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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 99

99. And that thou canst not bear them that are evil. That this signifies that they reject evils, is evident from the signification of not being able to bear, as being to reject, for what a man cannot bear, he rejects. The reason why those who are evil signify evils, is, that the angels think abstractedly from persons, and hence, when, in the sense of the letter of the Word, the evil are spoken of, they think of evils; for by the evil are meant man who are evil, thus persons. The reason why such is the thought of the angels is, that they are in heavenly wisdom, and that wisdom has extension into the whole heaven; therefore if their thought should have reference to persons, that extension would perish, and with it also their wisdom. In this, what is spiritual differs from what is natural. This is now the reason why by the evil are signified evils. (Concerning the wisdom of angels, as having extension into the whole heaven, through their thinking apart from space, from time, and from what is material, see the work, Heaven and Hell 169, 191-199, 265-275; and that they think apart from persons may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 8343, 8985, 9007.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 99

99. And that thou canst not bear the evil, signifies that they reject evils. This is evident from the signification of "canst not bear," as being to reject, for what a man cannot bear he rejects. "The evil" signify evils, because the thought of angels is abstracted from persons; when, therefore, in the sense of the letter of the Word "the evil" are mentioned, angels think of evils; for by "the evil," men who are evil, thus persons, are meant. The thought of angels is of this character because they are in heavenly wisdom, and that wisdom has extension into the universal heaven; if therefore they should think with thought determined to persons, that extension would perish, and their wisdom with it. In this way the spiritual differs from the natural. This is why "the evil" signify evils. (Of the wisdom of the angels, that it is extended into the universal heaven because their thought is abstracted from space, time, and matter, see in the work on Heaven and Hell, (Heaven and Hell 169) n. 169, 191-199, 265-275; and that their thought is abstracted from persons, see Arcana Coelestia 8343, 8985, 9007)

Apocalypsis Explicata 99 (original Latin 1759)

99. "Et quod non possis ferre malos." - Quod significet quod rejiciant mala, constat ex significatione "non posse ferre", quod sit rejicere; nam quod homo non potest ferre, hoc rejicit.

Quod "mali" significent mala, est quia angeli cogitant abstracte a personis, et inde cum in sensu litterae Verbi dicuntur "mali", cogitant mala; per "malos" enim intelliguntur homines qui mali, ita personae: quod talis cogitatio angelorum sit, est quia in sapientia caelesti sunt, et ea sapientia extensionem habet in universum caelum; quare si cogitarent determinate ad personas, periret illa extensio, et cum ea quoque sapientia eorum; in hoc differt spirituale a naturali: inde nunc est, quod per "malos" significentur mala. (De Sapientia Angelorum quod extensa sit in universum caelum per id quod cogitent abstracte a spatio, tempore et materiali, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 169, 191-199, 265-275; et quod abstracte a personis, in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 8343, 8985, 9007.)

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