain anything of the light thence.

[5] Since Moses represented the Lord as to the historical Word, and Elias the Lord as to the prophetical Word, therefore, when the Lord was transfigured, Moses and Elias were seen talking with Him (624, 724).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 937

937. That "Moses" signifies the Word of the Old Testament can be seen from certain passages in the Word in which he is mentioned. But in some passages "Moses" means the law in the strictest sense, which is the law given from Mount Sinai; in others, the law in a broader sense, which is the historical Word; while here the Word of the Old Testament, both historical and prophetical, is meant. "Moses" signifies the Word because the Ten Commandments, and afterwards the Five Books, which were the first part of the Word, were not from him but from the Lord through him. That Moses is mentioned instead of the law and the Word, is evident from the following passages. In Luke:

Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. If they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded if one should rise from the dead (Luke 16:29, 31).

Here "Moses and the prophets" have a like meaning as the "law and the prophets" elsewhere, namely, the historical and prophetical Word. In the same:

Jesus, beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, interpreted in all the Scriptures the things that pertained to Himself (Luke 24:27).

In the same:

All things must needs be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning Me (Luke 24:44)

In John:

Philip said, We have found Jesus, of whom Moses in the law did write (John 1:45).

In the same:

In the law Moses commanded us (John 8:5).

In Daniel:

The curse hath flowed down upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against Him. As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us (Daniel 9:11, 13).

In Joshua:

Joshua wrote upon the stone of the altar a copy of the law of Moses (Joshua 8:32).

In John:

Moses gave to you the law. Moses gave you the circumcision. If a man receive circumcision on the sabbath, that the law of Moses might not be broken (John 7:19, 22, 33).

In Mark:

Moses hath said, Honor thy father and thy mother (Mark 7:10).

[2] That which was from the Lord through Moses was attributed to Moses because of the representation; therefore the terms "the law of Moses" and "the law of the Lord" are both used in Luke:

When the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought Him up to Jerusalem, (as it is written in the law of the Lord, that every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord), that they might offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons (Luke 2:22-24, 39).

[3] Because Moses represented the law it was permitted him to come into the presence of the Lord on Mount Sinai, and not only to receive there the Tables of the Law, but also to hear the statutes and judgments of the law, and command them to the people; and it is added, that they might therefore believe in Moses forever:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Lo, I will come unto thee in the mist of a cloud, that the people may hear when I shall speak unto thee, and may also believe in thee forever (36, 594, 905, 906.)

[4] Because Moses represented the Lord as to the law or the Word, therefore:

When he came down from Mount Sinai the skin of his face shone; therefore when he spoke with the people he put a veil over his face (Exodus 34:28-35).

"The shining of the face" signified the internal of the law, for that is in the light of heaven. He veiled his face when he spoke with the people because the internal of the Word was covered and thus obscured to that people to protect them from anything of its light.

[5] Because Moses represented the Lord as to the historical Word, and Elijah the Lord as to the prophetical Word, when the Lord was transfigured Moses and Elijah were seen talking with Him (624.)

[6] Because Moses and Elijah taken together represented the Word, where Elijah is spoken of as the one sent before the Lord, both are mentioned, in Malachi:

Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, the statutes and the judgments. Lo, I send to you Elijah the prophet, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes (624, 724).

Apocalypsis Explicata 937 (original Latin 1759)


Quod "Moses" significet Verbum Veteris Testamenti, constare potest ex quibusdam locis in Verbo ubi nominatur; in aliquibus tamen per "Mosen" intelligitur Lex in strictissimo sensu, quae est Lex lata e MonteSinai, in aliquibus per illum intelligitur Lex in latiori sensu, quae est Verbum Historicum; hic vero Verbum tam Historicum quam Propheticum Veteris Testamenti.

Quod "Moses" significet Verbum, est quia decem praecepta, et dein quinque Libri, qui primum Verbi erant, non ab ipso sed per ipsum a Domino fuerunt. Quod Moses nominetur pro Lege et pro Verbo, constat a sequentibus locis: Apud Lucam,

"Dixit illi Abraham, Habent Mosen et Prophetas, audiunto illos: .... si Mosen et Prophetas non audiunt, nec si quis ex mortuis resurrexerit, persuadebuntur" (16:29, 31);

hic per "Mosen et Prophetas" simile intelligitur quod per "Legem et Prophetas" alibi, nempe Verbum Historicum et Propheticum.

Apud eundem,

Jesus "incipiens a Mose et ab omnibus Prophetis, interpretatus est in omnibus Scripturis quae ad Ipsum pertinerent" (24:27);

apud eundem,

"Oportet impleri omnia quae scripta sunt in Lege Mosis et Prophetis et Psalmis de Me" (24:44);

apud Johannem,

Philippus dixit, "Quem scripsit Moses in Lege, .... invenimus Jesum" (1:46 [B.A. 45]);

apud eundem,

"In Lege Moses nobis praecepit" (8:5);

apud Danielem,

"Defluxit super nos maledictio et juramentum, quod scriptum in Lege Mosis servi Dei, quia peccavimus Ipsi. .... Sicut scriptum in Lege Mosis, omne malum . . venit super nos" (9:11, 13);

apud Joschuam,

Jehoschua scripsit super lapide altaris "copiam Legis Mosis" (8:32);

apud Johannem,

"Moses dedit vobis Legem. .... Moses dedit vobis circumcisionem. .... Si circumcisionem accipit homo in Sabbatho, ita ut non solvatur Lex Mosis" (7:19, 22, 23);

apud Marcum,

"Moses dixit, Honora patrem tuum et matrem tuam" (7:10).

[2] Quia ob repraesentationem tribuitur Mosi quod per illum a Domino, ideo dicitur et "Lex Mosis" et "Lex Domini" apud Lucam,

"Cum . . impleti sunt dies purificationis illorum juxta Legem Mosis, deduxerunt Ipsum in Hierosolymam, ...quemadmodum scriptum est in Lege Domini, quod omnis masculus aperiens uterum, sanctum Domino vocandus, et darent sacrificium, juxta quod dictum in Lege Domini, par turturum, et duos pullos columbarum" (2:22-24, 39).

[3] Quia Moses repraesentabat Legem, licuit illi intrare ad Dominum super Monte Sinai, et non solum recipere tabulas Legis ibi, sed etiam audire Legis statuta et judicia, et illa mandare populo; et quoque dicitur quod inde in Mosen crederent in aeternum:

"Dixit Jehovah ad Mosen, ecce Ego veniam ad te in nebula nubis, ut audiat populus quando locutus fuero ad te, et etiam in te credant in aeternum" (Exodus 19:9):

"in nebula nubis" dicitur, quia per "nubem" significatur Verbum in littera: inde quoque cum Moses intravit ad Dominum super Monte Sinai,

Intravit in nubem (Exodus 20:18 [B.A. 21] ; cap. Exodus 24:2, 18; 34:2-5).

(Quod "nubes significet sensum litterae Verbi, videatur [supra,] n. 36, 594, 905, 906.)

[4] Quoniam Moses repraesentabat Dominum quoad Legem seu Verbum, ideo

Cum descendit de Monte Sinai, radiabat cutis facierum ejus; quare cum loqueretur cum populo, dabat velamen super facies suas (Exodus 34:28 ad fin. ):

"radiatio facierum" significabat internum Legis, nam hoc est in luce caeli: quod velaret faciem cum loqueretur cum populo, erat quia internum Verbi fuit obtectum, ac ita obscuratum isti populo, ut non sustinuerint aliquid lucis inde.

[5] Quia per Mosen repraesentabatur Dominus quoad Verbum Historicum, et per Eliam Dominus quoad Verbum Propheticum, idcirco cum Dominus transformatus est, visi sunt Moses et Elias cum Ipso colloquentes (Matthaeus 17:3); nec alii cum Domino, quando Divinum Ipsius in mundo apparuit, colloqui potuerunt, quam qui significabant Verbum, nam collocutio cum Domino, est per Verbum. (Quod Elias repraesentaverit Dominum quoad Verbum, videatur [supra] , n. 624 [e] .)

[6] Et quia uterque, tam Moses quam Elias, simul repraesentabant Verbum, ideo ubi agitur de Elia, quod mitteretur ante Dominum, memoratur uterque apud Malachiam,

"Mementote Legis Mosis, servi mei, quam praecepi illi in Chorebo pro toto Israele, statutorum et judiciorum: en Ego mittens vobis Eliam Prophetam, antequam venit dies Jehovae magnus et terribilis" (Malachiam 3:22-24 [B.A. Malachiam 4:4-6]);

per "Eliam prophetam" intelligitur Johannes Baptista, quia per eum similiter ac per Eliam repraesentatum est Verbum (videatur [supra,] n. 624 [e] 724 [d]).

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